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Everything posted by graphicyes

  1. Hi There, I am a Fiverr level 2 seller. I was working as a T-shirt designer. But now I want to sell another graphic design service on Fiverr. That's why I have created a new GIG about flyer design. But I can't get any order in my new GIG. Please visit my GIG, And provide me with your valuable feedback on how to improve my GIG and get an order soon. https://www.fiverr.com/s/9x0kBY
  2. Hi There,

    I am a Fiverr level 2 seller. I was working as a T-shirt designer. But now I want to sell another graphic design service on Fiverr. That's why I have created a new GIG about flyer design. But I can't get any order in my new GIG. Please visit my GIG, And provide me with your valuable feedback on how to improve my GIG and get an order soon. https://www.fiverr.com/s/9x0kBY

  3. Yes, You can edit your Gid title and description. But you can't change your gig URL. You can change your gig sub-category. But if your gig is already in ranking you don't need to edit your gig. It will impact on your gig rank. You can lose your gig position.
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