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Posts posted by jubayer_dev

  1. Improving your Fiverr gig can help you attract more clients and increase your sales. Here are some tips to help you improve your gig:

    1. Optimize your title: Your gig title should clearly describe the service you're offering. Use keywords that potential clients are likely to search for to increase your visibility in search results.

    2. Create a compelling description: Your gig description should be clear, concise, and highlight your expertise. Explain how your service can benefit the client and what sets you apart from your competitors.

    3. Add relevant tags: Use relevant tags that describe your service and that potential clients are likely to search for. This will increase your visibility in search results and help you attract more clients.

    4. Use high-quality images or videos: Use high-quality images or videos to showcase your work and help your gig stand out. Make sure they are relevant to your service and demonstrate your expertise.

    5. Offer competitive pricing: Research what other sellers are charging for similar services and set your prices competitively. Consider offering package deals or discounts to attract more clients.

    6. Provide excellent customer service: Respond to messages promptly, deliver orders on time, and go above and beyond to make sure your clients are satisfied with your work. This will help you build a strong reputation and attract repeat clients.

    7. Get reviews: Encourage your clients to leave reviews on your gig. Positive reviews will help you build credibility and attract more clients.

    8. Promote your gig: Use social media and other marketing channels to promote your gig and reach a wider audience. This can help you attract more clients and increase your sales.

    Remember that improving your gig is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor and update your gig to ensure that it reflects your expertise and meets the needs of potential clients. By following these tips and continuously improving your gig, you can increase your visibility, attract more clients, and grow your freelance business on Fiverr.

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  2. Hello,

    please tell me what I do. my educational purpose is the last 1 year my Fiverr id is inactive.
    now I start my id in active. I have tried the last 1 month but my id gigs do not rank.
    I have tried many ways. different types of gigs publish, gis share sand buyer request. but anything not to work.
    this situation please tell me what can I do. I build a career on Fiverr please help me.
    "what should I do delete the existing id and then open a new id or any other way." please tell me because I working on Fiverr.

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