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  1. If you want to select the best tags for your gig, look at the tags being used by others who are ranking well for the same service. Do some research on that, and also search for terms related to your gig service in the Fiverr search bar. This will give you an idea of the relevant keywords and tags. Good Luck😄
  2. I’m thrilled to share that I’m just a few steps away from achieving Level 1 Seller status! It’s been an incredible journey so far, filled with learning, growth, and amazing clients. When I first joined Fiverr, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had a passion for video editing and a dream of turning it into a thriving business. My first few gigs were challenging, but each project taught me something new and helped me improve my skills. Thanks to the support and feedback from my wonderful clients, I’ve consistently delivered high-quality work. I’ve met many interesting people and worked on fantastic projects that have pushed my creativity to new heights. As I approach this milestone, I want to thank everyone who has been part of my journey. The Fiverr community has been incredibly supportive, and I’m grateful for the tips and advice I’ve received along the way. I’m excited about the future and can’t wait to continue growing and delivering even better service to my clients. Here’s to reaching Level 1 and beyond!
  3. If you are a professional video editor, you will get amazing clients in the future.
  4. I think you need to contact Fiverr customer care and have patience for justice
  5. It is an automatic process don't worry have a patience
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