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Posts posted by addytor

  1. Hello Forum,

    I'm from India, have been working on this platform for around a year, I have been inactive for the few past months due to passport visa process as I'm doing an MBA course from France, while I'm planning my move there I wanted to ask you guys that if I want to keep my account active for some extra cheese 😬, how should I go about it?

    I'm hoping to do some side jobs in the country but I want to keep this road open.

    As always really appreciate the community.

    Thank you!

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  2. 19 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

    Fiverr released a new feature that means if the same buyer buys the same gig again after cancelling within 2 weeks then your stats are not impacted.

    But yes, you have the risk that the buyer doesn't buy after cancellation and you lose the money / time you have spent.

    To be honest, one cancellation or one late delivery shouldn't destroy you so long as you have some others orders. You just don't want to drop under 90%.

    Yeah I guess I can take the late remark once, although this is weird that I cannot ask for an extension, as long as a client agrees. Also being late 1 day or 60 days takes the same hit, right?

    Taking a hit without cause


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  3. 1 hour ago, vickieito said:

    Cancel the order and reissue a new custom order

    But won't this affect my stats, I say again the order is already delayed by 60 days, and cancelling the order sounds a bit scary as although the client is good but I learned it the hard way once that a contract is a contract, people would stab you in the back if there are no repercussions.

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  4. Okay so Fiverr has a limit of asking for extension, I had an order with an old client, and usually he goes for subscription but this time we did a huge order and he would deliver me the resources Time and time so I did not care about the delivery date.

    Now the order is 60 days late and I want to deliver, I went on to ask for an extension, but there is a limit where you can ask for only upto 60 days.

    How can I resolve this guys, HELP!

    Screenshot 2022-11-10 at 11.58.33 AM.png

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  5. On 9/23/2022 at 5:16 AM, anniejenkinson said:

    If the cancellation rate went high suddenly, I also wouldn't be surprised if that were to get the gig de-indexed either

    @anniejenkinson Hope you're doing well, so I really don't care about the de-indexing, just don't want to get demoted, because it means something to me, I've plenty regular clients who would only order from me, I want to keep working with them, creates enough revenue for me, and I take on new clients only when I really want to work with them. I know it might seem a bit unorthodoxy but this approach is working for me and gives me an extended rope of understanding with my clients.

    • Like 5
  6. On 9/22/2022 at 6:35 PM, mariashtelle1 said:

    Devil’s advocate here: why shouldn’t it affect your stats if you let down your clients, they spent their time choosing you, writing their requirements and probably already waiting for a couple of days for your delivery only to find out that you might cancel their order because  you are not ready to complete them and there was no indication of that on your page prior to them ordering. 
    Of course in fiverr’s eyes this cancellation will affect your stats and there is unfortunately no way around it in your case. 

    @mariashtelle1 Hope you're having a great day, I see that side too, and I don't want to waste more of their time, like let's say I ask for an extension, but I'm just not in the mental space to do the work, that's bad for the client too and I don't care as much about the ranking as of now, just don't want to get demoted, like don't put me on the first page, but don't take away my Seller 2 badge, I have plenty clients who would work with me, if I put out good work.

    Although I've made peace with it, I should say that this demotion(has not yet happened to me) is more punishment for costing Fiverr the money they thought they'll make. 


    • Like 5
  7. 4 minutes ago, max3dmodel said:

    You can use "LIMIT ORDERS IN QUEUE" feature in gig settings.

    Please don't reply, if you don't understand my question, Limiting the order is for people dealing with a lot of orders and want to take only a certain amount, I can take those many orders, but I'm not in the mental state to work right now.


    • Like 8
  8. 5 minutes ago, cartoon_avatar said:

    You can hire other freelancers/sellers to do the work. That way, you can complete the orders in time and there would be no need to cancel the orders.

    @cartoon_avatar Most of my current clients know the quality of work I put out, regardless I think that's wrong to pawn off my work to someone else, definitely wrong for the client.


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  9. Hi Forum, 

    This is going to be a weird ask, last week I had 20 orders in queue, and I completed 5 orders and cancelled 5 orders because something came up and I can't complete the work, this dropped my completion rate to 92%, now I have another 10 orders, but I just need a break, and yeah I don't want to ask my clients for an extension, because that timer gives me anxiety when I'm on a break, I just want to clear my dashboard.

    So, is there a way I can do this without a demotion, because if I cancel anymore orders I'll definitely level down. If there's no way out, I want to know the consequences if I cancel more orders.

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  10. Hi there, 

    It is one of those situations where if it bothers you then you're right to block them, but if you're satisfied with your price, and the buyer is easy to work with, I'd say what's the loss, even if he/she makes a new gig, they'll come to you to hire, more business for you. I've had clients who outsource work to me and it used to bother me earlier, but now I'm fine with it 🙂

    Hope this answers your question.

    • Like 3
  11. @joyh97You super smart person, I guess this is the right choice to make, I can shoot a text to my regular clients, and I'll test out new prices, if they don't work, I can just return to those prices. Why didn't I think of this, thanks a ton Joy.

    @smashradioI understand your point, and although I'm good at what I do, but lately I'm not getting time to keep up skilling myself, just pumping out orders, playing race against time, what @joyh97 suggested would give me enough time to explore more in my background without crippling my business income.

    Thanks to both of you guys, I really appreciate your response 🙂

    6 hours ago, joyh97 said:

     but doing so will lead to losing a lot of regular clients.


    What I have done in cases like this is messaged my regulars that I want to keep, and let them know I will be increasing my general prices, but that I am happy to continue keeping their personal rates at the same cost for the next 3-6 months. Tell them to ask you for custom offers instead. This is a really great strategy because it allows you to test the waters - you can still keep your regular clients at your regular pricing, but all new clients will be at the higher price point. You can then test it out and see if you are still getting too many new orders, or not enough, while having the "guaranteed" income from regular clients, who are also usually grateful for the discount.

    My very first client who ever ordered from me on Fiverr in 2018 still orders from me regularly now in 2022, even though my prices have increased by literally 10x in that time. You might be surprised!


    • Like 3
  12. 15 minutes ago, smashradio said:


    Here's how I think of it: 

    If I have too much work, increasing my rates will make some regular buyers move on. But if those buyers are sending too much work my way, it has several consequences: 

    • It will affect the quality of your output, thereby your buyer satisfaction rate
    • It will affect your mental health
    • It will affect your family and loved ones
    • It will affect the clients who are willing to pay a premium for your services

    Part of my goal is to send a few of those regular buyers on their way. By letting a few of them go, you make room for new, higher-paying clients, which means you should earn more while working less. 

    So yes, some regular clients will disappear, and that's perfectly fine. It should be your goal.

    It can be scary and sad to lose clients. Some of my all-time top buyers don't work with me anymore because I raised my rates. And I'm okay with that because I now work with new regular clients who don't mind paying my going rate.

    I've tripled my earnings using this method, but I work less than I used to, not more. 

    The increases should be incremental. We live in weird times with record inflation and an increased cost of living. It's fair to increase your rate to match the added costs. 

    Too much demand is a luxury.  What happens when the supply is unchanged while demand is growing? Prices go up. 

    @smashradio That is very well said, I completely agree and that was my go to mindset when I started out six months back, but I'm seeing some top rated seller in my category, they're definitely not working alone, because I'm a video editor and I can hardly edit 30 videos a month, and they have 80 orders in queue which is impossibe for a single person to handle, charging less than me, so won't buyers move to them as they are cheap and have more than 1K reviews.


    • Like 4
  13. Thanks @joyh97@smashradio for that quick response, now I have been thinking about this for a while now is that the service that I offer is already considered expensive comparing to some of the sellers who offer similar services, but not as expensive as it is being offered outside the marketplace. I want to increase the price, like I'm literally sleeping 4 hours, but doing so will lead to losing a lot of regular clients. In a bit of a pickle here guys. 🥲 

    • Like 6
  14. Hi people, so I've started getting a lot of orders(touch wood), but that causes me to ask for multiple extensions from a single client and although I stay professional and try to give them an even better product, to still get good reviews, but recently I've started letting the orders lat and very late for my regular clients who I'm comfortable that I can talk about an extension later on.


    If I let them get late but later on extend the order duration, will it affect my stats.

    Thanking in anticipation.

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  15. If you've done the work and the client is requesting revisions just so because you offer unlimited revisions, he/she is just trying to rattle you into cancelling the order. Revision Table tennis can be frustrating, and even if he/she decides to complete the order, I'm pretty sure, you'll get a bad review. It's just bad luck man, try contacting CS, maybe they'll have a better solution. 

    • Like 12
  16. Hi Forum,

    So I've been on Fiverr for 70 days now, and I know that the evaluation period is 15th of every month.

    To reach Level 1 status I completed all my goals, to be precise on 14th April 19:30 GMT.

    It's 15 now and past the 00:00 GMT, so will I get promoted sometime today, or I'll have to wait another month.



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  17. DUDE, you're literally asking how to do a job that you're selling on Fiverr. Anyways you can - 

    • Create a Twitter, Instagram account for starters, promote your gig there.
    • Join a discord channel of digital marketers like yourself, so you stay updated
    • Follow people on social media that you think could become potential buyers
    • Networking will definitely help
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