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Posts posted by farsatai

  1. 3 hours ago, noirparliament_ said:

    Unfortunately, this can happen to any freelancer and it is important to know how to handle such situations in the future.

    In terms of what you could have done differently in this specific instance, there are a few things to consider. First, it is important to have clear communication with the client throughout the project to ensure that both parties are on the same page and any issues can be addressed in a timely manner. Additionally, it may be helpful to have a revision policy in place that clearly outlines the number of revisions that are included with the gig and any additional fees that may apply.

    Moving forward, it is important to continue providing high-quality work to your clients and to respond promptly and professionally to any concerns or issues that may arise. If you are sure that the feedback is dishonest then you let the CS team know about it. Reach out to Fiverr support team and flag the review as dishonest, if you have solid proof that it is not a fair review.

    It's also important to keep in mind that bad reviews are not always permanent (in the sense that they will always keep you "de-ranked"), and if you continue to provide high-quality work, your gig will eventually recover.

    Thank you @noirparliament_

    I'll surely strive more to underline 'my gig TOS'

    I appreciate your response 💕 

    • Like 5
  2. 15 hours ago, stefficolbert said:

    I have once received a terrible 1-star review because I "delivered too late" even though I delivered before the deadline.

    I contacted support and they actually removed the review.

    I appreciate your response.

    Do you mean the support team can cancel the order even after she marked it complete and left the review? 😮 

    • Like 6
  3. 11 hours ago, newsmike said:


    That can't be right because.. SURPRISE! 


    Yet the review is "dishonest."  Comedy to start the day

    Could you please tell me what you mean by quoting 'dishonest'. Sounds like I got it wrong.

    Dictionary didn't help, I'm open to learning. 


    • Like 7
  4. 2 hours ago, stefficolbert said:

    I have once received a terrible 1-star review because I "delivered too late" even though I delivered before the deadline.

    I contacted support and they actually removed the review.

    Wow 😮 that's incredible. 

    Thought about this back then too( at least to complain about she ranking me for not communicating well as she was the one not communicating) but I thought it isn't worth it and I may not even win that.

    Brave of you to take the step btw.

    One lesson here 🔋 

    • Like 7
  5. 1 hour ago, catwriter said:

    She complains about your punctuation and grammar, so perhaps work on those? And capitalization? Maybe ask a professional proofreader for help?

    Thanks for the advice.

    It was a Gofundme project, I think she expected some expressions that accentuate some emotion and didn't want some expressions too(she briefly stated when asking first revision something like 'show more emotion') which I asked if she could give an idea if the revised delivery didn't go well with her but she didn't reply anymore but just gave the review.

    As a writer, I use 'premium' content tools too (e.g Grammarly....) to cross check for human blunders which there was none. But then, I'll surely work more on my writings.

    I understand sometimes there are such clients we won't easily agree.

    I appreciate your response 💕 

    • Like 7
  6. 1 hour ago, rahulkajla1 said:

    You can't do anything about the review your buyer left. As per fiverr's ToS, "Leaving a Buyer's feedback is a basic prerogative of a Buyer. Feedback reviews will not be removed unless there are clear violations of our Terms of Service and/or our Community Standards."

    The best you can do is move on and focus on your future orders. Continue to provide exceptional services, and one negative review will be insignificant. As @cre8iveartwork advised, do not contact the buyer and pester them about the review they left. Doing so might get you into more trouble. There are sellers who have received warnings, and some even got themselves permanently banned, because they pestered their buyers about the reviews they left.

    Thanks for the advice @rahulkajla1 

    I have moved on like you said, I smell an oncoming one even though I'm confident of the delivery (the attitude of a current buyer seems like the former order– not responding). That was what prompted me to seek the opinion of fellow sellers to be better prepared in case.

    I appreciate your response. 💕 


    • Like 7
  7. 3 hours ago, cre8iveartwork said:

    Never do this , even if your buyer gave you a bad review for whatever reason , you shouldn't discuss it with him since it may result in a warning.


    Only one thing , move on ! ( I see that this was 8 month ago ) 

    Thanks for the advice!

    I was only going to convince her to see where I could improve or at least compensate if I unknowingly delivered wrongly(as such was my first).

    I appreciate your response. 💕 

    • Like 7
  8. Hi friends, a few months ago I got a very dishonest bad review(my first and last) that entirely deranked and put my 'just-booming' gig below the radar. It was an automatic order(no discussions) but the purpose was clear I asked the client if I got the purpose right and she said Yes. After delivery, I assured her my revision is unlimited(I am more concerned about each project so far the asked revision is still reasonable). Trust me, I gave my all to the order, and was sooo good. She asked for revision(the first to be asked from me by a client offline and online) after some time and I asked what part was wrong, which she wasn't clear but then I did a recheck a retouch and sent again assuring she could ask for another. 

    Without any more talks, she pointed the lowest review she could give. I contacted her and all but she wasn't ready for talks. Now in case of other times,

    – What should I have done further to revert such(knowing it will badly affect my orders, obviously it did veeeery bad!)

    – What would you advice I do further from here


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  9. 14 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    It is simple. Go to the poster's profile page and copy their user name. Then go to the main Fiverr platform and paste their name behind the "https://www.fiverr.com/" in the URL and you will be taken to their profile. 

    Oh wow great! I do search usernames from the app-(will switch to buyer's mode) I thought there is a direct way it is done from here. Thanks for that! 🙌

    • Like 8
  10. On 12/2/2022 at 7:07 PM, sunboatrecords said:

    I have mixed feelings about this.

    When you got 0 social proof, the only way to make your offering attractive is by having lower prices than the competition.

    An excellent portfolio is a prerequisite to have half a chance and appear qualified.

    Now, having lower prices is one thing and, slaving away another.

    $5 gig prices often attract horrible buyers that are looking to take advantage of someone and have no regard for you as a person or professional. On the other hand, you will also attract good people that have no money.

    This is as objective as I can be on the subject.

    My advice to you is: know your worth and offer lower prices than established sellers. Don't go for the $5 dollar price tag. What are you going to do with 4 dollars? Buy a coffee?

    Getting orders does not guarantee you a positive outcome. As a matter of fact, if your first client is horrific and leaves you a negative review, they will tank your profile. Your average rating will be at their mercy.

    Last but not least, I do not know the extent of your experience. Can you handle bad buyers? Do you think that you have what it takes? They are a challenge even for established sellers with hundreds or thousands of orders.

    My 2 cents.

    And good luck!


    I had one of my gig that literally get direct message/orders without being online much and was beginning to rock more orders until a new client suddenly bought it for my lowest offered price(which was initially against my principle, but I just changed it then so I could reach the level 1 milestones faster!) 

    She gave a veeery bad review(delivery was super! trust me) which 'tanked'😆 the gig and affected the other gigs(i had to delete one recently), since there are not much orders initially my profile literally went beneath the rank of profiles lol.

    Far low fees will most probably attract bad eggs of buyers. 

    Imo, try and set the price a little lower than the average in your category.

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  11. On 12/2/2022 at 6:16 PM, vickiespencer said:

    Did you draw every illustration from scratch. Your images look like you have created them with some sort of app. There have been buyers complaining on the Forum about sellers that say their art is original and then the buyer finds the images in video games and such. 

    Can you please tell how to check someone's fiverr profile(not forum/community), I assumed it could be checked right from clicking the profile here but it isn't(idk). Thanks!

    • Like 5
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  12. 18 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

    I have never received any briefs before, lol.

    Fiverr buyers who post on buyer requests usually buy low prices, so I may not be what this segment expect anymore.

    Oh great, I hope I don't have to hustle for clients anymore soon, it's the best freelance experience you'd agree. Working towards that though. Have a great time, chief.

    • Like 30
  13. 1 minute ago, strategist_ceo said:

    While this is true, many sellers become lazy and "copy and paste" generic responses to buyers. Furthermore, these messages can be a nuisance to buyers who wish to find a unique offer tailored to them. The truth is that removing buyer's request helps the site overall by allowing for more honest and genuine sellers, which allows for more satisfied customers experience overall.

    Good one! Actually, I am not a critic of the brief yet(i have only read about it not got one, no realistic experience). I am aware of the spammers but 'I think' Fiverr could have Improvised by using bots to detect spams and then both sellers and the bots can report spam requests, suspend their profile that way it will frustrate them and discontinue, they have a pattern!(nobody do things that won't work) equal playground!

    But what do I know, the team might have tested and see that's not the way! We will all adapt.

    I'll appreciate if you 'could' share your experience of how you got the brief and where. Thanks! 

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  14. 2 minutes ago, jonbaas said:

    Gigs are not ranked on pages, that's not how the search system works. Gigs are matched to specific buyers, based on matching metrics. Therefore, the only people who will ever see your gig in the search results, are the buyers the system matches to your gigs. If you effectively appeal to your target customers, the system may see your gigs as a better match to more buyers.

    Great that you confirmed this, always my belief but I have always had great impressions less click, got great gig image and words but after doing the research myself I see it is almost same thing it brings all time with fewer new sellers(yes, system will rather prefer someone it is sure has experience). You will agree with me it is only if a buyer see your gig will they check out(i mostly see myself at the 5th page before). Only these days I see myself at 3rd or 4th

    That made me to say Buyer's request pose greater chance to new sellers than brief.

    I haven't got a brief so I may be talking out of experience. Appreciate your contribution though.

    • Like 33
  15. On 10/10/2022 at 7:27 AM, max3dmodel said:

    Okay, we are not the Fiverr team, we are sellers like you. You mentioned that the new sellers are not getting matched, that's wrong. The new sellers are also getting matched with buyer briefs. (I will attach proof). 

    personally, I would love to have the buyer request back but it's not possible with the scammers, new sellers who try to promote their gig using the buyer request and others who try to bring traffic to their websites using the buyer request. 

    what can we expect new feature is NEW and still learning, it will improve. so make sure to have a quality gig

    Screenshot (101).png

    Great! I see you posted this Oct 10, I'm confused in a way my last order came from the Buyer's request this November 1or2. I was surprised to see the next day that I can't access it anymore but I haven't been matched with any brief. If you don't mind where exactly does the brief show up to apply perhaps I haven't been checking the right place. I have kept to being online 20/24hrs

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