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Everything posted by badar121

  1. I hope everyone is doing well. As you all know, when we navigate to "My Business" -> "Gigs" -> and click on any gig from a Fiverr seller profile, it opens the gig performance stats. If we filter the performance by the "Click" filter, it shows how many clicks the gig received each day. I am interested in understanding how this click counting mechanism actually works. A few weeks ago, I started sharing my star gig on social media platforms to attract more potential clients, considering that my gig has a decent number of reviews, which could help build trust in my service. To be more specific, I shared my gig via the Meta Ads service and added the "Share my gig" URL to the CTA button of my Meta Ad. After running the ad for a few days, I observed that I was receiving 20-30 clicks on the URL of my gig. However, when I opened the "Gig Performance" tab for that gig and filtered it by "Clicks," it didn't register those clicks on my gig, showing only 1-2 clicks for the days when I actually received 20-30 confirmed clicks by sharing it on social media. My question is whether gig clicks are only counted from people who have a Fiverr account and are logged in, or if there is a specific mechanism for counting gig clicks. I am unsure if I have explained my question clearly. Please let me know if you didn't understand my question.
  2. I believe it all depends on your gig quality, market sentiments, and Fiverr algorithm as well. I remember when I promoted my gig for the very first time, I set a daily budget of 5$ and after spending 3$, I got my first order of 200$(which I completed) from using promoting gig feature. A few days ago, I promoted my gig again for the 2nd time as I don't usually promote my gig due to I got repeated clients. This time, again after spending I guess 3$ with a daily budget of 5$, I got 220$ order and completed it as well. But after a few days of that, I am not getting impressions nor clicks on the promoted gig. Don't know how their algo works, but yes it is worth the amount and I think you should go with 50%-60$ on daily budget as ultimately you will get the fruit for it. I will be doing the same now onwards.
  3. If your account is on Level 1 and you got 20 reviews on your gig, you can simply promote it to get orders and can pay for promotion once you get paid for the order.
  4. It happened to me a few days ago and it got fixed by contacting support. First of all, check if your gig is active by going to Fiverr Help(https://fiverr.zendesk.com/hc/en-us)->Submit a request->Selling on Fiverr->Gigs->Gig status. It will show you the status of your gig instantly. If the gig is active and you meet the requirements for promoting gig, contact Fiverr support and tell them that you meet the requirements to promote gig but still getting the ineligibility notice. They will fix it.
  5. I also received a Fiverr's choice order today, but when I opened my gig, there was no such badge there. Any clue?
  6. Happenend to me once. HBL told me same. Then I contacted the Payonner Live chat and they said amount will be tranferred within a day. And it was. Also they told me that Proceess completed doesnt mean amount is transferred, it just me everything was good and amount will be transerred soon. Also happened with one of my friend, he got payment in HBL after 28 days.
  7. Bro, today is same situation you were in 3 years back. Waiting for my level 1 notification as today is 15 April.
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