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Posts posted by vivi123

  1. 17 hours ago, frank_d said:

    Hey @vivi123

    I just checked your profile and a gig at random.

    You are not at a stage where optimization is your problem.

    You have multiple gigs that are extremely alike and Fiverr most likely stopped indexing you because of that.


    Furthermore there is evidence of past negative reviews that you simply deleted your gig, but said reviews probably had an impact in your ability to rank, especially because you have so few sales.

    This is not me saying that you can’t recover, I just wanted to clarify that what I posted here will probably not help you as much as you would hope. You are starting an effort to recover which is admirable but at the same time you need to understand the issues that brought you in that situation if you are to make a change.

    Hello, and thnak for your coment, When I start fiver, was 12 yeas ago, and I cant delivery on time 1 gig.
    Now, I want to recover my gig and start to sell again.
    Tell me what I have to do to recover and rank again.

    Thank you so much and happy new year !! 

    • Like 144
    • Congrats! 1
    • Thanks 4
  2. Looks like there are some issues After giving high bidding still IMPRESSIONS not increasing 🙃 this issue just noticed since last 2 days

    some people had bad experience with gig promotion… I want to know other people who has good experience…

    greeting from @vivi123

    • Like 83
  3. I’m a new seller, I had completed 4 orders within 7 days and after that, I got an order of $150 and the time was 1 day. Well, I had worked a long 13 hours without any rest and completed the order, and went for bed. When I got back to Fiverr buyer said he reset my all work. I had to cancel the order. And from that day I didn’t get any orders. My profile lost ranking.

    congratulationss !!! good luck !!

    • Like 4
  4. On 4/19/2021 at 3:51 PM, vickiespencer said:

    Then if this is the method you used to find clients on the Fiverr Forum, it worked! I am jealous because I have not got sales from the Forum in the past 365 days!

    how you can find order in this forum ?? 🤨 

    • Like 15
  5. We already have an active thread about this :

    I recently noticed this “bug”: Top sellers from the first page get thrown to the last page and then forgotten forever. If you came here to learn why and how I fixed it, you’ve come to the right place. However, this may take a lot of effort from your side, so, get ready! rocket Before I show you the steps to fix your gig’s position in the search, I wanna explain how the search algorithm works and why so many people are confused about it. Why am I getting demoted?The search algorithm is NOT …

    So start reading that.

    How is work the algorythm ?? how i can be in the first page ??

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