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Posts posted by getty_webdesign

  1. 7 hours ago, cristoferk29 said:

    thanks! DO you know what is the width and height for a fiverr image?

    I'm not quite sure, but I think 760 x 490 can work. I like to buy gig images from other freelancers on Fiverr. You can try that out if you can't find the creativity within you of creating a gig image.

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  2. Just now, cristoferk29 said:

    Fiverr let you ink youtube. Also thanks for telling me about the keywords!

    You're welcome. I'd suggest you set up new gigs that their URL align with the new title you will be using. And also, as you set up your gig. Please remember using keywords. It's simple, just switch to buying. Pretend you are a buyer looking for the services that you offer. Than you'll see those keywords, use those keywords for your gig title as well. And your gig description. When writing a gig description, don't sound like a robot. 

    Clients are looking for real people to work with. Don't just stamp keywords without your gig description explaining to clients how it will solve their problems.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, cristoferk29 said:


    Yes, remove link from your gig. You may get your account banned. There are specific portfolio links that Fiverr allow. And if you share any personal information on the links you have provided, remember Fiverr CS usually take a look at your gig. And if they find anything suspicious with the link you've added on your gig description you might end up getting your account banned. 

    Be careful.

    • Like 2
  4. 20 hours ago, cristoferk29 said:

    I need help, everything I do it's still pixelated!

    What do you mean by pixelated? Try coming up with a targeted keyword title and gig description. Just never make the mistake of copy pasting someone else's, you'll receive a waring and result to your account being suspended. 

    I believe in you, you can come up with a unique and keyword optimized gig title. Just try. Switch to buying, search for a services that relates to the services you offer and you'll see suggested keywords.

    Just like in the screenshot below, you'll see I've search for HTML website, and it showed me the suggested keywords. Those are the terms that buyers use to search for services.

    Screenshot 2021-07-31 150101.png

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  5. 2 hours ago, cristoferk29 said:

    Is this GIG looking good? https://www.fiverr.com/cristoferk29/design-a-ui-for-you

    What can I improve? Why am I not getting any sales?

    We kinda do the same niche me and you, what I can suggest you do, is to change your gig title. It's against your gig ranking in many ways, first, it does not have any keyword. Please, you want to make it easier for the search engine to find your gig. 

    And also, make some changes on your gig description. If you would ask me, I would suggest that you delete those gigs and create new one. I'm sure they don't get enough exposure. By exposure I mean your daily impressions and clicks.

    You are offering to create websites for people, but you haven't specified what type of website you offer. Is it HTML, WordPress, Wix, Squarespace? What type of website are you offering? Your gig title should answer that even before someone gets to your gig description. 

    Find a way to play with the search algorithm. 

    • Like 5
  6. Normally, it’s not supposed to take a long time but you’ll always meet a lot of people at every center which reduces one’s chances of getting it done and it gets a lot of people pissed off. There was a time I wanted to do it. I went to the center twice. Waited from morning till evening and couldn’t get it done so I gave up on it.

    I have no choice but to go again.

    In my country you can’t do anything important withiout a National ID. You do anything to get it, but it’s not that hard to get. Application will take about 4 hours then you’ll get your card after 2 weeks.

    But the government has introduced a new card to replace the National ID card; the Huduma Card. A smart card powered by Master Card. By the end of the year everyone is supposed to have their Huduma card since by Dec National ID will be invalid.

    Good thing I’ve applied for mine, just waiting fo the text message to go for it.

    Funny thing even children over 6 years are applying for it and parents are entitled the responsibility to ensure their kids have applied for the Huduma Number.

    • Like 10
  7. That will be better if you contact Fiverr and explain your problem with verifying your identity. Remember, Fiverr always helps with any issue. Contact them, say your situation they will definitely give you a solution.

    They won’t I had a friend who was banned from Fiverr for not verifying his ID. He didn’t have a driver’s license, National ID, Passport or even a student ID.

    I was asked to verify my ID after my first sale on Fiverr, for me it was a smooth process.

    • Like 12
  8. I Had created a Fiverr gig about two months ago, and I had got impressions daily, but there is no click on my gig. Should anyone guide me on what the problem is?

    Sharing your gig on social nedia won’t help get you clicks, if you want to get clicks. Create an attractive gig image, make your gig title explainable (That’s why Fiverr recommend using short gig titles that explain to buyers what your gig is about withiout even reading the description).

    For you to get more clicks, you also need to make sure your gigs are seen. Not just seen anywhere but seen by those who are actually looking for a service you offer. That’s where your gig tags come in.

    Let’s say you offer HTML website service and on your tags you have put the Website Design tag. The thing is, your gig will also appear under Graphic Design > Website Design. If buyers click on you gig on that category; they’ve seen it but will obviously not order from you since they don’t need what you are offering. They were simply looking for Website Design concept gig for Figma, XD etc.

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  9. I think they are trying to attract certain sellers. Is like when you see a buyer request written in Spanish. The buyer might probably be trying to attract local sellers who speak spanish or simply sellers who speak spanish due to communication burrier.

    Funny how I see a comment that it’s Simian and the buyer wants to play the Sims. Lol!

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  10. Hi,

    Yes, Windows 10’s night mode does make the theme dark but the concern is about the night mode for Fiverr.com

    I think Fiverr might have a function to set the background color to dark. I’m not sure since I’ve never tried it. But, check on the footer of the website. The human body icon. See it on the screenshot, the part marked in red.

    Share on Forum 21366×627 51.5 KB

    Someone curious to try it out will tells us.

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  11. Sounds like a good idea. But this feature is already available for those who use Windows 10, MacOS and any Linux distro. You PC will automatically turn night mode on. Not just while browsing but also when doing anything else.

    I used to be an Ubuntu user before I somehow fell in love with Windows 10. But are great OS and you can set auto night mode very easily. The OS will detect and do the job very simple. Unless you are using Windows 7, then you can consider using a browser extension.

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  12. Same for me.

    It happens.

    Hello @looseink, how are you doing. I’ve noticed you’ve been on Fiverr for quite a long time. I’m also facing the same problem that @engrsheraz27 is facing.

    See, I joined Fiverr October 2020 and I’ve made 2 sales with 5 Star Reviews. But since 25 days ago, I’ve not got any other sale. Should I be worried or it’s just something normal and I’ll start getting sales soon as these Holidays are over?

    Any advice will help a lot.

    Best Regards,

    • Like 3
  13. They found a typo - 15 days after the order was manually completed and they left a 5-star review. Instead of asking for a revision they went to customer service and requested a cancelation. Customer service canceled the order and removed the funds from my account. They said they couldn’t “force the buyer to accept the order due to the mistake.” There was only one mistake cited in their cancelation request. The article is still on this buyer’s website, even after multiple DMCA takedown notices.

    Maybe you should report the website for copyright infringement. They still used your work even after complaining it was having some typo.

    That’s something that Fiverr should take a look at. They should sometimes try to understand the seller instead of just being fully supportive to the buyer.

    What a sad experience that must have been!

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