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  1. I don't think Fiverr's system is fair at all. They don't care about the sellers, they are only interested in the buyers who are spending money. I have been creating affordable videos for my clients and even though I have encountered my fair share of unreasonable clients I have always made sure that at the end of the day they are satisfied with what they get even if it meant that I had to do more than what we agreed on/was in their budget. Recently, I had the misfortune of working with a couple of clients who outright harassed me to do additional work for free and threatening to leave bad feedback. I contacted Fiverr about it and they did nothing. While my overall feedback is 5, I am unable to promote my gigs, because apparently I don't meet the additional quality metrics, despite having an average of 5 stars, replying within a few hours to messages and everything being in the green in my analytics (100%) section. I honestly don't know what I am supposed to improve. I go above and beyond, provide free revisions, never delivered late and I always make sure the client is happy with the end result. Since I send the clients the drafts first I never get any "official" revision requests on Fiverr either because I discuss the revision requests in the messages. So honestly, I'm at a complete loss as to why I am unable to promote my gig. On top of that my ranking has completely tanked in the search results even though I have optimised the SEO and everything. I'm at a complete loss, Fiverr support isn't helping and my sales have decreased drastically.
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