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Posts posted by ukbritishvoice

  1. I'm wondering, as the Title of this post says, if you would  lower or even drop Commercial rights in return for steady business from a Buyer?

    I've been contacted by someone who may  need me to voice-over up to 5 short videos a week and 1 or 2 long-form videos a month.

    Is it appropriate to demand commercial rights for each and every piece of work, or would you sweeten the deal by lowering the commercial rights, or even sometimes dropping them, given the volume of work?

    What do you think, based on your own experience?




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  2. 1 hour ago, mandyzines said:

    Neo matched me with someone needing a synthetic voice last night, and I don’t offer that service. A few days ago, the match was for an African American and I don’t identify as one right now.

    Although, about a month to two months ago the briefs I got were amazingly spot on.




    "I don’t identify as one right now".

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  3. Hi Maria,

    Thanks very much for your response. If no-one else finds it a problem, then I am have to accept I am in the minority, and will just have to work with it, I guess.

    Personally, I still think it would just make the creation process considerably easier, since clearly the technology exists on the site for the Gig to be created in one currency but seen in another by the viewer. So why not let people create in the currency they are familar with?
    Anyway, it’s not the end of the world, and I will get on with it…!

    Thanks again! Happy selling!


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  4. Hello helpful People.

    I am in the process of creating a Voice over Gig. I find it very, very strange that the creator of a Gig who lives in Britain, like me, finds everything in the Pricing section has to be listed in US Dollars. It’s especially strange because when the Gig is actually active, then people looking at it from Britain will instead see the amounts in GBP (British £)!

    It just makes it so much more difficult for a British creator, like me, to have to think in dollars - which I don’t use and therefore don’t know the value of - all the time all through the Gig creation. It seems illogical.

    Have others had this experience? Anyway, does anyone know whether it would be any different if I had started creating the gig at www.fiverr.co.uk NOT www.fiverr.com.

    Because I started creating at www.fiverr.com maybe that’s why the US Dollars thing is happening??

    Would it be the same if I create at the British Fiverr site www.fiverr.co.uk??? Or would it be exactly the same?

    Thanks People,


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