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Everything posted by masumfaruqi

  1. Contact Fiverr Support. Explain to them then they will help you best in this regard.
  2. You check your category. Then research it. Collect good tags. Then customize the tag as you like, prepare the title, description, search tag and prepare the unique eye-catching thumbnail image. If needed, get it ready from a designer. Then publish the gig in a proper way. Then your click impressions will definitely increase.
  3. You can talk to Fiverr Support if you are completely honest about your work and delivery is completely correct. If you can give Fiverr the right information and if you have something right and within the rules, then Fiverr can help you.
  4. Some tips. Hope it will be useful to you. Eye-Catching Title: Craft a title that clearly states your service and highlights your expertise. Example: "Professional Social Media Post Designer - Elevate Your Brand!" Compelling Gig Description: Clearly outline what you offer, emphasizing your skills and experience. Highlight unique selling points, such as quick turnaround or unlimited revisions. Showcase your commitment to client satisfaction. Portfolio Showcase: Include a diverse range of your best social media post designs. Demonstrate versatility in styles, industries, and platforms. Add descriptions to explain the context or goals of each design. Clear Pricing Structure: Break down your pricing clearly for different packages (basic, standard, premium). Specify what each package includes (number of designs, revisions, file formats, etc.). Offer competitive rates and consider a limited-time promotion for early clients. FAQ Section: Anticipate client questions and address them in a FAQ section. Cover topics like delivery time, revision policy, source file availability, etc. Keywords and Tags: Use relevant keywords in your gig title, description, and tags for better visibility. Think about what potential clients might search for when looking for social media design services. Customization Options: Offer customization options to cater to different client needs. Mention your flexibility in adapting to various industries, themes, or branding guidelines. Engaging Gig Extras: Include enticing gig extras that clients might find valuable (e.g., expedited delivery, additional revisions, source files). Make these extras reasonably priced and clearly explained. Call-to-Action (CTA): End your gig description with a strong call-to-action, encouraging clients to place an order. Example: "Ready to elevate your social media presence? Let's get started!" Prompt and Professional Communication: Be responsive to inquiries and messages. Showcase your professionalism and willingness to collaborate.
  5. Wait for Fiverr's decision. If you have done everything by maintaining Fiverr's rules, then Fiverr will publish your gig. And if they do not allow the gig to be published, then you should change this category and give the gig. Because Fiverr will never support working outside of their rules.
  6. I'm following this post because I wanted to turn on the promote option. But I don't know how it works.
  7. It's been 7 days since my first order was completed with a 5-star rating, but the 2nd order or message didn't come. What can I do to help please?😔
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