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  1. Hi Fiverr community,

    Hope you everyone doing great. This is my new gig. Please suggest me how to improve my gig https://www.fiverr.com/share/abDdBG

    Advance thanks for your help. 

    1. dilrubahasan222


      I,m also fine by the grace  of almighty.and I hope you,r doing great.I saw you gig .It ,s  great. you have  1 Order in queue .

  2. Hi Fiverr community,

    Hope everybody doing fine. Today I have created this new logo. Please kindly check out it https://www.fiverr.com/share/1NxzEr

    Please share your opinion on my gig. How to improve it. 

    Advance thanks 

  3. Why no buyer brief? I can not apply anywhere. Day to day my gig is going to down. Please kindly check out my gig https://www.fiverr.com/share/QxXq26

  4. Why no buyer request or buyer brief from last 2 monuts? https://www.fiverr.com/share/QxXq26

  5. How to improve my gig impression? Please kindly advice me. Please check out my gig https://www.fiverr.com/share/BoPmjG


    Thank you.

  6. My gig is day by day are going to down. I can not get any buyer request in my profile. Please check out my gig what is the reason. https://www.fiverr.com/share/y8LZZV

    1. vickieito


      Hi @designmaster686 - Fiverr is getting rid of buyer requests and replacing it with Buyer Briefs. Here's what you can do:


    2. designmaster686


      I do not get any Buyer Briefs or Buyer request. 

    3. vickieito


      As I mentioned above, Fiverr is getting rid of Buyer Requests. Fiverr also doesn't guarantee that it'll send you any Buyer Briefs. Please read the link I sent you so that you can change your business so that you don't depend on Buyer Requests or Buyer Briefs for orders.

  7. Hi everyone, I am Supan. Hope you are doing great. 

    Why I can not get any buyer request from last month. Could you please check out my gig, what is the reason? https://www.fiverr.com/share/v97PEL

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