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Everything posted by hammad_gghumman

  1. Two weeks ago, my client cancelled the order with the help of Fiverr support and blocked me from the website which I was building, I couldn't access my work anymore. He blamed me that I didn't complete his work even though from very start, he kept changing his mind. I designed his website twice. When I designed it for the first time, he jus said that don't like it even though I followed all of his instructions and requirements. He then chosen another design, I worked hard on that design. He liked it. He requested me some adjustments. I did those adjustments. When I was working on very last adjustment, his behavior changed and he started blaming that I haven't done anything and have wasted his time and he don't want to work with me any more. He asked me that he can compensate me with just $10 which was nothing and not an option for me. I was just shocked that what is happening. He blocked my user from the website and I couldn't access the website anymore. I contacted the customer support, they asked me to solve it with mutual understanding. But when my client requested the customer support to cancel the order, they cancelled my order and said that it was best to avoid any other conflict. The client told me that I was ignorant to not accept his generous offer for compensation of $10 and that I have lost everything now. I didn't know what to do at that time and I saw my funds and work going and I was like drowning in the water. I then collected all of the proofs from my conversation with my client. I sent the customer support all of those proofs and explained them everything. And almost after a week, I have just received the email from customer support that they have reviewed my case and they have credited all of my funds with immediate withdrawal option. I am happy now that I didn't accept the offer of $10 compensation. I have shared my story of one order just to motivate the people working on this platform to make living!!!
  2. Guess what? I have won the case. First they cancelled my order. And just today, they replied me that they have reviewed my case and have credited all of my funds into my account and the funds are immediately available for withdrawal.
  3. Hi, I am doing this project where everything is completed and the client has sent me revisions for second time and now they are saying that they don't want it. How is it possible that they request something and when everything is completed, they just don't want it anymore and all of my time goes to waste? I have been doing work in Fiverr for almost last 3-4 years and I haven't had any issue with order like this. I have been clean all the time. I just accept those orders which I can do. Here is the story with this client: He needed a website with "revolution slider plugin", he showed me the template and told me that he needed exactly same template with just images changed. He was also saying that " I will do the work and he will decided it is good or not, I assured that he understands that it doesn't work like this that we have to work together, he needs to tell me all of his requirements and I will make it sure that all of his requirements are fulfilled, if he still finds anything uncomplete, he can just request revision and I will do it". Then I started the project, built the website using exactly same template, worked on it for a week, delivered to him, he just came outrageous that he doesn't want it and started judging my skills. I said "okay, what else do you want?". He said he wants to change the whole design of the website and want me to build it from scratch, I agreed. I sent him some designs for his website, He liked one of those. I started building it. I built it in 48 hours just to compensate him. Then, he told me he doesn't have time to check and that he will check it later. I agreed. He sent me revisions, I did those. He then requested extra work. I agreed and sent him invoice for that extra work. I completed it and asked him to check before I deliver the project (because I don't care about money but the satisfaction of my client." Today, he sent me more revisions like changing text, place of the images extra. Then he requested me something which I haven't seen yet in my last 4 years and said that "it is very easy and he has done it before". I asked him "that can you please show me where you have done it so that I can follow it, he haven't showed me one example and now all of a sudden he wants refund. I am just shocked that how is it possible that I have tried to give him everything, I have given extra time to this client, He changed his mind that he didn't need prevision design, I built the new design from scratch and now it seems he wants to take away everything for free. I am just very sad right now. I don't want it to happen again, Please, let me know what else you need me to prove you. I am ready to discuss everything but please please please, make it sure that the justice prevails. It's been 3 weeks, he keeps changing his mind, I keep doing work and when I ask him that can you please show me what you want so that I can build it don't just mess around, he says "you are expert and I need to know everything, and he is cancelling the order". Very highly unprofessional behavior. I am just sad, that's why the post is long. I hope the justice prevails! I am also going to be top rated seller soon (almost all of the requirements are completed) which shows my commitment and hard work. I have messaged the Fiverr customer support but I don't know whats coming ahead...
  4. Some of my clients know me out of Fiverr (WhatsApp & Messanger) Usually, they talk about this on Fiverr like "Hammad, you can talk with me on WhatsApp as I am not online on Fiverr all the time". However, all of my orders are always on Fiverr. Now, coming to the main point, is it okay if my clients talk about my conversation with them out Fiverr?
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