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Everything posted by itsabduldev

  1. Hy, I am a level 2 seller offering wordpress services. Recently I received a notification about increasing prices. So I increased the prices above fiverr recommended price, But since then I have noticed a decrease in the amount of orders I am getting. if someone can guide me that I should decrease prices or should stick with the new prices. My gig is on first page on different keywords. Also I have checked my competetors. They also have changed prices and I checked a few gigs all have the same 1 or 2 orders in queue. I also have 1 or 2 orders in queue but before price change it was 6 to 8. Thanks in advance for your guidance
  2. Sir on social media there are groups where people exchange clicks and favorites which I think has no benefits
  3. Hello dinnivan89. I saw your comments. Please suggest me some tips to improve my gigs. Please if you could help me I will be thankfull to you. I am trying hard to rank my gigs but not getting the required results. Also I had taken a paid course for gig ranking but still facing hard time. Please help me I would be waiting for your reply

  4. I am trying hard to improve my gigs but getting 0 results. Can you suggest some tips from where I can learn to improve my gigs.
  5. Hello all members. I am new seller on fiverr but eligible for level 1 now, just waiting for next evaluation. I am performing well, I am delivering my every order on time and all my clients are happy with my work. I am getting orders from my previous clients but yet my gig is deranked. it was on the first page now it moved to 2nd page and still losing it's position day by day. impressions and clicks are decreasing since one week. I also stay online most of the time. My niche is wordpress. may I know suggestions from experts that what should I do.
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