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Posts posted by lunar_graphics

  1. This was not purely academics work but i working on some projects to maintain databases

    You may clear your stance via mailing the customer support , i am sure they will look at this for you.

    I know how hard it is as i just received 3 star review from one of my client who was pleased with the initial delivery but still gave 3 stars , i could have write a response to justify myself but i was afraid that i will get a warning. so i just replied him with “thank you”. and know all of my gigs disappeared from the search result even within two days. and all three of my ranked gigs are disappeared , logically the gig with the bad review could be d ranked.

    But we can do nothing about this and just wait to get the gigs back.

    I will recommend you to reach fiverr customer support with a detailed mail with proof about the work you were delivering in your service. I am sure they will corporate with you.

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  2. Hello gays,

    I have faced very bad experience from fivrr administration team, I have sacrifice a lot of my time to polish my profile and earned five star feedback but still they restricted my account by sending email your account is under review, I have completed order with five star but i m working on some databases to maintain the academics records different projects related. And the team is very unprofessional that they are unable to make a difference between right and wrong and restricted my account and still waiting for activation of account to back as normal. They need to hire some more professional staff for verification purpose. very bad experience.

    sorry to hear that , but fiverr doesn’t allows academic work. It is against the policies. You may have a look at the rules. The team is highly professional and they know what they are doing.

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  3. I being panicked helping you in any way?


    Just give me a solution how to get my gigs back , they fell from 1k impressions a day to 18 impression within 2 days. Should i talk to the customer support? This can be a bug , as i got a bad review on one of my gigs others had 5 stars reviews , why they disappeared

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  4. Yeah!

    I am facing the same issue…

    the rating was 4.7 star the buyer gave a honest review I totally respect that and he was totally satisfied…

    But for that 4.7 star review my gig sudden dropped to 4th page:(

    But my buyer did not do justice with me or the work i did. I looked up for my gig till the 20th page and its no where. This is why i am getting panicked.

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  5. Unfortunately, that 3 rating has affected your position. Just carry on working hard, stay online, and view buyer’s requests very often during the day. Bid for work. Get traffic to your gigs.

    Yes i am doing my best , I don’t know why he gave 3 and ruined my profile. But still lets hope for the best. 🙂

    Thank you for taking out time to respond.

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  6. Regarding this you can’t do anything… rating has a role in fiverr algorithm or rotation…

    Best solution for you that gaining orders from buyer request and maintain daily basis order…

    I hope in the next evaluation the gig rotation can be on the first pages regarding your services!

    Best of luck!

    Don’t lose hope

    Thank you for your response. I will work on this.

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  7. What was the rating of the bad review? Just asking as this will affect the gig. It won’t affect the other gigs, if you have others.

    Also, it you do any update on your gig?

    Thank you for replying teachernita , My client gave me 3 stars although he liked the design in the inbox. and no i did not made any change to my gigs.

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  8. Perhaps you were using promoted gigs feature? That is causing problem. It will take some time but it will come back

    No , i am a new seller. My gigs were in the process of ranking but still i was getting orders. But the confusion is how come each (3) of my gigs that were ranking on the first 3 pages disappear like this.

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  9. Hello , I have been working on fiverr from 6 months , my gigs were ranking in the past month , till yesterday my gigs were showing on the 3rd/4th page but today suddenly all of my gigs disappeared , they are not even on the 20th page. Although i did not have any cancellation , just one bad review but why all of my gigs disappeared. Kindly help.

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