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Everything posted by usmanahmad745

  1. In the dynamic marketplace of Fiverr, the introduction of the "Select" and "Business" badges for buyers has created a significant imbalance. These badges, meant to highlight high-value buyers, are inadvertently skewing the power dynamics heavily in favor of buyers, leaving sellers at a disadvantage. It's time to address this issue and advocate for a more balanced system. The core of the problem lies in the psychological impact these badges have on sellers. Seeing a buyer with a "Select" or "Business" badge automatically puts sellers in a position where they feel pressured to prioritize these buyers, often at the expense of their own standards and policies. This manipulation of the system allows buyers to exert undue influence over sellers, forcing them to bend their rules and compromise on their terms. One of the most concerning issues with the current system is that many buyers with the "Select" and "Business" badges exploit their status to get work done and then unfairly cancel orders. These buyers are well aware that if they request a cancellation, Fiverr's support often sides with them, leaving sellers without compensation for their hard work. This manipulation undermines the trust and integrity of the platform, as sellers invest time and effort into delivering high-quality work only to face cancellations and loss of income. It's essential for Fiverr to recognize this imbalance and take steps to ensure a fairer system. Sellers should have equal opportunities to highlight their strengths and not be overshadowed by buyer badges. A balanced ecosystem benefits everyone, promoting trust, fairness, and mutual respect. Call to Action: Let's push for a change that empowers sellers and creates a more equitable platform. Share your experiences and support this movement to advocate for a fairer Fiverr marketplace. Sellers deserve the same recognition and respect that buyers receive. Let's make our voices heard!
  2. Hey fellow freelancers, I've recently encountered a major issue on Fiverr that I know many of you have faced too: a buyer gets all the work done and then cancels the order. This is incredibly frustrating and unfair, as it undermines our hard work and time investment. I'm reaching out to see if any of you have found effective ways to handle or prevent this situation. Have you had any success with specific strategies or communication techniques that protect your work and ensure you get paid? Let's share our experiences and solutions to help each other navigate this challenge.
  3. Most of the sellers are facing the issue of not getting reviewed even though they delivered the perfect work, A new client did not know how important it is for a seller I think asking for feedback is not a bad idea as far as you ask for 5 starts 🙂 secondly fiverr has added chat gpt as service so instead of inspecting content, you should try how useful tool is?
  4. @brealsI have mentioned providing exceptional service can lead you positive feedback from buyers,However reminding buyers for a review is Ok according to Fiverr support, Check forum peace 🙂
  5. It's important for sellers to stand out and provide exceptional service. In this article, we'll discuss some tips for sellers on Fiverr to help them succeed in this competitive marketplace. From creating a strong profile to continuously improving your skills, these tips can help you attract more buyers and increase your earnings on Fiverr. Create a strong profile: Your Fiverr profile is the first thing buyers see, so make sure it's complete and showcases your skills and experience. Add a professional profile picture, a catchy tagline, and a detailed description of your services. Offer high-quality services: Your services should be of high quality and provide value to buyers. Ensure you deliver your orders on time, maintain clear communication with buyers, and go the extra mile to make your buyers happy. Set competitive prices: Fiverr is a competitive marketplace, so make sure your prices are reasonable and competitive. Research other sellers in your category and set prices accordingly. Use relevant keywords: Use relevant keywords in your gig title and description to make your gig more visible in search results. Make sure your keywords accurately reflect your services and the needs of your target audience. Promote your services: Promote your services on social media, your blog, or other relevant platforms to attract more buyers. Make sure you use attractive visuals and a clear message to capture the attention of potential buyers. Offer extras and packages: Offer extras and packages to provide buyers with more options and increase your earnings. Make sure you price your extras and packages reasonably and deliver on your promises. Respond quickly to messages: Respond to buyer messages promptly and professionally. Buyers appreciate sellers who are responsive and willing to answer their questions. Get reviews and ratings: Reviews and ratings are important on Fiverr as they help buyers make informed decisions about which seller to hire. Encourage your buyers to leave reviews and ratings and provide exceptional service to ensure positive feedback. Continuously improve: Continuously improve your skills and services to stay competitive and relevant in the marketplace. Stay up-to-date on industry trends, invest in professional development, and seek feedback from buyers to identify areas for improvement. Be professional: Finally, always be professional in your interactions with buyers. Treat them with respect, communicate clearly and professionally, and deliver on your promises. By providing exceptional service and building a positive reputation, you can become a successful seller on Fiverr.
  6. i think match still need to improve, removing buyers request was a early step
  7. Hi Guys hope you all doing good,Have any one noticed he is not getting fiverr match after removal of buyer request?
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