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Posts posted by mvrphotodesign

  1. Hello Seller!

    For few days, I have observed that higher-level sellers face problems to earn money or do not get good order as they did at a lower level. Besides, some new seller from more than a year in Fiverr make money regularly, and they don’t bother to update their status or have no intention to uprise the current level.

    I am a new seller here, and all the happening is making me confused. What do you think?

    or do not get good order as they did at a lower level

    I have actually experienced/noticed this myself. When I was a level 1 buyer I suddenly got less impressions/clicks and orders. Now that I’ve gone down a level (mainly due to a response rate bug) I’m suddenly getting more traffic again.

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    1. Increase your price and decrease your amount of revisions, it changes the way buyers view you: a little more exclusive. Ofcourse this totally depends on what kind of work you deliver. I myself put in A LOT of time and effort. Offering absurdly low prices and unlimited revisions makes it very easy for buyers to take advantage of you.

    2. Saying yes to every buyer request you get. Decide what buyers suit you or not, otherwise you might end up overworking and getting major headaches.

    3. So far I’ve completed 14 orders and I’m currently working on another 4. I think I started implementing the advice after my 12th order or so - rather late! So I can’t say anything about consistency yet. Because not following this advice eventually messed up my mental state a bit.

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