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Everything posted by digisgn

  1. Hello, dear experienced marketer, freelancers and the honourable clients from any land, 

    How are you? 💡💡💡

    My brother had a account but the account was disabled. Now he wants to open a new account into another PC.

    Is it possible? 

    Please suggest me.


  2. www.fiverr.com/digisgn
  3. How can I start and where to start for podcast service? I have a strong ability to create a story, addiction to describe anything. But no experience about podcast way. Hope, you will be the rainbow of my questions by giving the trending suggestions. Thanks by @digisgn
  4. Just want peace in this world. ❣️We should love each other as a human being. How can we kill our brothers, sisters who can save me from my troubles! No language to publish my speech. Pray to God and request to the rich and powerful nations to keep peace with each other. I just remind you my primary lesson " Once a mouse save the life of a Lion". Hope you will keep my poor voices. May God bless all human beings. Amin.
  5. I think it was ok. Would you have any suggestion, please?
  6. Yes, Don't get bored. Take time and research more.
  7. Thanks who have written important content for promoting Gigs. I am not clear about the promotion or sharing my 'Gig' on the different types of social media.
  8. If you face any problem, don't make hesitate to communicate with Fiverr support team. I think the best helping hand for any market place for freelancing. 

    But I need more help from my honorable senior brothers and sisters for visiting my Gigs for a moments if I have any mistakes there. Please help me. 

    My Gig links: 

    👉 https://www.fiverr.com/share/jgep6v

    👉 https://www.fiverr.com/share/46zXwk                     

  9. Hello, I am Rikta Akter. My profile name is Digisgn. I heard a lot of speech about promoting gig on social media. But I need the actual information for it. Please help me to promote my gig. Thanks.
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