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About timothykoen

  • Birthday 07/13/1956


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  1. I want to make a video for my fiverr gig. In the video I want to do a screencapture of my fiverr gig. I am considering doing screencaptures of the fiverr catagory screen I am in as well. In my video the opening scene is of a person (me) scrolling through a computer screen doing a search for talent. Then the narrator (again me) asks a question directly to the screen. And then an avatar character on the screen responds. The two (me and the avatar) have a short conversation. All the while I navigate through my gig in the background. 

    My problem is ethical. I wonder if fiverr frowns on their members doing screencaptures of their platform. Do they? I could use a different website for my scroll but I am real sure that would not pass scrutiny by fiverr support. I am hoping that by using my own gig  and category for the screencaptures should be okay. Does anyone have some advice on if I should do this screencapture video? Or not?


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