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Posts posted by dipmagura

  1. 1. Custom Web Application Development
    2. API Development and Integration
    3. E-commerce Solutions
    4. Content Management Systems (CMS)
    5. Website Optimization and Performance Tuning
    6. User Authentication and Authorization Systems
    7. Third-Party Integrations
    8. Maintenance and Support
    9. Migrations and Upgrades
    10. Bug Fixing and Troubleshooting
    11. Custom Plugin/Module Development
    12. Database Design and Management
    13. Responsive Web Design
    14. Unit Testing and Quality Assurance
    15. Consultation and Training
    By offering these services, you can cater to a wide range of client needs and establish yourself as a versatile and skilled PHP Laravel developer.

    • Like 1
  2. On 5/18/2024 at 1:42 PM, olajide_ibrahim said:

    Hello everyone,  I'm Olajide Ibrahim, a professional CV/resume, cover letter, LinkedIn writer.

    I just joined Fiverr and created my gig two weeks ago. Nice meeting you all.

    Nice to Meet And Welcome to fiverr . as A Selecting a new Career

    • Like 1
  3. On 5/12/2024 at 3:00 AM, imtiazmirza71 said:

    Hi Team,

    This is Imtiaz Ahmed, a Seasoned Accounting Professional with 10+ years of experience in diversified industries..  
    Proficient in Financial Management, alongside having below mentioned skills.

    Excel Expertise Highlights:  
    Ms. Advance Excel
    Power Query, Data Cleaning
    Data Visualizations , Power BI
    Utilizing Excel to enhance financial processes and reporting accuracy.  
    Skilled in generating insightful reports and analysis using Pivot Tables.  
    Committed to delivering meticulous attention to detail and effective team management.  

    Let's optimize your financial operations with Excel expertise. Contact me today.

    Welcome back 

  4. 19 minutes ago, ziia_shuv0 said:

    As I earned few dollar in fiverr I want to withdraw to my friend's payoneer? I already added in my fiverr payout method?

    Your Fiverr and Payoneer name and address must match

    Confirm Payoneer Account

    Initiate Withdrawal

    Confirm Transaction

    Fiverr's customer support can provide detailed assistance if you encounter any issues or have specific questions.

    • Like 2
  5. On 3/30/2024 at 10:44 PM, milyas_22 said:

    Hello, Fiverr Community!

    Are you struggling to get your gig noticed in the crowded Fiverr marketplace? Don't worry, you're not alone! In this post, I'll be sharing some effective strategies to improve your gig visibility and attract more buyers. Whether you're a new seller or an experienced one looking to boost your sales, these tips will help you stand out and get noticed by potential buyers.

    • Optimize Your Gig Title and Description:

    Your gig title and description play a crucial role in attracting buyers. Make sure your title is descriptive, keyword-rich, and clearly communicates what services you offer. Use relevant keywords in your description to improve search visibility.

    • Offer Unique and Specialized Services:

    Stand out from the competition by offering unique and specialized services that cater to specific needs or niches. Highlight your expertise and the value you bring to buyers in your gig description.

    • Use High-Quality Images and Videos:

    Visuals are powerful tools for grabbing attention. Use high-quality images and videos that showcase your work and highlight the benefits of your services. Buyers are more likely to engage with gigs that have eye-catching visuals.

    • Provide Exceptional Customer Service:

    Excellent customer service can go a long way in attracting and retaining buyers. Be responsive to buyer inquiries, deliver orders on time, and provide personalized attention to each customer.

    • Promote Your Gig on Social Media and Other Platforms:

    Don't rely solely on Fiverr's internal traffic. Promote your gig on social media platforms, forums, and other relevant websites to reach a wider audience and attract potential buyers.



    By implementing these strategies, you can improve your gig visibility and increase your chances of attracting more buyers on Fiverr. Remember to continuously monitor and optimize your gig for better results. Best of luck on your Fiverr journey!

    Feel free to share your own tips and experiences for improving gig visibility in the comments below.

    Warm regards, Muhammad Ilyas

    Can You  explain   How to promote Gig On Social Media 


    • Like 5
  6. On 12/19/2023 at 8:31 PM, shenilafatima29 said:

    Hello everyone, i am new seller to fiverr and also want to welcome to the newbiesto this platform

    You are Most Welcome  The largest international Freelance marketplace Community 

    • Like 8
    • Up 1
  7. 2 hours ago, marufon21 said:

    I don't understand what's going on with my gig.
    what should I do?
    need expert's suggestion. 
    Please help me to get out of this problem, no impression, no click, no order 


    I was faced this Situtations  Last 3 Month Ago. This Is harmful situtions for every seller . You need More Research your Gig nishse . You reachout your Target aduience. You Can go Anyway. Now I am telling How Can I OverCome  this Situions.

    Firsty .

    I was Changing My Gig Descriiption  And Images with Seo Freinedly . 
    I am Trying to 24 hours Out 12 Hours Active without Auto refressh . This SItuion Helping my Sister. 
    I am reaching out  Target  Audience . 
    I am Ruuing paid Social media ads . 
    You have To create engagement content For Target audience 
    After Completing  5+ project In One Month . My Gig Impressin  Daily Increase , always . minium 3 Gigs Share Daily 3 TImes  with Targetget  Key Word.

    • Like 14


    • Create a strong gig profile

    • Share your gig link

    • Use relevant hashtags

    • Create engaging content.

    • Target your audience.

    • Use social media

    • Choose the right social media platforms.

    • Run social media ads.

    • Run paid ads

    • Interact with your audience

    • Use social media influencers.

    • Reach out to potential buyers directly.

    • Offer discounts and promotions

    • Be consistent

    • Track your results.

    • Get feedback from buyers


    By following these tips, you can create a successful social media marketing strategy for your Fiverr gig.

    • Like 7
    • Up 1
  9. Just now, filipdevaere said:

    WRONG! Staying active or being online does not help you at all. This myth is spread by sellers who lack knowledge about how Fiverr works.

    Always I  am Active  arounding   15- 18  hours using Phone without Any  Extention. But I  can't  Get  order . My  gig is Increasee impression .  Can You Explain   How  Does Fiverr Work 

    • Like 13
    • Thanks 1
  10. On 5/23/2023 at 11:57 PM, freejim said:

    Only marketing is not enough 



    On 5/14/2023 at 11:58 AM, surovi_me said:

    To perform SEO (search engine optimization) on your Fiverr Gig, you can follow these steps:

    1. Identify your keywords: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Uber Suggest to identify relevant keywords that your target audience might use to search for services like yours. These keywords should be included in your Gig title, tags, and description.
    2. Optimize your Gig title and tags: Use the identified keywords in your Gig title and tags. Make sure your Gig title is descriptive and includes your primary keyword(s). You can also use long-tail keywords in your tags.
    3. Optimize your Gig description: Use the identified keywords naturally in your Gig description, but make sure the content remains engaging and compelling for readers. Avoid keyword stuffing, which can negatively impact your SEO.
    4. Use high-quality images or videos: Use high-quality images or videos that accurately represent your service and include relevant keywords in the file name and description.
    5. Encourage buyer reviews: Positive reviews from buyers can boost your Gig's visibility and ranking on the Fiverr platform. Encourage your buyers to leave a review after completing a successful order.
    6. Promote your Gig outside of Fiverr: Share your Gig on social media platforms or your personal website to increase its visibility and attract more potential buyers.
    7. Remember that Fiverr's search algorithm is dynamic and changes over time. Continuously updating and improving your Gig's SEO based on the latest algorithm updates and changes in the market can help you stay ahead of the competition and attract more buyers.


    On 5/23/2023 at 9:22 AM, surovi_me said:

    Choose the right social media platforms: Research and identify the social media platforms where your target audience is most active. Popular platforms include FacebookInstagramTwitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

    Most Of the people said , share your  Gig Social  Media . But I  Want know  Where ,  

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