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Posts posted by muratnalcaci

  1. 7 hours ago, dereck_s said:

    So you need to understand your problem first. Also anyone saying good or bad without knowing what you're issue is isn't helping. So there's 3 things here that are important and can give you valuable info.

    Impressions: This is how well you're doing in the search rankings / how often someone is seeing your thumbnail image.

    Clicks: How often someone clicks on your thumbnail after seeing it.

    Orders: How many people buy your service after clicking on your gig.

    Updating your gig profile would help you a ton if people are clicking on your gig but not ordering. That tells you that people come to your gig but leave without buying. If you have low impressions that means no one is coming to or seeing your gig to begin with so the problem with your gig is happening before people click not after.


    What is the click-through order ratio? What do you think?

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  2. On 5/28/2024 at 3:03 PM, teresabala said:

    When I receive message with some informations I write:

    "Hello! Thank you so much for reaching out. Please give me a few moment to understand your requirement. I will be replying soon, Thanks for your patience"

    Do rate my quote. I would love to hear some improvements here.


    Thank you,


    This sounds more like an automated message, don't you think?

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  3. On 5/26/2024 at 9:19 AM, aimriser said:

    This matters a lot to have chosen warm welcome greetings but your next response to comprehend and response to the expectations of the client has a lot of value. Therefore I may think to give more attention for understanding the client's goals and challenges, asking insightful questions for clarification, provision of relevant information about solutions, giving enough time to client for understanding the situation and then showing empathy and willingness towards the job.

    True, greetings are important, but understanding what the buyer needs is more important. I think sellers must, yes it is a must, ask the right questions to buyers.

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  4. On 5/24/2024 at 9:09 PM, nickj2013 said:

    I rarely get a "Hi," from clients unless it's spam. They usually open with what they're looking for via my services. And my first response is always "Hi," or "Hello," followed by a detailed explanation of how I can help them. Or if I can't help them, a thorough reason as to why I cannot.

    Yes, many buyers do not even say hi or hello, which I find to be bad behavior, but what can we do, right?

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  5. On 5/21/2024 at 8:02 PM, texvox said:

    I always lead with "Howdy - thanks for reaching out! It's nice to meet you. I'd love to see if I can help."

    I've always found that a quick pleasantry goes a long way with most folks, regardless of culture, but especially with us westerners. Getting right down to business can feel very cold to many people. When working with a large corporation this may be to be expected, but when working with an individual freelancer or a small team your buyer is likely hoping for something more than just taking an order and cranking out a result. Otherwise there are a million big businesses out there who can probably do what you're doing faster and cheaper due to scale. Relationship really seems to take things to the next level when freelancing. 

    I couldn't agree more. So a warm greeting is a plus, right?

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  6. 20 hours ago, dereck_s said:

    What's wrong with "How can I help you?"

    This what my SM sent to me as a suggested FIRST message (see below). Seemed a little windy to me but maybe this can help you!


    Hi there (BUYER)! Thanks so much for placing your order with me! I can’t wait to get started on this project! Here are a few things you can expect with this order:

    This order is for (whatever the service is)

    You’ve also purchased X Y and Z Gig Extras (if applicable)

    Based on the package you’ve selected, you can expect to receive your order in X Days.

    Once delivered, you’ll have up to 3 days to review the delivered material and either accept the delivery or request a revision.

    Based on what you’ve selected, you have X Revisions included in this order. If you’re unhappy with anything I’ve delivered, feedback is greatly appreciated! I want to make sure you’re happy with the final product! Any additional revisions outside of what is already included will be an additional cost.

    If I have any questions about the requirements submitted, I’ll send you a message.

    If you have any questions about the order, please don’t hesitate to ask!

    Let me know if you need anything in the meantime!

    Your name/username

    This can be adjusted for pre-order chat as well.

    • Like 15
  7. Please stop selling your time and skills for $5-$10!!

    A low price, or a competitive price, as you may call it, will not help you if you provide low-quality service. Believe me, your customers will come back to you even if you charge double, as long as you do your job as promised.

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