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Posts posted by domenikbrenner

  1. Why and how will that adjust? Are there any answers that I missed? Because I have 2 gigs that would definitely give my overall success score a grand boost, but there is "no data yet". 

    How old do gigs have to be, or how many completed orders does one need, for them to show? If anyone knows (which is always the question currently)


    Screenshot 2024-03-13 154145.png

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  2. On 2/24/2024 at 4:00 PM, smartdezigns said:

    One thing: Buyers cannot see your success scores.

    Secondly, you are a Digital Marketing Expertise so use your expertise to get the clients for yourself. Can't you even do this for yourself?

    Improve your gigs (gig galleries plus descriptions) so that it can impress your buyers. 

    That is not very helpful. If his gig is hidden due to the poor performance, he can make it as pretty as he wants, and it won't show. Making a good gig description helps with conversion, not with impressions. 

    To OP: I don't know the answer, currently no one does because there are no clear answers from Fiverr about most things like that. My guess is: Your profile will stay low and won't come up unless you somehow do get deliveries and better ratings. But without them, your profile won't return to a status quo, I am afraid. 

    But that's just my opinion on this matter, it's not a fact and it's possible that I am wrong.

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  3. 4 hours ago, mandyzines said:

    ChatGPT is such a small component of all the technology that's being clumped together into the term "AI." I think of living in a science fiction movie, too, when I see that, for instance, a certain military is using a system to analyze large amounts of data to determine who/where to airstrike--right now, as I type this.

    It is right that there are way smarter AIs out there than chatgpt, which, in my opinion, is one of the dumbest ones. The only thing chatgpt is doing better than other AIs is the creative writing part. 

    But the point is that everyone just wants AI these days, and the good ones are not public, the rest will be chatgpt clones. It's all carbon copies. And that's the world we live in.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, mandyzines said:

    Well, there are the toys we're allowed to play with and other toys that play with us, but the whole concept of AI is being publicized as sexy and necessary, especially in terms of governance.

    This is semi-related, but Hawaii just announced each island will be installing new SMART technology in their (my) electric grids for the sake of predicting and mitigating fires caused by climate change.

    Yet, in the same grand announcement, they told us this technology had already been installed and in use in the state. I could write several pages about Lahaina, as I've been following it very closely since it happened, but the heaviest of themes have been lack of transparency and accountability. We've no solid answers and a lot of what's given formally is conflicting. So far, their only way of addressing it is to throw more AI on it.

    It feels eerily similar to what's happening here.

    I think AI will be a wonderful thing in the future, but god knows why chatgpt became so popular, and now suddenly the whole world thinks it's like in the Science Fiction movies.

    "Computer. Analyse human behaviour of chicago and calculate which suburban street is most likely to be attacked by terrorists in the next 3 hours, we will put our guards there and save the day" "Calculating ..... According to public data from the last 25 years, I have identified 23 hotspot locations in this sector *displays satellite image with perfect grid*"

    In reality:
    "Computer, in this sentence; "The house on the hill has three windows", how many words start with an "h"?"
    "That is wrong, computer"
    "You are right, please excuse the misunderstanding. I might have understood your question wrong. If you count the words that start with H you will find that there are 6 words. I hope that helps"
    "No, that is still wrong. The answer is 3"
    "You are right. The answer is 3."
    "Do you know which ones?"
    "I am sorry, I am a simple AI and I cannot access the internet for further information. My current knowledge is based on events up until august 2022."
    "I literally just told you."
    "Please excuse the misunderstanding. Indeed you just told me."
    "So which words start with an h?"
    "The words containing the letter h are "the", "house", "the", "hill", "has", "three". I hope this information helps you. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask." 


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  5. 2 minutes ago, mandyzines said:

    ...which enables the dodging of accountability even when a human makes the final call, although I suspect that's not the case here.

    It's happening outside of Fiverr with far more dire consequences, like, oh people not being allowed to live anymore.

    But, AI's so....sexy. It's such a cool tool that will make our lives easier. We simply adapt.

    Yeah people get lazy and think AI will do the job just fine. The reality is: AI is not as smart as people think it is yet. That is a dangerous mentality, really. 

    • Like 5
  6. Just now, emmaki said:

    All Fiverr's gonna do is change about 3 minor things (tbf they already did that by changing 3 words) and then direct everyone to scream at the CS templating machine. 

    Maybe a little pep talk about transparency in the mix somewhere. 

    CS Templating machine is spot on.

    • Like 4
  7. Just now, maitasun said:

    I insist Fiverr is throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. There's no consistency whatsoever.

    Just as an example: The gig I posted above showing "room for growth" in the communication area, and "positive impact" in the order cancellation area, used to show "strong positive impact" in the order cancellation area and nothing else. So there, "used to show": past tense of the verb "not anymore". 

    It's admirable to see how Fiverr pulls things out of its hat. Pure magic, and we all love magic. Don't we? 🥰

    I go with @graveyardshiftxand say it's on purpose to keep us in the dark and this is just a pseudo update to stop revolts.

    I am sorry, but obviously there is some system behind, why is it so difficult to give us insight? It's more work to show us "wrong" and "buggy" output than just highlight how it works.

    All we want as sellers is understand how we are rated based on what and which things affect us positively and negatively. It doesn't mean we are suddenly going to break the system, because we still have to make clients happy, right? But yet we are kept in the dark here.

    Not happy with this. Everyone has got something about this new system that they just simply don't understand because it is inconsistent with what's being said AND what happens to others in the same situation.

    I personally think they shouldn't publish the new system when it doesn't work properly yet.

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  8. 10 hours ago, graveyardshiftx said:

    Welcome to Fiverr 2.0, where 5 means 3, 3 means 5, yes means no and "I love my new logo" means "You suck at your job".

    Basically, this new rating system is shrouded in mystery and it's gonna stay that way because it's in Fiverr's interest to do so. Now they can just blurt out "Because algorythm!" whenever something like this happens and since we're not privvy to that information, all we can do is... well nothing. We can do nothing.

    I'm beginning to suspect that this "algorythm" is in fact 1 part AI, 1 part private feedback and 3 parts unicorn queefs because it makes absolutely no sense.

    I'll print this out and frame it.

    • Like 5
  9. Just now, nickkold said:

    Wait what is happening? Is Fiverr using AI to scan our chats with the client and use this information for what? Determine our score/rating or? Can someone link me to this information or help me understand? 

    It is unconfirmed, but it is a possibility that was very lightly hinted at. Vickieito mentioned it. Please don't take it as a fact yet, it's pure speculation. But if it were true, it would be a bad idea.

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  10. Just now, vickieito said:

    The only inkling that I have that AI might be doing this is in Fiverr's "Success score, explained" article where it keeps referring to "tone" when advising sellers how to communicate with buyers (e.g., polite and friendly). But let's hope that Fiverr isn't that reliant on AI...

    We can only hope, but I am afraid, we will never know for sure. I remember we have been told many things, that just turned out to be wrong. For instance, how the customer support can negate the effects of an unjust cancellation so that it doesn't affect our profiles, and that turned out to be wrong and it did affect us. Or how private negative reviews don't affect your profile or visibility (impressions). 

    I hope Fiverr will work on the obvious issues and give us the transparency we asked for and thought we finally received. But now I have even more questions than before the newest changes.

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  11. 20 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    But the order requirements were basically, "I will drop my writing into the order chats. You will tell me what's wrong." This was more for writing advice/feedback session. So I would say what's wrong and show my corrections. Then we would "argue" back and forth until the buyer understood why. It worked for me and my buyers. These buyers don't want to be right and they didn't want me to let anything slip. But as you said, maybe AI isn't looking at these chats to determine the score. Most likely it was the private reviews that brought this score to 3.5.

    Most of these buyers were from my newbie seller days and I no longer work with those types of buyers. So the score can only get better from here (as long as I work on communication and improving my client satisfaction). 🤞

    AI looking over chats and analysing them for our seller score is a bad idea.. Even if a human looks over it, it doesn't really tell how the client was picked up and made understood or how they felt about it. Sometimes a bit of tough love is necessary and even expected, at least I can imagine if someone hires Vickie for her literary criticism, which is literally that: My text is bad and I want it to become better, so you need to tell me what's wrong and fix it for me.

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  12. On 3/5/2024 at 7:39 PM, kingsbranding said:

    now Fiverr have 2 review system, one is public, which is after the order completion the buyer will give stars and the feedback such as Seller communication level, Quality of delivery, Value of delivery. and this play 50% in this score and there is another scoring system which is private, where buyer can do a survey kind of review with Fiverr (which has more areas to select that mean more areas where we can fall down), that plays another major role in the score 🙂

    That's not new. The private reviews have existed for years now, and they outweigh the public ones by a lot. Or did I miss something regarding a change for this?

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  13. Well, try talking to the support, but even though it's not very uplifting to say, you don't have much of a chance there. If the client doesn't want to pay, you can only cut your losses. They used to say they (meaning Fiverr Support) will cancel the order without any effect on your profile, but most recent events on Fiverr proved that wrong. So, need to better screen clients for the future, I suppose. Maybe try your luck somewhere else.

    It's very easy to get work done for free on Fiverr, if you're hiring. 

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  14. Never work more than a set amount of hours a day, and make sure you talk to at least 1 person a day. And when I say talk to, I mean face to face. No whatsapp, no phone calls. Just meet someone and have an actual conversation. It's stimulating the mind and puts you at ease. Socialising is very important, even for the most introverted people in the world. It lifts your spirits.

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  15. 4 hours ago, emmasuebowtique said:

    Exactly. I am in the same exact spot. I was also getting numerous Fiverrs choice orders and they just stopped in October. I also have a success score of 4. My sales are much slower than usual lately, but even on a slow month I have already cleared $4600 this month. I am not a low performing store by any means, I pay Fiverr at least 1K a month. I have also gotten 10+ customers leave 5 star reviews in the last week and still nothing has changed with my score, one gig even went down from a 7 to a 6. I have one gig with a 9, 2 with a 6 and then 6 gigs with a 4, for a total score of 4. One thing I did was I check my total number of orders vs. number of reviews. I have 1700+ customers, with 1100+ 5 star reviews, so 64% of my customers leave me a 5 star review, the remaining don't leave a review. The math doesn't add up. 

    When this first came out I was so happy that we finally get more insight, turns out, it's not really clear how any of this works. Seems like they make up a huge fake wall here to "satisfy" the sellers, but don't want to give an actual insight (for whatever reason)?

    I am just basing this on the fact that it doesn't seem to add up. When I first posted, I just thought the rating is lagging behind. Some clients were unsatisfied even if I didn't exactly do anything wrong, they just didn't like the output from my research or whatever (can't find data that isn't there). It never crossed my mind that you could have a very successful business with so many very happy clients, and still get low scores.

    This just has to change. 

    • Like 1
  16. 8 minutes ago, emmasuebowtique said:

    I have had 10, 5 star reviews since they changed to the new sysyem and I have no change to my success score. My gig has 548 5-star reviews however my success score is a 4. It does not even make sense. It seems like they are trying to eliminate the high performing sellers on this site. 

    Very odd.

    • Like 5
  17. 4 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

    Everyone is in the same boat and none of us knows the answer to this mystery that "how can we improve our success scores" even the articles/threads are not helpful.

    Just keep delivering quality work until 14th March 2024. Hopefully till then, your success score will be improved. Good Luck.

    I loathe the word "hopefully" but I suppose you are right and there is no answer. @Fiverr_Overloards could you please give some clarity? Thanks!

    • Like 6
  18. Hi, my current success score is not optimal, and after a few very positive deliveries, it hasn't got any better? I don't actually see the new feedbach on the success score page. I heard for others it was instantly, as soon as they delivered. 

    What could be the difference? I do need to see changes soon if I don't want to be demoted, and since my last deliveries were 5 star deliveries with very happy clients, it would be amazing if it would reflect!

    • Like 10
  19. 24 minutes ago, priyank_mod said:

    Is the early payout icon visible to you for these orders??

    Also now there is a 48-hour waiting period after a buyer accepts the delivery. Early payout becomes available only after this period. 

    No, it's not any more. That's what I am talking about. And until a week or so ago, when it still worked, I never had to wait 2 days before I could get early pay out. If the client accepted the delivery, I could get the pay out right away. The only thing that took some time (sometimes) was the actual bank transfer, but that is a totally different story.

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  20. 3 hours ago, anniejenkinson said:

    Hi @domenikbrenner

    I'm so sorry to hear this has happened to you; many of Fiverr's moves lately have been something of a mystery.

    May I ask, to how many projects does this apply?

    I mean if it's just a couple, could it be that the buyers did not manually sign off the projects and that they auto-completed?

    Or is there a Fiverr message somewhere, to the effect that *you* are not eligible, rather than an individual project not being eligible? In my case, as a Pro seller and TRS, not every project is eligible for early payout; the eligible ones are those the buyer manually accepts (signs off) before auto-completion. Any auto-completed ones are never eligible, and that's the same for everyone.

    Best wishes,


    It's just happened twice so far, only been a few days since it worked last. 

    But the clients accepted the deliveries, and that is usually the key factor for early pay outs. But even if they don't, you see the option being unavailable to you. In my case though, it doesn't even show up as unavailable. So it has nothing to do with the clients but with fiverr pro. It was one of the main reasons why I even paid in the first place. 7 days instead of 14 is good, immediately being paid out is even better. But taht option's gone now. hmm

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  21. I don't have an answer, but I came here specifically because this bugged me as well.

    I haven't had briefs since a long time, I turned them off for a little while because I got a lot of notifications from it and it distracted me. Now it's on again since a few months, and nothing. Not a single brief. Not even a scammer brief, which I used to get frequently.

    On 1/16/2024 at 11:45 AM, amberlocks100 said:

    Hi there, this is my problem too - suddenly my impressions have gone down, and my gig requests are at a standstill for the last 3 months.  I have reviewed my profile a few times and followed all fiverr tips for a good, clear profile and gig description and yet there's been a sudden drop in activity on my profile.  I have 5 ratings and would normally have at the very least some active impressions and clicks but am baffled at the sudden complete stop.  Has anyone else experienced this?

    Yeah, this happened to me, too, once and I heard it happen to others too. It is usually because you get shadowbanned over a particularly bad review. Maybe there is another reason, but that's my experience. Have you had any customers that seemed unsatisfied?

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