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Posts posted by nexartdesign

  1. 6 hours ago, lacroix88 said:

    For what it's worth I know it's a really bad situation and I think you didn't want to break any rules, I'm sure you will find other ways to work even if it's very frustrating what happened because it could happen to any of us and then you also lost money and this should concern everyone instead I only see people who only know how to judge and make useless comments like "let it go".

    I am increasingly shocked by the low level of comments on this forum, it seems like another planet.

    However for me nothing is lost yet, the 90 days are the last hope.

    Prepare a detailed report to be sent by that deadline and with all my support I wish you good luck!

    If you want, update this post on that date.

    Thank you so much brother, I tried everything on desk service, emails, twitter and forum but they found something where they can ignore scam and they know how to not talk about compensation. So I think we can a wake a person from sleep but we can't who's acting of sleep. I rest my case and there is no hope.

    Frustration was on next level but its sudden reaction and hope where I was hoping that fiverr will help, but finally there are lot of learnings in last 90 days. No hope and no expectation. 

    I made 110+ orders with 2 cancelled and 100+ orders with 5 stars, but still fiverr need trustworthy sellers. and this is how they will get them, 

    I just hope that other sellers will not face the situations I faced, and appreciate you and everyone for support and understanding. There are lot of plateforms but the thing is which plateform is supporting their clients, fiverr not comes under this category at all. not even addressing scam issue 😂

    I just rest my issue here. Good luck everyone 🖤

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  2. 19 hours ago, smartdezigns said:

    Please at least respect her as she is doing her job. You asked and requested her to check your case (even other experienced sellers requested her to check your case). She did and responded as well. No one does this much for anyone else. 

    We already told and guided you that there is nothing you can do anymore. Accept your fate and let it go. We wish you all the best. You can try other platforms and I'm sure that you will do better there hopefully (other platforms). 

    Good Luck!

    I respect each and everyone who supported me especially her but this is also true that fiverr never addressed scam issue, just because I'm suspended they ignored scam

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  3. 6 hours ago, Lena said:

    Hello @nexartdesign

    As I said before, there is nothing I can do. For all further inquiries, please contact our Customer Support. 

    Thank you.

    Thank you so much for account suspension and thanks a lot to ignore $1650 scam. No further need to ask anything I can see how rude you are. You guys will alway stick to account suspension issue, thats okay I accepted that but you guys will never talk about scam, I think I'm blessed that I faced this scam hence I can see your fiverr's real schemes. although still fiverr hoping for trustworthy seller 😆 how stupid it sounds. @Lena And dont tell me to contact customer support because they have banned me on each way of contact.

    I dont need compensation but at least be brave and address the issue once.

    5 hours ago, hassam_islam said:

    that was a very senstive issue because you ask your client to go to Fiverr support to change the review 

    I've already accepted account suspension brother, I was asking for scam I faced just befor account suspension. It was for $1650 and they never response to this query. This is my issue.

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  4. 3 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    Once you have been banned by Fiverr it is against TOS to open another account, so you can't "earn it again". 

    This was just a thought I had today, there was only one account and that not issue here in case

    And I dont know why fiverr doesnt be fair and destroying seller career also not providing compensation for scams

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  5. 2 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    Who said they are not fair? It all depends on the situation and what happened. 

      Anyone can read proofs and say it. but fiverr doesnt care they did what they used to. And I dont mind if they suspended my level 2 account, now even I'll be not surprised if they suspend someone's Top rated account.

    Well I dont need my account back I'll earn it again thats not an issue and also I don't want any compensation for scam I've faced. 

    I posted here just because if they can help or other sellers can be aware of such scams and also letting them know that fiverr will not going to compensate your efforts.

    Again No_expectation @Lena 

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  6. 10 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    Obviously they don't study your account for 60 days. Due to how many accounts are disabled, it might take months to get to your situation. I am pretty sure checking an account doesn't take a whole lot, especially if they know the violation. 

    You are right but that doesnt mean I don't deserve fair judgement

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  7. 17 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    Fiverr takes review manipulation very seriously. There are so many sellers who purposely manipulate reviews for their gain that Fiverr takes a very hard stance on it. They have to, due to the sheer number of violators. So even though Fiverr does have the tools to check, they might not be digging too far if you didn't pass their initial screening questions of "Did the seller contact the buyer about the review?" or "Did the seller contact CS about changing the review?"


    For me fiverr can check my 100+ orders I did, I never talked about review and ratings and I have just one account. I 110 around orders and only 2 orders were cancelled by client and 2-3 orders with below 5 stars rating, So I was on 4.9 ratings and I never run for such things. Even my clients searching me on other plateforms for my quality work, I can say openly that I'm honest and I earned something. I can start new account and tell them to order there but still I'm honest with fiverr and waiting for fair decision.

    17 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    Fiverr handles their review manipulation just like how I deal with spam in my inbox - I won't do a deep analysis of every message that looks spammy to check if they are legitimate buyers.

    They reviewed account for 60 days for just this over analysis? They should look deepely into this and see each and every messages because its about someones carees, future and selfmade Level 2 account.

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  8. 2 hours ago, vickieito said:

    Not necessarily. Confronting a buyer about their review and questioning "Did you really like my work?" (when it was clear that they did based on the 4-star review and tip) could be seen as putting enough pressure to make the buyer want to change their review.


    Any seller can be confused of same situation and seller should ask same for their satisfaction that doesnt mean they are pressuring

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  9. 2 hours ago, vickieito said:

    thank the buyer for the tip right away - not seven hours later

    Just because I was busy and I have seen tip later and message after 7 hours, It doens't mean she tipped so later, Fiverr has all the proofs.

    2 hours ago, vickieito said:

    Fiverr won't confirm this with her. Questioning the buyer, "Did you really like my work?" can put a lot of unnecessary pressure on a buyer. And most likely if she feels pressured, she won't tell you.

    6 hours ago, nexartdesign said:

    Every seller askes their CS the same question to provide satisfaction, that doesn't mean they are pressuring CS.

    2 hours ago, vickieito said:

    I really don't know if you'll be able to provide the proof needed to reverse Fiverr's decision for the permanent suspension of your account. Fiverr really takes review manipulation seriously, so in order to reverse the decision, you'll have to provide compelling evidence that disproves everything I've mentioned. If you can do that, there may be a chance.

    Yes I have proofs and I've attached here but at the same time I'm not able to login so now fiverr has all the proofs and they can check all messages.

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  10. 2 hours ago, vickieito said:

    @nexartdesign - To clarify ... this is what it looks like so far:

    1. Your buyer gives you a 4-star review.

    2. You confront your buyer in the inbox and ask why you got that 4-star review.

    3. Your buyer decides to change her review to a 5-star review but can't.

    4. Your buyer assures you she was happy with your services and tried to change her review for you (note: this may not reflect her true feelings).

    5. Seven hours later, the buyer decides to give you a tip to compensate you for that less-than-5-star review. You thank her and screenshot the message for CS.

    It would be different if a buyer tipped you while leaving her 4-star review, but since the tip came after you confronted her about her 4-star review, it could be seen as review manipulation. And the whole conversation could be seen as a "manufactured" conversation to take to Fiverr CS to try to get the review changed. Which you did. So this is how Fiverr might see it, even if that wasn't your intent.

    It really doesn't take much to make a buyer feel pressured to change their review. Just putting them on the spot can cause them to freeze and feel bad about it. I certainly don't want anyone questioning me about a less-than-five-star review that I gave them. So I wouldn't even mention their review to them. I would just go back through previous conversations and do a post-mortem review of how the order went to see how I could improve things going forward.


    3 hours ago, vickieito said:

    The part that I think caused the account suspension comes before this conversation here (which we haven't seen yet):

    What did you ask your buyer to make her respond that way? Did you ask her about her review? How did you word it? Because asking your buyer about her review in a way that makes her want to change her review can be seen as review manipulation.

    Thats absolutely not true. Cs rated order 4 stars and gave $5 tip at the same time, So I was confused and asked her "did you really like my work or you need any correction If you have let me know" She said she really liked my work that is why she tipped me but she rated 4 stars by mistake, then she realised its her mistake and tried her self but finally she told me she is unable to fix it and then I asked fiverr for same on behalf of client.

    If you read chat carefully she was really happy and asking for next order as well so there was no pressure. fiverr can confirm with her. If she tell she was pressurised I'll leave the topic forever.



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  11. 3 hours ago, vickieito said:

    @nexartdesign -

    Unfortunately, I don't think there's anything you can do about your account suspension but I do think you should have been compensated for that order that you mentioned.

    Account Suspension

    Feedback Manipulation is one of the reasons for immediate, permanent account suspension (it bypasses the warning system due to the serious nature of this type of behavior). This is explained under the "Integrity and Authenticity" section and "Inauthentic Behavior" subsection of Fiverr's Community Standards:


    I believe your permanent suspension didn't come from contacting CS about the issue ... it was because you reached out to your buyer about their 4-star review and caused them to respond with "I was very happy with the services. I tried to fix my review but it doesn't allow me to edit it." This could be seen as "pressuring a buyer to edit or remove feedback or a review from the platform."

    More on permanently suspended accounts is here:


    Order Compensation

    I really think you should have been compensated for this order. I'm not sure how compensation would work for a permanently suspended account but this issue was reported well before Fiverr suspended your account.

    @Lena - is there anything that can be done to compensate @nexartdesign for the work that was done on this $1,650 order? I know I may be shooting in the dark because this is now a suspended account (and I'm not sure how this would be handled). If this issue were properly handled, the OP would've been compensated before the account shutdown.

    In short - the buyer ordered 70 photos and @nexartdesign delivered 69 in the order chats with good back-and-forth feedback from the buyer. However, right before the final delivery, the buyer's account was shut down, causing @nexartdesign's order to be canceled even though the order was 98.6% delivered. CS didn't provide any compensation.

    3 hours ago, vickieito said:

    Please take a look at this feed here:


    Thanks for all your help!

    3 hours ago, vickieito said:

    @freshko91 - can you send us more detail on what happened and a screenshot of the message CS sent you?

    Thank you so much. Here I have attched chat of CS and Email with Fiverr both and clearly I didn't asked for review change at all, I was just asking on behalf of client and It was okay if they answered "NO", Also they never asked for compensation nor I asked for. I suggested 2 things to fiverr to prevent such scams like Cx shouldn't get deactivate account option white active order or If they do, they should not get refunded. but there is only same replay I got as a bot. 

    Yes I asked something which contains some keywords thats voilating TOS but please read all proof carefully and revew everything as a human and understand why I asked and what was my intentions.

    There are also some screenshots in tickets I've raised but currently can't acces them, where in the same order of review issue CS has tipped me $5 so there should not be issue for me as a seller. and its clea that CS was trying to fix her review which she gave by mistake. Thats all

    Email and chat SS for review order: https://prnt.sc/D2M8iypXvUjW

    Also Scam order ticket answer attached.



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  12. On 7/28/2023 at 9:02 PM, lacroix88 said:

    they only reopened the ticket after they messed up on twitter,I am quite shocked at how they are acting in this story,I hope there is some justification for this because it all seems absurd to me.

    First thing they always eventually manage to give the real motivation,you only mentioned asking for a feedback change but for that there are warnings there is no permaban for this kind of violations,they are simply missing details to this story that as much as it is a violation I don't think it is permaban.

    Secondly from what I understand you did not ask for a feedback edit but simply that the customer wanted to change it because of his mistake in rating,also because the customer officially asked for the feedback change and only then they saw the conversation but anyway I myself when I buy happened a couple of times to remove feedbacks or edit them and even after express request of the seller ,no one has ever been banned for that,I think contributed the very bad explanation of your buyer in that ticket that made them think of a manipulation on your part.

    Thirdly it seems absurd to me that you say you are not getting compensation,I think you are not getting it because they say the account no longer exists,is this correct?Even if it is from what I understand you were also hacked,and in that case you got the money,although in different situations compensation is expected.

    As I asid I've faced $1650 scam before just this situation, may be compensation could be reason to suspend my account permanent.

    On twiterr that said Our agent will connect and they just sent email again with same details to inform me that My account is suspended but they are still not responding and not looking into details

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  13. 1 hour ago, smartdezigns said:

    Still you should not have asked about review changing. Anyhow, this action of yours have already led you to your account suspension. Simply should not have discussed this matter with Fiverr Support. Anyhow, let it go now! You can try other platforms or try contacting Fiverr Support regarding account restoration. Give it a shot.. Good Luck!

    I tried to connect fiverr on twitter and they've opened ticket again, let see what happens but I'm not hoping anything more now

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  14. 15 hours ago, lacroix88 said:

    I am deeply sorry for this situation that happened to you,no one should lose the account under such circumstances.

    I'm not sure I understand everything right but you claim that you asked support to edit a review of a buyer . If this is the case I highly doubt this is the reason,it has nothing to do with violation,there are warnings for this not permaban.

    As for lost money fiverr provides compensation,so you are the one who has to ask for compensation for lost money,I myself got it a couple of times.


    I asked for scam happened to me for $1650 and also suggested some ideas to prevent scams like that but They just told me "they are apologetic" but they didn't help anyway.

    Also I was just asking to fiverr behalf of clients issue to fix review because she rated 4 stars by mistake even she given $5 tip also. but again I was just asking not requesting, I was okay with any desicision

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  15. 12 hours ago, theratypist said:

    I am missing some part of this story - did you explicitly ask the buyer to change the review? Or did the buyer just realize on their own that they didn't like the review they made you ask Fiverr to change it.

    But either way, if you were actively involved in the discussion or request for the change of the review then you have violated Fiverr's rules. Because if they did realize they wanted to change the review, never be the one to ask CS about it for them. 

    Client rated me 4 stars and given $5 tip so I was confused and asked her  but she said that she tried to edit and fix but she not able to do that so I asked fiverr that Is it possible what Cx asking to me. Although I was okay with 4 stars.

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  16. 13 hours ago, smartdezigns said:

    All I can say that it was your bad luck. 😔 Sometimes big orders are good but on thr other hand, sometimes they are fishy. It was a big order then you should have divided into sections like 1 order for 15 pics. Then new/separate orders for remaining pictures. 

    I have the same thing going on these days. I have to work on 50 pictures but have requested buyer to place an order for 25 pictures first. If it gets approved by buyer (after completing 25 pics) then will work on next 25 pictures else no. And buyer has agreed to do this. This way, I'll be saved too. I wanted to work via milestones but preferred this way. Let's see how it goes!

    Yeah thats learning for me. this was my first big order and I lost it. But there are many clients who only hire me for their work so they are reachinf our me on other plateforms too, so thats my real earning 🙂

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  17. Just now, smartdezigns said:

    About this: Did you deliver the complete work/project or something was left to do? If yes to delivered complete project, then you should have fought for your right i.e. to get compensated by submittng all the proofs to Fiverr Support that you actually completed the task so they should compensate you somehow..

    Chances are that it happened because of the chargeback from buyer's bank/PayPal.. As a result, Fiverr disabled the buyer's account.. 

    You can try your luck by contacting Fiverr Support then 🤷🏻‍♀️ Good Luck!

    Order was all about 70 photos to be edited and after order started Cx asked me to send edited picture on realtime for corrections at the same time. and this was 6th order by the same client so I trusted him and send 69 pics and then he deactivated his account. I raised to fiverr and they said they can't help it, 

    I suggested fiverr to make some corrections to refund like, Refund should be allowed to the clients who deactivated their account by theirself when they have active orders, or they should not get that deactivation option. but I lost hope and forget it but I posted same here for other sellers awareness and I suggest to not take big orders here it's absolutely not safe.


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  18. 13 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

    You are not gonna admit anything (your own mistake) and also not gonna understand our points so let it go and accept it whatever has happened. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Feeling sorry for you but no one can help you with it as final decision / action by Fiverr has been taken already! 😐

    I admit that I asked something which might fall under review manipulation but I also admit that that is just for client, not me and its not violating TOS.

    Also I got scammed last week for $1650 where client got all files and deactivated his account so that order was automattically cancelled and refunded. So there is too much frustration but yeah I'm asking fiverr to restore my account but this is the only place where I can aware other sellers about what to do and what not. Thank you for your time and knowledge and I feel somewhere I should ask anything to fiverr related to clients issue not mine.


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  19. 3 hours ago, smartdezigns said:

    That's what you think it is but it actually falls into Review Manipulation thing. Buyer should contact Fiverr Support on their own.. Why should you do it? If you were okay with the ratings then why did you go to Fiverr Support? Anyhow, it's done and over now!

    It's not a bot decision. If it was, then they should not have given you 60 days! I already told you that you won't admit your mistake no matter what! Let it go and Move On!

    Thas im saying if its not bot decision why they are taking 60 days to just see "Oh its review manipulation, bann him!!" If this is the reason and they just see manipulation thing not intention then 1 day is enought.

    and I asked fiverr for review change is just because client asked to change, even I was just asking not requesting.

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  20. 3 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    It doesn't matter if you asked to change the review or the buyer did, Fiverr will see that as review manipulation. That buyer went to CS without talking to me and I got a warning because of that. So when I received a single star by mistake from another client, I just took the hit and moved on, I don't want to lose my account. 

    Thanks okay but is this fiverr's human behaviour or bot decisions. If you just talk about review manipulation things then it should not take up to 1 day but not 60 days. I guess

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