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Everything posted by janeeditor

  1. Given that Fiverr is based on quoting a price beforehand and not time and materials, the main reason I would use a time tracker is to determine the actual number of hours I used historically on jobs to have more accurate quotes in future for the time they take. For example, you might believe that a job will take ten hours and you quote that. Using a time tracker, over several similar jobs, you might find that you consistently take twenty hours for that job. You might then looking at quoting higher in future to cover the actual effort and get paid for the work you a really doing rather than guessing. It’s one established method in software engineering with Carnegie Mellon’s PSP for improving estimation accuracy, and therefore the number of errors/defects and delivery timeframe accuracy.
  2. Do not refer to people as “dear,” “brother,” “sister” or anything like that. This is a professional setting and such language is not considered professional in English.
  3. I get a little frustated when I see the same things being done wrong over and over when there is a wealth of advice here that is ripe for the taking… but they don’t. :roll_eyes:
  4. No. Just no. Staying active on Fiverr all the time will have zero impact on your getting jobs. Staying active of the forum will also have zero chance of getting jobs. There is no such thing as gig rank, and the reason you can’t get work is because you are in a sector with literally hundreds of thousands of other sellers who are selling the exact same service as you are. Unlimited revisions means “I don’t know what I am doing and even if I have infinite attempts to get this right, I can’t.” You say you have over 400 completed jobs, but your profile only says three. Telling me that I “will come back again and again” just sounds dumb. Most people only have one or two websites, why on earth would they come back again? The only logical reason would be to complain! Don’t send buyer requests to everything, only to jobs you know that you are the best candidate for. You need to stand out if you want to get jobs. Your gigs looks exactly the same as the hundreds of thousands of other sellers. Why would they choose you? That is what you need to put in your gig. Show what you can do, show what you have done. Don’t tell me. Show me.
  5. I think the problem is that you were copying what others did instead of writing your own gig. If you copy what others do, then you are going to look exactly the same as them and you won’t stand out, which leads to no one hiring you. Write your gig about what makes YOU special and why customers should hire you instead of the thousand other people offering the same service.
  6. Hi, I have a few things for you to consider: Do not ever offer “100% guaranteed satisfaction” or “Unlimited revisions.” This opens you up to a client stringing you on effectively forever without your ever getting paid. It also comes across as desperate, and desperate doesn’t get sales.Bold and highlighted text just looks tacky. If it’s important, it’s already on your Gig. If it’s not important, then it shouldn’t be there. You can put some things is bold, but using the highlighting looks unprofessional.Your gig images: – Your primary image looks like you ran out of space and kept making your font smaller and small to stuff things in there. – Use consistent naming. Is it “eCommerce” or “Ecommerce”? Use one, stick to it. – You images in your primary image and the second two images look like stock images. If you didn’t do the work to make that site, you shouldn’t add them. – Trying to stay awake until 1:30am every night is a bad idea. Making yourself tired won’t help you when you do get a customer. It’s not about how long you are available, it’s about making your offering different from others. (Did I mention don’t offer 100% guarantees or unlimited revisions?)
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