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Everything posted by zhilik4713

  1. Is there anyone whose account was flagged? And you just solved it anyway... 😐
  2. Is there anyone whose account was flagged? And you just solved it anyway... 😐

    1. shaikhmhr


      I Know a guy whose account was flagged but he got it solved from fiverr in 6 days. 

  3. The same problem here, luckily I have some repeated buyers. But without them, I'm nothing on Fiverr 😞
  4. None of the above. I play Carrom and FF
  5. Both my impressions and clicks are going down. 😑
  6. We two sisters are going to work with Fiverrs in the same category. Although, we have two PC's, but the WiFi connection is one or same. Could it be some kind of problem?
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