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Posts posted by dev_tahmina

  1. I previously created the Copy Clone redesign gig. And got a decent amount of work from that gig. Suddenly one day my gig was canceled. After that, I created all the content and images again and gave the copy clone redesign gig. The gig was published on 24-04-2024. Then 4 ratings (3 ratings is 5 stars and 1 rating is 4.7 stars) have been attached to this new gig. And currently, 2 orders are running.

    But after order running + 5-star rating, my gig is not showing on relevance from the newest. Even the list of the newest gigs is far behind. Today 18-05-24 I found the gig on the newest tab select page number 8 by searching with the keyword "Elementor pro".

    Now my question is -
    1) Why is my gig not moving from newest to relevance or not getting rank?
    2) What other steps can I take to get the gig to rank better?




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  2. On 8/8/2021 at 9:26 PM, manuelmarino said:

    Yes, probably I'm a Top Buyer, not just a Seller. So why not telling you a couple of tips? exactly one important tip which I consider fundamental:

    - relationship

    Means when you deal with a seller, not just demand this or that. Try to create a relationship. I know it's difficult with chat and so far away, but it's important. The seller relaxes and can deliver a quality product. At the same time, you can be part of his creativity with your ideas. At the end the product will be also something yours, not just a bought product.

    Everyone needs to have such thoughts. The better relationship, better the quality of work. A lot can be achieved through good use. I would be much happier if I ever had the opportunity to work with you.

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  3. On 8/27/2021 at 5:37 PM, smashradio said:

    Why would you feel broken because of a 4,3 review? It's not a bad review, it's just not an excellent review. 

    Whenever you get a review like that, analyze the situation, try to find out how you could have done better and what might be changed in the way you work to avoid those issues the next time. It's not the end of the world. 🙂

    Thank you very much. To support me so beautifully with so much affection. I must fix all those things. I will learn from mistakes 

    On 8/27/2021 at 5:38 PM, newsmike said:

    It's the "everyone gets a participation trophy" mentality. 

    yes, you got it 

    On 8/27/2021 at 5:43 PM, smashradio said:

    Ah yes. I remember when they started doing that at my school. Yes, I'm that young. It came about when I was 12-13 if I remember correctly. The school was having a swimming competition. The most lazy, useless kid in our class got a trophy. He sank to the bottom after two feet and had to be rescued by me and two other classmates. 

    That's when I realized I don't want to live on this planet anymore. You wouldn't happen to know of a planet with a true meritocracy, by any chance? 

    The real story of your life has inspired me. I will move forward, obstacles will come and I will have to overcome them 

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  4. 3 hours ago, smashradio said:

    Do you know what I like to do when looking for sellers? 

    I check out the ones with a 4.5 - 4.9 rating. Then I look up their lower star reviews to see how they responded to the buyer. If they come across as non-caring, unprofessional or angry, they're out.

    If they responded in a professional, constructive and meaningful way to their review, that might get them hired because they handled a less-than-stellar experience well. 

    Expecting excellence every time is unrealistic. But knowing that your seller is willing to learn from past mistakes and work to better themselves tells me a lot about their character. 

    So don't worry so much about the review, and more about how you deal with it, learn from it, and improve yourself. Show your buyers that you are professional by responding to less-than-five-star reviews with a meaningful, understanding and professional message.

    Sure - having the stats drop too low will have consequences for you and your business. But I've hired sellers based on their dealings with less-than-excellent reviews alone. (Well, not entirely, since their gig description, video, image, and offering had an effect, too!). 

    My point is: the way you deal with stuff like this can show other buyers that you're professional, willing to learn and get better at what you do – and that you care about your buyers. 

    That's where the difference between a professional and a pretender lies.  

    Obviously, you shouldn't let a horrible experience go unnoticed, but even when you have bad things to say, there are ways to do so that makes you come across as a true professional and not a bitter and uncooperative angry person. 


    I got 4.3 and was very broken. After that I thought it would not be good all the time. I need to do something better here. Then I try this time and hope for success.

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  5. 12 minutes ago, uchihashahin01 said:

    You can gain knowldege from the others who facing problem and posting here..and the other who post informative informations here ...But it is not guranteed that you will get orders from staying online in fiverr forum...

    But many people say that this misconception is that if you are active in the forum, the gig will not rank or the order will not come.

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