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Posts posted by cc_animation

  1. On 5/26/2024 at 8:12 AM, milos_siena said:

    "Using Video Calls

    We recommend that you contact your buyer/seller before creating a meeting, in order to confirm video call availability. Remember to take time zone differences into account.


    To start a Zoom video call:


    Go to your Inbox from the Orders page. 

    Select the Inbox message/buyer you'd like to have a video call with.

    You will see the video camera icon at the bottom of the chatbox. Click the video icon to start the chat.

    The Zoom video call invitation will appear in your messages. Click Join to join the video call. "

    - from Fiverr help.

    This is the only correct way to use Zoom while doing Fiverr work.

    Is there a way to get a shareable link before joining/starting a meeting (in case another person wants to join in on the call)? I don't see a way to share the call invitation, only a Join button for the client.

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  2. 3 hours ago, grayprogrammerz said:

    He probably looks frustrated while seeing their 10min being wasted. 😅

    Shouldn't you supposed to set availability on profile ?
    So new client's can't message.


    29 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

    Like was said, you could have gone to unavailable mode or paused a gig if you weren't available.

    Though if there was another reason that you didn't want to do his project (eg. if there might be a copyright/trademark reason or technical reason) you could have let him know that so might have reacted differently. eg. an Iron Man video that was not a parody might have been a copyright/trademark problem.

    I like to decide on a per-project basis, sometimes I can squeeze in smaller projects that fit my schedule, this seemed like a project I didn't have time for.

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  3. 1 hour ago, sunboatrecords said:

    I believe that you were too biased.

    The client was clearly an admirer of birds, and he merely tried to inform you that a hawk flew off in his area. He just made a spelling error.

    Now, not only did you miss out on making the big monies but also, the opportunity to watch a glorious hawk in flight.

    I think you're right, in fact he was getting increasingly enthusiastic about it:



    • Like 5
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  4. I always disliked the forced 'I will...' format. I understand they wanted to create some unity in the various offerings on Fiverr but it adds unnecessary fluff. I think it's much better to just describe the service outright, like:

    Logo design for SMB
    Voice over
    Video editing for social media


    • Like 10
  5. As an individual seller you can offer shorter communication times; in agencies or larger companies, clients are often connected to a project manager who then has to relay feedback to the design team. Efficiency and speed are your strengths because you're more flexible than a large company.
    Larger companies have more overhead, leading to relatively high prices for smaller projects. Individual freelancers -hopefully- have fewer business expenses, so you'll probably win over the smaller clients by competing on price.

    You may not always be able to beat them for the bigger, high-end clients, because you lack the manpower and versatility, but you will be able to generate a steady revenue in your niche with returning, smaller clients.

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  6. 18 hours ago, uk1000 said:

    After a seller (A) delivers an order and if they add attachments to the delivery (which most will I assume), the system could then check the attached files with the deliveries that seller A recently ordered (I assume they could also check the files within an attached zip file), they could then check each file to see if they matched. If any match they would know that seller A is delivering the delivery they received (or at least 1 file of it) as is to their buyer.

    Maybe it might be more efficient to create a hash of each attached file (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_function or maybe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fingerprint_(computing)) (eg. something like an integer created based on the contents of each file attached) then compare the hashes, and only then check the files themselves if the hashes matched. If the hashes and files match you know a file is being delivered as is (without changes from the one they purchased through a recent order).

    Sounds good, but far from secure. It would be easy to circumvent. Change one pixel or alter the file only slightly and the hash wouldn't match anymore, so the system and buyer are duped into thinking they're original or unique deliveries.

    • Like 8
  7. On 8/20/2022 at 12:14 PM, donnovan86 said:

    I am sick and tired of people trying to capitalize on me just because I have low prices and want to help others. So yeah, I am all about this as far as I am concerned. Although I am sure 99.9% of those that outsource don't even read the website rules and won't add any disclaimer. And Fiverr has no way of knowing who outsources and who doesn't, unless the person outsources here on Fiverr. Otherwise.. that's close to impossible...

    If you are so sick and tired of people trying to capitalize on you, you should either increase your prices or state in your terms that your work cannot be resold "as is" and the buyer cannot claim to be the creator. You may not prevent it completely but you're in control of what you provide to others and for what price.

    • Like 4
  8. On 7/15/2022 at 12:21 AM, smashradio said:

    I recently did a voice-over job for a government agency via an agency. The script was 70 words, for one year of usage, and I earned 3500 USD on it minus my agency fee of 10%. If they want to use it again next year, that's 3500 USD more for me. 

    Had they thought of visiting Fiverr, they would have gotten the same product (minus the live direction) for 35 dollars (of which Fiverr charges us 20%.)

    It would have been recorded in the same high-end studio, by the same voice-over actor, and I would have chosen the same style as they asked for during the recording session anyway.

    May I ask why the huge price difference? Is 35 dollars on Fiverr your 'sweet spot'? Because asking 35 dollars for something worth hundreds of dollars (or in case of a government agency thousands of dollars) seems arbitrary. In that case, why not 50 dollars, or 100 dollars? It still would be a big bargain for any buyer.

    • Like 3
  9. I'm not even surprised. But passing an English test doesn't guarantee success on the platform. Buyers will find out quickly enough what kind of seller they're dealing with so I don't think cheating the system works.

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  10. On 6/27/2022 at 9:29 PM, newsmike said:

    You are making the mistake of assuming that people are honest as to their qualifications and experience here. In fact is you read the forum with any regularity, every day we call out people with outrageous lies on their gigs and profiles, with the vast majority coming from just a couple of places. So yes, in your example, assuming everyone is honest about their qualifications and experience, there is a small chance that you could find that rare gem.  Just yesterday, we called out a noob claiming to have expertise in 38 fields, and proficiency in 61 languages. However the volume of complaints here in the forum are evidence that noobs are very regularly lying about the country they are in, their level of English fluency, their profile picture their education, and their expertise. Other than that all good, right?  Bottom line is that noobs are a gamble that may be acceptable for people fooling around on Fiverr, but for professionals who are trying to get a job done, and done right the first time, TRS/PRO sellers are the best way to insure that. 

    You're right in saying that you can never be sure if a seller is honest.
    Indeed my comparison was under the assumption we're dealing with honest sellers. Of course, on Fiverr it's a gamble and vetted sellers are always a safer choice of course.

    Proficiency in 61 languages and 38 expertises, haha. If only all scammers were so easy to spot!

    • Like 6
  11. 16 hours ago, sabinespoems said:

    This is very interesting, especially since we're from the same country. I assume you have a registered business? Although I'm technically a freelancer, I always thought what I do through Fiverr just simply makes me a person earning an extra buck on the side. That's why I don't think your method would apply to my case? 🤔

    But deducting the conversion fees definitely wouldn't make these steps I'm doing worth it. Could you maybe shed some light on how you're able to deduct it as such? I understand it might be too complicated with all the tax specific details (I'll definitely look into it myself), but perhaps you can provide me with some starter knowledge!  


    Hi Sabine,

    Yes, I have a registered business and as a full-time freelancer I'm allowed to deduct all business related costs. I keep track of all costs (invoices, receipts) and my bookkeeper handles the tax return and everything.

    Are you doing this work on the side? Are you employed? Then the Belastingdienst will likely classify your revenue from Fiverr as 'resultaat uit overige werkzaamheden'. But even then you should be able to deduct most business-related costs (phone, computer, software subscriptions, Paypal fees, etc).
    Maybe there is a treshold for that if you're not classified as a full-time 'ondernemer', so always check with an accountant. I'm not a tax expert so don't take my advice for granted 🙂

    • Like 20
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  12. 3 minutes ago, theratypist said:

     She shared a quick sample in another thread because I was also curious.... 🙂


    "I don't mind at all! I'd feel the same way that's why I suggested it 😊 I'll use last month of May as an example;

    The amount I withdrew from Fiverr was $464,67. If I withdrew it directly to PayPal it would've been 409,42 EUR. To check this I simply click the PayPal button and see the amount it converts to.

    Instead, I deposited it to Payoneer and the amount became $463,67 with the $1 fee being deducted. When I withdrew it from Wise it was $461,43, which makes the fee deducted from the 'Payoneer' amount $2,24. 

    Taking conversion rates into account, the total that was deposited on my bank account was 429,43 EUR. This is 20 EUR more that if I directly deposited it into my PayPal account. 

    For some who have a higher revenue, 20 EUR is peanuts and simple change which isn't worth the extra hassle. However in my mind I believe it's a real waste (and simply unfair haha) to lose 20 EUR that could've been circumvented with just a few extra mouse clicks!"

    Thanks for that.

    I deduct the conversion fees in my tax report as business costs (ie. the difference between withdrawal amount and actual received amount) so I'm not sure if it's worth the hassle of going through Payoneer > Wise for that amount.

    • Like 22
  13. On 6/20/2022 at 3:52 PM, newsmike said:

    Yes, noobs can, sometimes, provide equally good services in situations such as you describe. That's not what he said. He said simply, "noobs can provide "better" services." You have to look at the precise wording to see why his comment makes no sense.  

    My point is that his comment does make sense. Noobs CAN provide BETTER services than seasoned Fiverr sellers, because being a noob on Fiverr does not necessarily mean the new seller is a noob in his craft.

    So imagine someone with 10 years of experience joins Fiverr. Even though he is a New seller, he is skilled and experienced.
    Compare that with a Lvl 2 seller with only 2 year of experience. Chances are the new seller is the better pick.

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  14. On 6/21/2022 at 1:13 AM, sabinespoems said:

    I mentioned my method of withdrawing before on the forum but I can't retrieve it so I'll just explain it here again!

    I live in the Netherlands so I'm dealing with the conversion rates like you as well. I've adopted the same method as the OP. My Payoneer account is in USD and the same goes for my Wise account (formerly known as Transferwise). On my Wise account I've also set the currency to USD. On Wise however, I've linked my personal bank account. So when I withdraw my money from Wise, it converts into EUR and gets deposited on my own 'actual' bank account. 

    It was quite a hassle for me to setup though but as the OP said, it was definitely worth it! 

    Have you already set up a Wise account? Because Fiverr doesn't indeed allow countries outside of the US to directly deposit it into your personal bank account. Maybe that's why you haven't succeeded yet? 

    I'm also from the Netherlands, checking on the best way to withdraw. How much did you save by using this method compared to Paypal?

    • Like 20
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  15. 10 hours ago, newsmike said:

    No noobs don't provide "better services", they may be adequate, but better is a silly claim. This comment is desperate and self serving. Learn your craft and earn your success. 

    Not necessarily ever Fiverr 'newbie' is a newbie to his or her craft. Someone can join Fiverr with 10+ years of professional experience and potentially deliver better quality than a top seller on Fiverr with only 2 years of experience.

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  16. This option to withdraw directly to my bank account seems very useful, but I wonder which currency conversion would be cheapest. Does Fiverr use the standard market rate or does it add a (hidden) fee to convert from USD to EUR? I know Paypal adds a hidden fee in their currency conversion of 2,5% or so.

    If anyone has experience with this option and could shed some light on this, thanks!


    • Like 7
  17. You have consider everything to analise something, for example, but reality still…

    I am from a third world country, and $5 is kind a good money here.

    A new seller have to low your offer, because a buyer will not buy something from a non rating new seller, if the seller has a 5.0 rating at least. Of course, some buyer will buy something from a new seller, i am not generalizing that, but you must have a good reputation after all.

    So then, not always a composer is charging $5 because he is does not know the time which takes to compose something and his hard work.

    But that’s what I said, either a seller is from a third world country (where cost of living is lower) or pricing themselves lower in order to get that first 5* rating.

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  18. Well if I ever need an animator…I know who to ask and will expect to be charged accordingly 🙂

    You’re welcome anytime!

    I just checked your profile and I noticed you actually have a Pro Verified badge. That hopefully should attract clients who don’t expect $5 prices. So I don’t think you have a lot to fear from cheaper sellers.

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  19. Thanks for your replies (wow - that was quick!) I completely agree with you both @cc_animation and @teachernita . The trouble is, are there people on Fiverr who do actually pay proper, sustainable prices? I guess may be time will tell (unless anyone on here can save me the time lol!)

    Thanks for your replies (wow - that was quick!) I completely agree with you both @cc_animation and @teachernita . The trouble is, are there people on Fiverr who do actually pay proper, sustainable prices? I guess may be time will tell (unless anyone on here can save me the time lol!)

    Some are, but regular buyers might have gotten used to the relatively lower prices compared to ‘normal’ freelance rates.

    Your mileage may vary so it’s worth a shot, if you’re looking to expand your clientele and income stream. For me it offers a nice side income. (And I don’t have $5 gigs 😉 )

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  20. On Fiverr you’re competing with sellers from third world countries, hobbyists or beginning freelancers who don’t know how to value themselves.
    Some deliberately undersell themselves in order to get gigs and reviews, knowing full well that $5 is unsustainable.

    I’d stick to your own pricing. There are buyers looking for quality and who are willing to pay normal prices.

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