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Posts posted by zreine

  1. 1- Add a gig video even if what I do as nothing to do with video editing or things like that.

    • First, I can show more than the 3 sample pictures Fiverr allows.
    • Second, it shows Buyers I’ve put time in my gig, so it looks serious and more professional.
    • Third I was able to add some sketch and work in progress in my gig video, as well as some traditional paintings which shows I’m not lying about my artistic background. “I’m the real deal, you won’t get scammed.” Is what my video tell Buyers.

    2- Stay online 24/7, I’ve tried it, refreshing regularly and keeping open the Fiverr app on my phone. I did that for two weeks, didn’t get a single order. Then one day I forgot to charge my phone and went to sleep. After 10 hours off line I woke up to an order. So I gave up on that, it’s clearly useless to stay online all the time, it even seems to have the opposite effect!

    3- My video have been on my gig for around a month (not sure) and since it’s been there I’ve receive double de messages I used to receive before. I didn’t take all of them as a Job, but the positive impact exceeded my expectation by a lot. It costed my 50$ for a Seller to make my video and since it’s been up I got 5X my money back.

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  2. You are right, You said your opinion and it’s free for everybody. However I just don’t want many new comers have wrong information. They want to receive more orders and want to succeed on fiverr. That’s why I replied to your post.

    Fiverr is not just for only sellers. Fiverr is also trying to give buyers the best experience. If buyers requests are not handled quickly, they will spend their time and won’t get solution. So Fiverr would be trying to bring buyers to faster sellers. That is reason why quicker gigs reveal on the first pages. Of course that is not absolutely consistency. To give opportunities to new sellers, the ranking algorithm has fussier parameters.

    And Fiverr does not force your health risk.

    Fiverr provides some convenient functions to make response rate.

    For example, when you are not available, you can turn on ‘Out of Office’ option on your profile page.


    If you reply to first request of clients, the response rate does not go down.

    So if you are busy and could not read/understand/reply to client’s requests, you can send template message to him using ‘Quick Response’ function on the next to the Emoji button.


    For example you can define template message like this,

    “Thank you for reaching out to me. I will review your request in more detail and get back to you ASAP. Thank you.”

    I hope this post will help you guys.

    Well, thank you! :star_struck: I wasn’t aware of that. That’s actually very helpful to know. If I can use that to solve the issue without wasting time to refresh the page every hour, than you can be sure I’ll use it!

    • Like 3
  3. That was because your niche met Halloween day. I don’t want to argue with you but that is just your case. Fiverr says response rate is important.

    None of my orders have anything to do with Halloween. But think what you want, I’m just sharing my personnel experience. You can take it or leave it. I’m not forcing anyone to do what I do. Like I said if it does have an negative impact, for me it’s not bad enough to worry about it. I’d rather focus about delivering on time and getting good reviews. To be clear I’m not talking about extremes like seller responding weeks later to messages. I do my best to respond as soon as I see the message, but I’m not going to put my health at risk and my life on the side to fit Fiverr’s ridiculous standards of the “less than one hour response” on a platform where buyers can message you at 3am.

    But in the end, if for you the negatives impact has been really bad, and you are willing to do that, then you do you. It’s just not my case here.

    • Like 3
  4. @zreine I can see only 2 reviews on your profile. I could not understand why you said response rate is not important. You created your profile 4 months ago and 2 reviews and 1 order in queue. It says you are new member in fiverr. Response rate is very important to gig ranking. There are so many gigs related to each niche, so clients won’t wait for your late replies and will go to others. All of fiverr documents, tutorials and lectures say that response rate is important. You should not spread wrong information to newbies here.

    My account was created 4 month ago, but I only started my first gig around 2 weeks ago and got my first order 3 days after starting my gig. Before that I was just lurking around, not being active as a seller or a buyer. The order I have in queue is a big order of 8 drawings. I’ve got another Buyer who’s suppose to contact me this weekend for 4 more orders. That buyer ordered from me before, but cannot order now because of health issue. So for a gig that have only been active for about two weeks I think that’s pretty good!

    • Like 4
  5. But it happen with me before when my response time in 1 hours my gig improvement i feel and see but recently one of my new buyer send me a request but that time i was out of network and after i replied him may be after 15 hours but i completed this tusks with good review and i see my response time red sine and than my gig improvement going down so, end of the day i fixed the issue i happened to me.

    I mean impression seems to have a weird way of working. I just went to check my gig and my impression went up compare to yesterday and I have no idea of why. As far as I know I didn’t do anything yesterday for it to go up.

    Same with the Response time, The other day I got a new message for an order and happened to be online. I answered within 2 minutes, but my response time is still 21h according to Fiverr. So yeah, at this point I just don’t pay attention to it, Fiverr works in mysterious ways, lol.

    • Like 4
  6. I don’t know it doesn’t seem to be affecting my gig that much. My gig is fairly new, but my response time is 21 hours, because i check my messages and send update to my Buyers once or twice a day. The rest of the day I’m working on my orders. I’ve got good reviews and it doesn’t stop my ranking from going up, even if like I said it’s new so it’s not very high to start with. It didn’t stop me from getting orders too. Let’s be realistic here, it’s an international web site, people live in different time zones. I can’t stay up 24/7 in case I receive a message at 2 am. I need to sleep too, I’m not a robot.

    Maybe it’s affecting my gig more than I think, but I choose not to care. I offer a really great service, quality work and deliver it fast. I offer basic free revision and so far never had a client make me do one, because they say the work I send them is perfect and exactly what they wanted. Everybody is satisfied, so why should I worry about some obscure stat, that means nothing about the quality of my gig and the quality of my work? I’ve seen plenty of seller that always respond within one hour, but deliver subpar services. The response time means nothing.

    • Like 6
  7. Well there is plenty of gigs that have low competition, but you still need skill and hard work. I Mean example, there is a lot of competition in drawing manga style illustrations and low competition in drawing horror fantasy illustrations, since that’s what i do and I got orders really fast…BUT you still need to know how to draw.
    See it that way: If it’s easy and requires no skill, why would buyers pay money instead of doing it themselves?

    • Like 2
  8. Will they still be able to contact me

    They should be able to contact you through either the order page or your inbox.

    Will I be able to still sent those two buyers offers to complete their orders if I do so?

    You will need to uppause your gig just long enough to sent a custom offer and then pause it again.

    My best suggestion is not to pause why because of the algorithm no one know how its work instead of pausing increment the gig delivery time. that’s my opinion

    I have two paused gigs and I still am getting orders.

    Thank you! That’s very helpful.

    • Like 7
  9. I have 2 trustworthy Buyers (bought from me before) Who have two really big orders for me for a total of 12 drawings. I decided to divide them in multiple smaller offers to help me keep track. I don’t feel like I can accept new orders for a while, so I want to pause my only gig. Will they still be able to contact me and Will I be able to still sent those two buyers offers to complete their orders if I do so?

    This is all new for me, so I’m a little bit scared of ruining everything. 😅

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