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Everything posted by aswaninabwen510

  1. @sagor_expart @ads_expertbd @zubairtopu @asif_designer20 @biplobgfx @creativecolumn @Kesha @donnovan86 @faisaltushar Thanks for your response in this. I get that I cannot open a second account, and I think we can all agree that it's even easier to manage one account. Could someone advise me on how I can introduce an unrelated gig to my current gigs? Is any of you offering services from different niches and how have you gone about it under the same profile?
  2. I have been selling on fiverr for years now as a freelance writer and ghostwriter. (Guys, please check out my gigs, and refer some work my way https://www.fiverr.com/aswaninabwen510?up_rollout=true) I however, have other interests and skills, unrelated to writing and which I would love to sell as an extra source of income. I feel like I cannot mix the two services as it might water down my brand. Please advice me, is it possible to have different profiles on fiverr? and if yes, how do I go about it without looking like I am cutting corners?
  3. First of, I do not understand the rating system on fiverr; one minute am level two and the next I have been demoted back to square one. If I delay to answer a text for a few minutes, I am in trouble. That aside, I have not received any job for the past one month. I am a freelance writer and I don't know if this is a concern for everyone else, how is it going for you guys? Are there jobs out there or should we change careers? PS: I have been on fiverr since 2019
  4. This is very informative, thanks for sharing thank you so much Thank you
  5. I am so excited that I have finally gotten to level two. When I got to level one, I changed my rate card and attracted a different set of clients to my profile. It was great, so I know that level two will for sure do something for me. I feel so encouraged, am not sure I understand though how the level system works on fiverr, had it not been for my own initiative to change my rates, do I get more recommendations to clients or are there attached privileges that I don't know about? are there benefits to being level two? I might be ignorant, but someone please explain to me...
  6. Etiquette 101, couldn’t agree more. I have experienced some sort of micro-aggression here; when a buyer reaches out to me and then gets surprised and voices their surprise over the fact that I write and speak good English despite the fact that am an African in Africa. I think it is courteous to do some bit of research before you speak with someone, better yet check their profile before you reach out. If someone thinks you are ignorant, they will not put much effort in your work because they know that you are not keen to details or they may simply not care to give you the best of their services based on how they have perceived you. As you said, this is business
  7. USA CANADA UK SWITZERLAND I hope to grow more clients as I continue trading here
  8. This must have been awkward. I wish I made such cringe worthy memories to look back at 😅
  9. This is very accurate. Still love freelancing though
  10. I’d miss that kind of party too misscrystal
  11. I take it as an advantage, the less I interact with people in real life, the safer it feels. Interacting with people online and doing whatever I’d like to do and dealing unknowns in real life is whole different thing. You can look for local community who are doing same work as you and call them for meet-up or some kind of parties once in a while. This will help building a community who understands each other and thinks same way as you do… Never thought about the meet ups, what a wonderful idea. will definitely try it
  12. I agree, there are special bonds that can be formed online at work. I still think we are meant to be social creatures though… Still its relieving to be running our own schedules and doing what we love
  13. As a full time freelance writer, I spend most of my time on my computer working on scripts and creating content. Hardly do I find time to make friends (apart from people I communicate with and become acquainted to online) I miss office parties especially at this time of the year when social gatherings and dress downs are allowed. This must be one of the disadvantages of working online. Can anyone relate?
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