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Posts posted by filusaad

  1. Just curious, I think a downvote button in the Fiverr Forum will really help to determine if a response is good or not. The most downvoted comments should be less visible. There are many people spreading misinformation on here and I think it will be very helpful if there was another emoji for the downvote. 

    • Like 8
  2. It is against Fiverr's policy to use a VPN while using the platform. If you accidentally logged into Fiverr while using a VPN, there is a possibility that Fiverr may issue a warning or take action against your account. However, this is not guaranteed, and it is best to avoid using a VPN while accessing Fiverr.

    If you need to use a VPN for work or other purposes, it is recommended to use a different browser or device to access Fiverr without the VPN. And, if you use a VPN application like NordVPN, it is best to disconnect from the VPN before accessing Fiverr to prevent any issues with your account.

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  3. New sellers often have this misconception about Fiverr, and it's pretty annoying since they often receive this information from their "Mentor" or "Youtube Fiverr Experts" who worked on Fiverr YEARS AGO!

    However, the notion that one must remain active on Fiverr 24/7 to receive orders is very false. In reality, I receive most of my orders at night when I'm not online, and this has been the case even when I was new on Fiverr. Therefore, the idea that staying online is crucial for success on Fiverr is a myth that doesn't hold up. The most important thing is to provide good quality service, and that is the only way for you to rank up and get more orders.

    Also using any software or engaging in any activities that manipulate the Fiverr system is strictly prohibited under the platform's terms of service, and such actions will get you banned even if you are a Top rated seller.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, nathanjanusz said:

    But how can I protect audio files from theft?

    Follow this 👇

    9 minutes ago, filusaad said:

    And in the future, I recommend you protect your work by adding a watermark or other form of protection to your delivered work on Fiverr. Make sure to let the client know that the watermark is temporary and will be removed on the final delivery. Dont overdo the watermark as it can get annoying as well

    For more information on how and when to watermark your projects, I recommend watching this YouTube video

    8 minutes ago, nathanjanusz said:

    Okay I will record a sample that is literally me saying I'm not AI. I can include video. 

    Maintaining a professional tone is crucial, and I suggest starting the message with a greeting such as Hello [Name], I wanted to provide you with a video proof that confirms I am not an AI. I hope this clears up any misunderstandings. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let me know, and I will be more than happy to assist you.

    • Like 2
  5. One way to prove that you are not an AI is to offer to provide a live sample of your voice via a video call or recording. You could also provide additional voice samples that demonstrate your natural tone and speaking style

    If the client continues to dispute the order, you can contact Fiverr's customer support team for assistance.

    And in the future, I recommend you protect your work by adding a watermark or other form of protection to your delivered work on Fiverr. Make sure to let the client know that the watermark is temporary and will be removed on the final delivery. Dont overdo the watermark as it can get annoying as well

    • Like 2
  6. Yes, you can log in to Fiverr using multiple devices. However, it is important to note that each user is only permitted to have one account on the platform.

    A related question that is often asked is whether other members of my home can use Fiverr on the same Wi-Fi network. The answer is yes, they can use the platform on the same network, BUT it is important to note that they cannot offer the same services as you.

    • Like 8
  7. I just have a quick response saved for these spam messages. So whenever I get these messages, I just use the quick response and report + block them. And this seems to be the most efficient way to deal with the problem.

    But I would love to see Fiverr add a spam filter feature in the future.

    • Like 3
  8. If you're talking about the "My Portfolio" option then if you don't see the option you might not be eligible yet.



    Currently, only Pro, TRS, Rising Talent, and Fiverr Business sellers are able to participate in all categories. Selected sellers will get an invitation. 

    If your service is non-visual in nature, you can still use the portfolio to showcase your service. If your service has no creative samples, simply describe your work and add your relevant skills in any category (i.e. Writing & Translation, Admin Support, Web Development, etc.).


    More Info

    You can also showcase your work on your Gig Gallery. You can add Images/Video/Audio/PDF

    You can see more info about it here (step 5)


    • Like 2
  9. Quote

    When you deliver your Gig, your buyer will see a watermark on the image preview up until they accept and complete the order. Your original image will not be available for the buyer to download until after the order is marked as complete by the buyer.

    Fiverr puts a watermark automatically until the order is completed to protect the seller's work. It will be removed after the order is marked as complete.

    I don't think he was trying to scam you as he is a Top rated seller and has more to lose by scamming people.

    If he put an external watermark, then I suggest you message him and ask him to provide you with a fresh watermark-free image. 

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  10. Might just go back to basics, Promote them in the old way e.g. Social media, Blogs, Content, Groups, etc. Join multiple groups on Facebook around your niche and provide value, Write valuable content/blogs and share them on Linkedin, Medium, and more. 

    • Like 4
  11. There are many things you need to optimize first to rank your gig on the first page, 

    1. Your gig must have a well-researched title with keywords but make sure it's not too long
    2. Your gig must have good tags and descriptions.

    I also suggest you research your competitors as well, see what's working for them and implement them into your gig.

    But keep in mind that Fiverr uses a complex algorithm to rank the gigs, and no seller knows how it works. The most we can understand about this is that the ranking is based on gig performance.

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  12. There are many things you need to optimize first to rank your gig on the first page, 

    1. Your gig must have a well-researched title with keywords but make sure it's not too long
    2. Your gig must have good tags and descriptions.

    I also suggest you research your competitors as well, see what's working for them and implement them into your gig.

    But keep in mind that Fiverr uses a complex algorithm to rank the gigs, and no seller knows how it works. The most we can understand about this is that the ranking is based on gig performance.

    • Like 7
  13. Quote
    • Negative Keywords (to hide my Gig on those keywords even in chat)

    Blocking some keywords will be really helpful as I lost so much money just for some people to click on my gigs and ask if I want to "collab" or "partnership" with a company and the "CEO" himself contacted me for it. And of course, they want my services for free and promise me a commission🙄 Half of my promoted messages are either scams or those people. So it would be really helpful if Fiverr implemented a spam filter or a keyword filter.

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  14. I was in a similar situation a few years back and contacted support regarding this issue and here's what they replied.


    Hi there,

    I took a look at your issue and here is what I found. The quality of the computerized narration in the video was not up to the standard expected for a Fiverr Gig video. You may narrate the video yourself, or have it done by a professional. We recommend the narration be made by a real person, and use software to enhance the quality.

    And here's a point I found on the Fiverr support page 


    We recommend that you use your own voice instead of using a computerized narration
    If you do want to use a computerized narration, make sure it's high quality and as close to your original voice

    For more information regarding this issue, I suggest you read this article

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  15. It might be Fiverr asking you to increase the pricing on your gig, It's *only for some categories* the minimum pricing requires to be 30$. 

    But it might not be the issue with your gig as I'm just guessing. Click on the message and see what needs to be changed and do the changes accordingly or your gig might be removed.

    • Like 3
  16. If you're unsure about which service to go for then I suggest you write a brief (Post a request) on Fiverr. It's a feature through will sellers will be able to contact you after reading your request and project requirements, and you can choose any sellers whom you see fit.

    For this go to Fiverr and on the upper right, click on your profile icon. Select "Post a request" and write your project details. 

    If you need help with Fiverr Beiefs you can see this article here.

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  17. I'm seeing these on every topic in the forum and I'm sure the mods are trying to remove it to the best of their abilities but there are so many of these accounts. Looks like the only solution would be to add some kind of phone verification for being able to post, or something else.

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