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Posts posted by saadatique

  1. 1 hour ago, opelyy said:

    Hello I'm exploring in fiver I found 5 scamers scamming me sstilen my money and don't finish they job 

    Contact Customer Support, they will surely help you!

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  2. 36 minutes ago, abee_abbasi said:

    Hello folks!
    My Fiverr success score dropped from 8 to 7 then 7 to 6 then 6 to 5 and now it is 4. Whenever I do a new order for any new client my success score drops by 1 although I did conflict-free, best communication, and was 100% client satisfied they provided 5-star reviews and they are very happy. I don't know the reason why is this happening also my individual gig score is not showing so I can see my gap if any to improve this but I don't know the reason

    You can see that my individual gig success score is also not showing. When I contacted to fiverr customer support they are saying our system had not detected any positive or negative behaviour in your gig. You have not completed any recent orders but I recently completed 6 orders this month but still not updated.
    I have completed 12 orders on one gig, 4 orders on another gig, and 1 order on another total of 17 orders completed
    Level 1 and now at risk




    I'd recommend you to reach out to your repeat buyers, and ask them to place an order on the gig that has most number of orders placed already. You'll start to see some traction there soon!

    • Like 4
  3. 2 hours ago, marin_023 said:

    Hi! new sellI am on fiverr for about more than an year. For first year straight there were alot of impressions but recently very less clicks, impression and no order. I kept on trying and optimizing my gig and change my gig image. How to solovd my problem. business cards and stationery releded gig. https://www.fiverr.com/s/AyBvvBa

    Patience is the key. Have patience, you'll surely grab some business here. Your gig looks good to me!

    • Like 1
  4. 15 hours ago, raff_cv said:

    Hi there (BUYER)! Thanks so much for placing your order with me! I can’t wait to get started on this project! Here are a few things you can expect with this order:

    This order is for (whatever the service is)

    You’ve also purchased X Y and Z Gig Extras (if applicable)

    Based on the package you’ve selected, you can expect to receive your order in X Days.

    Once delivered, you’ll have up to 3 days to review the delivered material and either accept the delivery or request a revision.

    Based on what you’ve selected, you have X Revisions included in this order. If you’re unhappy with anything I’ve delivered, feedback is greatly appreciated! I want to make sure you’re happy with the final product! Any additional revisions outside of what is already included will be an additional cost.

    If I have any questions about the requirements submitted, I’ll send you a message.

    If you have any questions about the order, please don’t hesitate to ask!

    Let me know if you need anything in the meantime!

    Your name/username

    Brother, this is just too good! Thank you for sharing this.

    • Like 18
    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, smartdezigns said:

    One thing: I think you should not focus on these key areas. Let Fiverr to play with these things as we are never gonna find out the solution to this.. My second best selling gig has the same negative key area i.e. Effective Communication" and I still have not figured out the reason even I have been communicating well with my buyers and timely too but still.. Otherwise check the link again: 

    Link: https://www.fiverr.com/cp/success-score-explained

    Source: Fiverr.com

    Thank you, I am trying my best too. I have got the "Fiverr's Choice" badge too on that gig, but communication is still negative lol.

    • Like 3
  6. After the new level system rolled out, I find myself consistently encountering a negative tab in the "Effective Communication" score for reasons unknown. I am highly responsive to all messages on Fiverr, and I diligently provide regular updates to my clients on the order page regarding any progress. Is there something I might be overlooking? I would greatly appreciate any shared experiences or advice on how to improve this score. Thank you!

    • Like 10
  7. On 11/26/2023 at 6:41 PM, Yoav.M said:

    Hello all distinguished freelancers 🙂

    As we approach the end of this year, we are interested in hearing from you!

    What your aspirations, desires and needs are from our platform, in order to ensure your continued growth and success with us next year as well?

    What topics would you like us to focus-on, and broaden your education regarding them, in order to support you and contribute more added value to you?

    Please feel free to share your thoughts, express your opinions and ideas...

    I'll try to hit 1M mark this Year, last 2 years on Fiverr were amazing!!

    • Like 11
  8. Just now, raisulrabin said:

    I'm Raisul Islam, A new seller from Bangladesh. I published a gig 25 days ago. The gig Impressions 250+ and Clicks 17 But no order yet.
    Give me some advice and motivate me.
    Thank You!

    Patience. I got my first order after 2 years lol 😄


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  9. On 6/30/2023 at 2:36 PM, nadjibironciblo1 said:

    I got my gigs disappeared frrom search since 70+ days now and I'm getting really concerned they will never get back again. I see that many sellers have the same issues. I want to know who got his gigs back on search results and if there is any trick for that? Thanks

    Welcome to the club, brother. This has happened because of private feedback, most probably. Because of the high competition in almost every niche on fiverr, the sellers have almost no margin of delivering poor quality work. 


    If you do it, you'll lose it. And it will take at least 3 months to recover since bad ratings have an impact on your profile for 90 days. Start working with your old clients and try to deliver them quality. You'll come back to rankings again.

    • Like 15
  10. 56 minutes ago, alanikeiser said:

    Hi Fiverr Community, 

    I've been a seller for many years on Fiverr, but I fell ill and was off of Fiverr for a while. 
    I came back to a lot of changes and I'm finding it very difficult to understand how to be seen by buyers. 
    I did receive an order a couple of weeks ago, but other than that, it feels like sitting with crickets in silence. 
    Are there expert sellers on here who can look at my profile to give me a bit of advice, in case I need to make changes? 
    I did try reaching out to Fiverr support for help, but all they do is pause my gigs over and over again, even when I come onto Fiverr daily (bearing in mind I also cannot see any gigs that buyers post). 
    I also starting running an ad for my gigs yesterday on Fiverr. 

    Thank you 🙂 

    Hi, that was exactly my story one year back, and I was frustrated and disappointed at the same time. But, all I did was "Keywords Research and Competition Analysis." This has helped me choose the right keyword to target for my gigs, and after modifying my gigs, I got back into rankings after a week. 


    Note: At first, I tried targeting low-competition keywords and started ranking for those, and once I started getting orders on those keywords, I pushed my gigs to high-competition keywords.


    But, these days, fiverr has become so competitive, and you need to care about dozens of factors. Nevertheless, we can give this a try; who knows, this might work for you as well. 


    Good luck!

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, queen_pak said:

    Yes, it may effect. But if u uploaded a video, ur gig may be more chances to rank as video increases it upto 40%.

    However; keep focus on impression for few days, if its going down, then u have to change it again.

    Can you please mention the source? How did you analyze the 40% thing? Just curious, please. 

    • Like 5
  12. 37 minutes ago, ruhelmiah10 said:

    I have some questions for experienced sellers. It's been almost 25 days since I gave my first gig. Now I edited my gig and added a video. Will I have any problem in that case? I heard that if the gig is edited, the rank is lost. Please can someone give me information about this?

    Thank you 

    Hello, don't fall for those myths. Fiverr highly encourages videos on your gigs, your gigs will be down for 48-72 hours, but they shall be back to their original positions after that review time. It's a good move from you!

    • Like 7
  13. 6 minutes ago, jakeprobertson said:

    Hey there, I've been away from Fiverr for a bit and just unpaused my gig but I can't find the Buyer's request page. Did it get moved or renamed?



    Hello, fiverr has now introduced a feature called "Buyer's Brief." It works like that: The Buyer's Brief is sent to a few selected sellers, and then they choose and accept the best offer based on their needs.

    • Like 8
  14. On 6/3/2023 at 2:39 PM, loovanloon said:


    Please make it possible to change the  username of my profile. Perhaps restricted to max 2 of 3 times per account lifetime.
    Business evolve, please support this.

    I completely agree with that. I created a profile back in 2017 with a username that I never wanted lol, but I can't change it now. So, this is a great topic to discuss on. 

    • Like 1
  15. On 6/22/2023 at 1:50 AM, uzzal33 said:

    How can I improve gigs and increase rank?

    On 6/23/2023 at 9:51 AM, uzzal33 said:

    I am a new seller, how can I proceed, or what should I do, if anyone can advise?

    Hi, there are several ways of doing that. One of the finest ways of doing that is "Keywords Research and Optimizing Your Gig's Description." Try to find keywords with less competition in your niche and target that instead. You'll have views, clicks and of course conversions too. 

    On 7/2/2023 at 6:33 AM, uzzal33 said:

    Rank down because I am on vacation, how can I improve from now on

    This has happened to me as well. I was "Out of office" for 4 days, and when I came back, I was nowhere in the rankings. Upon contacting CS, they said, when you were on holidays, your competitors were outsmarting you in the rankings and of course good reviews. So, you'll have to work with your long-term clients and wait for your rankings to get better and it will get better with time. Don't worry!

    • Like 5
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  16. 1 minute ago, donnovan86 said:

    Don't encourage this... A lot of people here take posts at face value, without understanding any sarcasm or joke. Although I guess in his case it's way too late.

    Thank you for correcting me here. Though I wasn't encouraging anyone. It was like, you now have no space on this platform because, no company will keep on giving you chances on the same mistake. So yeah, it's time for him to move to another platform. 

    • Like 4
  17. Just now, shaam111 said:

    yeh its the same warning twice.but can i make another account on fiverr?

    Someone might have reported you for sending spam messages to other sellers and asking them for work. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE TBH, but, yeah you can make another account using a different laptop, different IP and of course different identity (which isn't possible). 


    • Like 3
  18. On 6/28/2023 at 3:56 AM, pobitro765 said:

    Currently my profile has total 4 gigs published.  Impressions are coming, but clicks are not coming, why?  What should I do for him?

    Hi, you'll start to witness clicks real soon; if you change you use an Attractive thumbnail. The best approach is, to introduce your service in a video message, and see the magic! This way, you can go ahead of your competitors.

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  19. Honestly, there's nothing you can do about it. You'll have to check your competition manually, and if there's space in the sub category of your competition, try targeting that. It is because you can't outsmart your competitors who have been performing well from ages, and the best way to get some business on fiverr is to find yourself a space in SUBCATEGORY.

    I hope this helps!

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