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Everything posted by davoodice

  1. Hi all. I hope anyone can help me. I can not withdraw my earnings, fiverr CS does not respond me that what is the problem. They disabled my account due to security issue. Then I resolved that, and my account was enabled, but I can withdraw my funds. I opened a new ticket, but they merged it to current one and close that without any response . Now I am worried about that It's maybe not possible for me to take my earning forever. I have several projects in progress and I can't focus on my work. Thank you in advance for any help.
  2. this is my customer support chat: CS reply I attached many files about requirements of buyer. I'm not responsible it he Chang his mind .please see my documentation. I did every thing even more that what he want. Now he received completed project and didn't pay even 1 cent for that. and I earn just negative impact on my account. I got approval from him. how could he was unsatisfied? I got approval in each step. If this procedure wants to continue, anyone can come and order something and get the complete file and then say I am not satisfied with it and do not pay for it. In this particular case, I provided all the documents on how to complete the work according to the buyer's wishes. But the buyer did not provide any documents as to why he was dissatisfied with the work. why fiverr give 20% commission from sellers?
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