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  1. Hey Fiverr community! I've been looking to refresh my gig's performance by conducting new keyword research, changing up the images, and tweaking the description. However, I'm unsure about the best timing for these updates. Is it okay to change it right away, if I see my gigs impression is not that good/decreasing day by day or need to give it some time? Attached are some performance data points (impressions) from my gigs. Based on your experiences, when do you think it's most beneficial to make these updates? Should I wait for a particular time of the month, or should I act upon it right away? In addition, what are the important things to look into while editing gigs(In both cases of new gig and old gig)? Any insights or tips would be highly appreciated! Thanks in advance. Regards, Tameen
  2. Getting more than 10+ clicks regularly, but not a single person is knocking me personally for ordering, Do you think its because of the price?
  3. I have received a single order on it.
  4. I've noticed that one of my gigs on Fiverr is getting a good amount of clicks, but I haven't received any orders yet. Should I consider changing my pricing? And if I do adjust my pricing, will it affect my ranking on the first page?
  5. Hello fellow Fiverr community members, I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to open up a discussion regarding the handling of non-performing gigs on the Fiverr platform. Recently, there has been some debate on whether non-performing gigs should be removed or not. Non-performing gigs can range from those that consistently deliver low-quality work to those that fail to deliver at all. I believe it's essential to maintain the quality and reputation of the Fiverr platform by ensuring that gigs consistently meet the expectations of buyers. However, there may be differing opinions on the best approach to deal with non-performing gigs. I would like to hear your thoughts on this matter. Do you think non-performing gigs should be removed from the platform? If so, what criteria should be used to determine when a gig is considered non-performing? And if not, what alternative solutions do you propose? Please feel free to share your opinions and insights, and let's have a constructive discussion on this important topic. Thank you.
  6. Dear Fiverr Community, I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to seek some feedback and advice regarding the status of my promoted gigs on Fiverr. I've been actively promoting my services, but I'm unsure whether they are performing optimally or if there are areas, I could customize to enhance their effectiveness. I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide insights into the following: 1. Based on the provided information, do you think my promoted gigs are performing well, or do they require customization? 2. What are some strategies or adjustments I could implement to improve the condition of my gigs and increase their visibility and conversion rate? Your expertise and guidance would be immensely valuable to me as I strive to enhance my presence and success on the Fiverr platform. Thank you very much for your time and assistance. Warm regards, Tameen
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