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Everything posted by kcomic

  1. Yes, these rates are higher than the rates I've found on this website (Fiverr). I appreciate that, for sure. I guess I'm just not used to getting serious about my work, but writing something without getting a story development edit wouldn't make a lot of sense if I wanted the book to actually sell, so I guess it's worth the investment. I wish I were a better storyteller, though, then maybe I wouldn't feel like I needed editing for story development.
  2. That's understandable. The particular novel is a cozy mystery, and yeah, I would want more than line editing, more like structure and story development. I think it would actually be cheaper/the same price to pay someone to write the book for me, though. That's...a little odd. It's kind of incentive not to do my own work. I could just hire a writer who also does structural editing and ask them to write it. I understandably don't want to do that, though, because it won't really be my work, and if I get to where I can make a series and can't hire the same writer, I might not be able to finish the series.
  3. Hi, I'm still in the process of writing a novel, but I'd like to know how much an editor is supposed to cost on Fiverr. So far, the quotes I've gotten feel a bit expensive. I feel like it would cost around $1000 to get a 20 chapter novel edited, and I'm not sure that's the way it's supposed to be, or it may just be that I'm a cheapskate and like to do most of the work myself when I can.
  4. Years ago while I was in college, I tried to start some writing gigs on Fiverr, but they never went anywhere. It was kind of silly of me. I realize I didn't post any writing samples or give potential clients a website they could go to. I also just didn't do a good job of marketing my services. For one thing, I don't like putting myself on video, so I didn't include a video. Plus, I'm not one-hundred-percent confident in the quality of my work. I mean, my teachers seemed to like it, and my clients didn't complain, but I have pretty high standards for myself. I've also ghostwritten before, but it was mainly for what you would probably consider content mills. Do you think I should try to become a seller on Fiverr or similar sites or should I just stick to the ProBlogger job boards? ... Also, if you sell on Fiverr but also occasionally buy similar services to what you sell, whether for personal projects or just to check out the competition, how do you keep yourself from being mistaken for a fake buyer? I mentioned a couple of other sellers were kind of rude to me, and I'm now wondering if it's because they saw I had an inactive seller profile.
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