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Everything posted by purpledog32

  1. I just checked my profile AGAIN...Now it's back to a 6 success score. ??????? Also, my dashboard says I'm a Level 1...one of your screen shots says I'm a Level 1 and the other screen shot says Level 2.
  2. One more payment to clear and then I'm outta here! I woke up this morning to a warning from Fiverr that my success score has fallen below the requirements to maintain my crappy Level 1 status, WTF!!!??? Yesterday my success score was 6...this morning 0! There's no reason for the score to completely disappear!!!!! The last 5 completed jobs got me 5 star reviews and tips!!!!! What the hell is Fiverr doing????? All my hard work over 10yrs. has been flushed down the toilet by Fiverr!!!! So, since your crappy leveling system was launched in March...I went from a Level 2 to a Level 1 for no clear reason. Since March my gig requests have dropped from 2 or 3 a week to 1 every 3 weeks. Since Mar. I've gotten 5 star reviews and tips...but my success score has gone from 6 to 0 OVERNIGHT!!! Thank god I don't count on Fiverr to earn a living. So why stay???? Fiverr's level system is anything but transparent. Fiverr use to be a great marketplace platform. But now Fiverr is bottom of the barrel. I give Fiverr a -0 success score and a Level 0.
  3. I was hoping that Fiverr would make adjustments to its new level system...but that's not going to happen. After 10yrs. on Fiverr, today I paused my 2 gigs and will wait for the rest of my earnings to clear before I deactivate my account. This has been a tough decision, but Fiverr has made the road to success full of impossible roadblocks like "private reviews" and a success score that never moves despite 5 star reviews and tips. I'm not sure why Fiverr has made things so difficult for sellers to succeed. Their new system lacks the transparency they boast about. Fiverr has turned into an automated, AI robot. Being a seller on Fiverr now feels like a greyhound running as fast as it can around the track in hopes of catching that fox. I'm tired of being a greyhound running as fast as I can around Fiverr's track to impossible success.
  4. I've been with Fiverr for 10yrs. and with the new level system, I feel more in the dark than ever before. Since the launch of the new level system, I have received 4 five star reviews and a couple of tips. However, my success score has not moved at all! What does it take to make progress? It's a mystery. Only Fiverr knows. There are sooo many ways my numbers can take a dive overnight! But to move my numbers in a positive direction takes an act of God. There's NO transparency! Fiverr's private reviews are a complete joke. I have no way of knowing what a client is saying about me with their private review...but those reviews affect my overall numbers...really stupid. This is not transparency! With the new level system, my level dropped from a level 2 to a level 1 with no explanation! Now that I'm a level 1, the quality of my gig requests has gone down. I now receive "bottom of the barrel" gig requests that make "near nothing" money. Through no fault of my own, I feel like I've been forced to start all over again and climb the Fiverr mountain to where I once was a month ago. Fiverr has once again "moved the goal posts" to success.
  5. You are completely right! That's why I keep hanging around hoping things will change. I've really enjoyed my time at Fiverr. But they keep "moving the goal post" when it comes to moving up a level. I'm tired of playing games with these nitwits. They claim the new system is more transparent for the seller? What a bunch of BS. It's more transparent for anybody BUT the seller. I believe Fiverr has some hidden agenda...somehow this new system must put more money in Fiverr's pocket. It ALWAYS comes down to money.
  6. You are SPOT ON!! I've completed 3 orders and all have gotten 5 star ratings...yet my success score is dropping. IT MAKES NO SENSE. I'm so disgusted with Fiverr. I keep hanging on thinking Fiverr will dump their crappy success score nonsense. But I know that will probably not happen.
  7. Dear Fiverr, After 10yrs. of being a Fiverr seller with consistent gig orders...my gig requests have all dried up. I blame this on your new level system since this stoppage occur shortly after your official launch of the new leveling system. I'm very disappointed and have accepted that my time at Fiverr is possibly over. Over the years I have highly recommended Fiverr to friends and students. The Fiverr platform, at one time, ran smoothly with a few bumps in the road...but nothing is perfect. Your new, "transparent" platform is a disaster for many of your long-time sellers and I will no longer be recommending Fiverr to anyone. I would like to wish Fiverr "good luck" with your new leveling system....but I'd be lying.
  8. Whelp....it's been almost a month since the big screw over....err...I mean switch over to the new, exciting level system on Fiverr! I dropped to a Level 1 which was a thrill after 10yrs. of hard work to reach Level 2. Since Mar. 14th I've received ONE voice over job...ONE. A BIG Thanks to Fiverr for destroying what was a steady stream of income.
  9. I have a client who is requesting a revision a week after their job has been completed. I feel like I have to do whatever the client wants or I risk getting a bad review which will lower my stats on Fiverr and I can't afford that to happen! I'm at the mercy of the client despite our original agreement which was 1 revision. How do I handle this? These revisions could go on forever due to fear of a bad review and my stats taking a hit.
  10. Thanks for the explanation. Could they make their new system any more convoluted??? 🤪 It seems the road to the top is full of dangerous switchbacks and potholes....don't get too close too the edge or you'll fall over the side never to return. Transparency at its worst.
  11. I offer 2 gigs on Fiverr. One has a success score of 8 and the other one has a success score of 6. Why is my overall success score a 6? Shouldn't it be an average between 8 and 6? That would make my overall success score a 7. Please tell me what I'm getting wrong about this logic. Thanks!
  12. I've noticed recently that if my rating drops from 5 to 4.9 after 1 private review...which I can't see (this is insane)....I then have to claw and scratch my way back to 5. My stats can drop SOOOO EASILY. But the journey back to the top can take weeks. Why? The most baffling change in Fiverr's new "transparent" system...is the mysterious private review. All I know is I've received only 5 star reviews for many years. But, apparently I had a private review recently which caused my rating to drop to 4.9. This new ratings system makes the 5 star reviews that I CAN SEE...worthless to me. I did contact CS asking why the rating drop and I received a response claiming my rating was 5 not 4.9. This is NOT true. Whoever responded to my question was looking at my stats that will soon disappear (Level 2 with a 5 star rating) and be replaced by a Level 1 with a 4.9 star rating. This new level system is deeply flawed and Fiverr, once again, has sellers by the short hairs...OUCH.
  13. Sorry to hear that. I keep reading about "private reviews" that the seller can't see but these private reviews can affect your rating...makes no sense.
  14. I'm a little confused as to why my rating score has dropped in the last 24hrs. from 5 to 4.9? All of my client reviews have been 5 stars for years.
  15. Imagine this...it's the Fiverr Christmas party and after a few drinks, someone says, "Let's have some fun and create a new level system that will confuse EVERYONE!" Of course this didn't happen...but it sure feels like it! There was no warning, no input from sellers or buyers, no pilot program to get feedback from sellers and buyers. Instead, this insane new system appeared with catchy words like...transparency and holistic. I've read soooo many reviews of fellow freelancers whose hard work has been stomped on and smashed. Maybe Fiverr could put their new system on hold...listen to your seller's concerns. Let's face it...without sellers, you'd have no buyers and you'd nave no Fiverr! Many sellers feel like they've been kicked to the curb with this new system. I teach at the college level and over the years I've highly recommended Fiverr to my students. I can no longer recommend this platform. I'm not even sure if I'll stick around after March 14th. My fingers are crossed that Fiverr will put its new system on hold and re-work it to benefit both seller and buyer. Change can be great if done properly. This major overhaul was not handled correctly and now there's confusion and frustration. It doesn't have to be this way. Take a sample survey of the changes you'd like to make. Ask a sampling of sellers...top sellers, Level 2 sellers, brand new sellers to be part of a pilot program to test your changes. This way you include sellers in the process. I hope someone from Fiverr, and not one of their robots, reads this and considers it.
  16. PLEASE RETHINK YOUR NEW LEVELS! You're penalizing sellers that have been with Fiverr for years! I'm assuming Fiverr's goal is to make EVERYTHING automated so they can rake in the profits with very little effort. What was wrong with your original system? Were you not making enough money? It seems your mission now is to weed out sellers with lower profits by lowering levels and overall ratings in the blink of an eye. You're making it impossible for many sellers to maintain a successful rating! You're splitting hairs with your insane stats. JUST MAKE IT SIMPLE!!!!! I've got a few more orders to fill...then, after a 10yrs as a successful freelancer on Fiverr, it will be time to say goodbye. Sad.
  17. Whelp, Fiverr has succeeded at making it's "new levels system" a complete disaster. I wake up this morning to find my overall rating going from 5 to 4.9 for no apparent reason. I've completed over 600 orders on Fiverr. Only 5 of those 600 were rated as 4.9. First Fiverr drops my level from 2 to 1. Now my overall rating drops! Is Fiverr trying to shove me out the door???? Fiverr has always been a very enjoyable place to be a freelancer. But their new "transparent" system lacks TRANSPARENCY for the seller. Your stupid stats make it nearly impossible to succeed. Maybe that's your goal? I'm completely disappointed and disgusted with Fiverr right now. You're a bunch of idiots!!
  18. I decided to take the time to watch the recent webinar on Fiverr's new level system. I wish I hadn't...now I'm even more disgusted. It seems Fiverr's goal with the new system is to push freelancers who don't bring in the big bucks...OUT. If they can get rid of the small money makers and focus on the big money makers...that means more money in Fiverr's pocket. As of today, I've dropped another success level. I'm not sure what caused the drop. It's hard to figure out with Fiverr's new "transparent" level system(?), Should I hang around until my success score slowly sinks to the bottom? Ten years of hard work and great reviews means absolutely nothing. Why even bother with reviews if they don't mean anything? I keep waiting around hoping Fiverr will make improvements to their level system. I SHOULD NOT be a Level 1 seller. It's an insult to ALL Fiverr sellers that have mysteriously dropped in level status with no logical explanation.
  19. I've been with Fiverr for 10yrs, I've worked hard to maintain excellent marks across the board. But with this new level system...all my hard work has been flushed down the toilet. Your level system makes no sense and seems to penalize long time sellers. I've read many of the comments posted about your new system and there's not one positive comment in the bunch. Working with Fiverr has been a great experience...until now. I've enjoyed working with clients from all over the world but I find myself asking, "Why does Fiverr make things so difficult for the seller?" I've had enough of jumping through your hoops....trying to follow your rules that seem to constantly change. I've had enough. I'm frustrated and disappointed. Maybe Fiverr will grow a brain and dump their new level system...but I doubt it.
  20. I had no idea I have to respond to a buyer's email BEFORE blocking the buyer. Now my response rate is 89% and will probably cause me to be demoted to Level 1. I have contacted customer support asking for forgiveness but all I can is a copy and paste response. BTW...when a buyer is blocked...Fiverr responds with a message that states: "......blocking a user will not affect your response rate." See the attached file. I've been searching Fiverr's rules looking for where it states..."You must respond to a buyer BEFORE blocking." How long will it take to regain my Level 2 status?
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