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Posts posted by maxtpf

  1. 31 minutes ago, fiverrpritom said:

    Do new seller have this option 

    No, new sellers don't have that option available.


    Currently, only Pro, TRS, Rising Talent, and Fiverr Business sellers are able to participate in all categories. Selected sellers will get an invitation. 

    Fiverr Portfolio

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  2. 1 minute ago, hroffice71 said:

    Hello everyone!

    I am a graphic designer and recently I've noticed that my logo design gig has started to improve. But now I want to know, how can I market the gig to get orders?

    You're already at a pretty good point. The logo design sector is probably one of the most populated on Fiverr. Here's one of many useful posts here on the Fiverr Forum. Check it out.


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  3. On 5/25/2023 at 5:09 AM, mfrabbby79 said:

    Hello, I'm a new seller. I don't know about Fiverr forum rules and regulations. But I want to promote my Fiverr gig. Here I see some Fiverr gig promotions post. Here I can see somebody post their Fiverr gig. Could you suggest to me whether it's good or bad for my account?

    Yes, you can promote your gigs in the My Fiverr Gigs section. 

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  4. On 5/4/2023 at 8:06 AM, damooch916 said:

    3. Strangers will offer you confession

    About twice per day, I’m stopped by a random stranger to ask me about: work out tips, supplements, my bench press, but most notably - for confession.

    People feel compelled to tell me that, “they used to look like me and they plan to do it again.” I always smile and offer encouragement … but the truth is, I’m keeping a list and I plan to follow up. So before you go telling me “I’m gonna get back in shape,” just remember: I know where you live slappy, so make with the push-ups. 

    If you haven't already, you could make a business out of this! Sounds like a pretty effective strategy haha..

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  5. 2 hours ago, gddsakib said:

    Why gig impression difference in everyday?

    Some days it increase much and some days it's extremly go down.

    That's how it works. It's like a shop, some days you might get more people coming in and some days even no one. You also have to understand that Fiverr tries to give everyone a chance, this means that gigs get refreshed and rotated every once in a while.

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  6. On 4/28/2023 at 9:01 AM, tapadarkhairul said:

    Hi, Guys help me to know why the client's message got delayed. one client message me early morning but I received the message after 5-6 hours. will it affect my response time? Please let me, I will be grateful.

    Are you talking about the main Fiverr page? Did you saw the message in the Fiverr inbox?

    The inbox response time gets affected by the time you take to respond to a new message. So yes, if you responded 5-6 hours later from the original message it will get counted.

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  7. 32 minutes ago, halimur_roshid said:

    Why I am faced with these types of messages?

    Let's just say that some people prefer the "easy" and unfair way of doing things. The only thing we can do is report them.

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  8. 13 hours ago, spark___pro said:

    Hello a few hours ago my team mates account has been hacked the hacker has changed her email password and phone number : her username is L0go_design360 she is very talented logo designer there are lot of funds in her active balance and pending clearance. She wrote many tickets to the fiver support but she haven't got any reply yet: kindly mention fiverr customer support that they may save her from financial loss and she is level to seller on this platform . Thanks to all.

    I'm afraid that only the Fiverr customer support can help her now.

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  9. 40 minutes ago, ikbal_sojib said:

    its long time i open fiverr account and gig but dont get any order i am so depressed,what can i do now 

    It shows that you joined Fiverr only this February.

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  10. 12 hours ago, nipolchondro said:

    How to fiverr buyer hunting? Plesse suggested me

    Well, on Fiverr, actually the buyers are the "hunters" not the sellers. As a seller you can publish your gigs and respond to briefs, but that's it. There's no way to go look for buyers on Fiverr, and if somehow you get a hold of them it is considered spam.

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  11. 6 hours ago, bdchyrumman said:

    How effective is fiverr efficiency testing and what is it?

    They're some tests about certain skills. Just an extra way of showing your knowledge and to add some credibility to your account. It is unsure if it affects the ranking of the gigs, but as I said a potential buyer can see your results (if you make them public) and it might add credibility to your image.

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  12. 18 hours ago, sakibur_dev said:

    I have successfully passed in Fiverr English test. Now it's showing on my profile. But when I am visiting my profile from another device without login then my test score is showing but the test name not showing.

    "Wait and refresh the browser" "Clear your browser history and check" "wait & refresh" If you say so.. I never saw it coming back.

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