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Everything posted by creativevision9

  1. *CHECK THIS OUT. I ASKED CUSTOMER SUPPORT FOR THE SAME PROBLEM AND THEY REPLIED TO THIS. I hope it will help Okay so upon review your Gig is live and active in the search (please check the screenshot), you can see it here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/new/gig While I understand your concern, this is simply how it works. One day you might be on top, the next not. The marketplace is dynamic and ever-changing, the algorithm takes a lot into consideration. Just to be clear, while I wish I could give your Gig a “good” ranking, this is not something that can manually be done. All I can suggest you do to help your Gigs placement is: Advertise outside of Fiverr, on places such as Linkedin, Facebook groups for job hunting, Instagram, Twitter, and even Reddit. Putting yourself out there will drive impressions and clicks to your Gig page. Take a Fiverr Learn course, https://learn.fiverr.com/ or Joining Fiverr Pro How to Successfully Apply to Become a Fiverr Pro Additionally, the Fiverr Forum has a lot of great resources: The marketplace is competitive, there are 1000’s of sellers with similar services and therefore the marketplace will always be in shift. You need to stand out, to increase your ranking and position you have to keep your Gig looking fresh. Kind regards
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