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Posts posted by mahrukh_hassan

  1. On 8/25/2021 at 1:12 PM, mosora said:

    I think to correct the things and try your best not to cancel the order as it is your first order and first review will have a huge impact on your profile.  IF still the things doesnt go well it is just CANCEL. 

    yes try your best to save it but if its not going well go-ahead and cancel it , its better to refund your client if he doesn't like your work rather than pushing him top accept your work and leave with  a heavy heart which will definitely be shown in his feedback as well 

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  2. On 8/19/2021 at 7:31 PM, newsmike said:

    Your entire reason for wanting to cancel was because you did an admittedly poor job. You wanted to cancel so that they could not leave you a bad review. Dishonest. 

    no i never wanted to cancel , as i clearly stated that i tried my best not to get that order cancelled as i was new and i did not even knew that a bad review is worse than a cancellation , so i clearly mentioned that i tried my best to satisfy my client , i dont know where you have read that i wanted to cancel it to avoid the review . 

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  3. On 8/9/2021 at 11:34 PM, newsmike said:

    I have, and I find your theory of cancelling orders with poor quality work in order to sanitize the reviews completely dishonest. 

    can you quote the text where i said cancel the order to sanitize the feedbacks ? can you show me any policy that a completed order or a written review can be removed by cancelling the order? cx i think you do not know the policy , no review or feedback can be removed by any way unless someone go against the TOS  . so i think you misunderstood the whole of this article and rest all of the other individuals have well understood the main title as well as the theme of this article 

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  4. On 8/3/2021 at 10:39 PM, newsmike said:

    So yes, you are still talking about dishonestly sanitizing the reviews to hide poor work.  Still quite dishonest. Why not preach doing quality work from the beginning , instead of "tricks" to hide behind when they deliver bad work? Please read carefully. 

    nkindly read again the topic , there is no such thing as hiding anything or tricks i just motivated other and shared my experience that nothing will happen even if your early orders get cancelled , i dont know from where you made this perception that i am telling tricks or promoting dishonesty kindly read my complete article again . thank you 🙂


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    On 8/1/2021 at 2:55 AM, newsmike said:

    If you are asking if you can go back and cancel orders actually did deserve a bad review simply to sanitize your reviews, I would suggest that that is fraudulent. If people can go back and just erase the bad reviews, what's the point of having reviews at all?


    no not going back , the post is about cancelling order in the start of your freelance career as many sellers are very scared or if they get a cancellation at the beginning then they loose hope , this post is to motivate them that no issue if you get cancellation in early stage (only if that is unavoidable) and the other thing you mentions deleting feedback by cancelling past order ? 😛 there is no such thing on fiverr , no one can remove the feedback except the customer support if that is against the TOS like abusive etc , so there is no fraudulent act promotion here kindly read the article completely . thank you 

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  6. 2 hours ago, fynwriter said:

    The responses here just reminds of the old saying that, "people will overlook the 99.9% of what you did right, and focus on the one per cent which you did wrong."

    With all the values packed in this post, the only thing some of you could see is that one mistake that she made?

    Oh well, this is a human community.

    Congratulations to the poster on her tenacity, I was inspired.

    thank you so much , these positive comments are really motivating 🙂

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  7. 1 hour ago, shadiya646 said:

    Simply you want to cheat the buyer. 


    Regarding this my question is If he/she isn't capable to do this task then whey he/she take the order? 

    no i did not wanted to cheat the buyer i was bussy and new so did not pay much attention to the situation , and yes it was my mistake when i started and learnt from it , 

    for your second query , this is what this topic is all about that do your homework first and be prepared to get your first order , means polish your skills before joining the platform and i clearly said do not do each and every thing . 

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    My 3rd order on fiverr was a 5$ order and got cancelled on 26th May 2018 at 06:52am, it was my mistake and the reason was that I took the client requirements a little light and I thought the client will not notice the little mistake I did and delivered the order without correcting it. Client got angry and cancelled it by threatening me that she will report the mater to customer support and get me banned etc. like I wasted her 12 hours. I was new here, after trying my best to comfort her, gave a lot of extra bonusses etc. nothing worked and I cancelled the order. Many of my friends who were already here on fiverr asked me to just delete my id and make a new one as this one is screwed and will not work for you, you should try again on a new id, this id will never be ranked etc., but I did not listen them even though they were working here since 2015-16. I kept responding to buyer requests and after responding about 100 buyer requests, I received another order and the process started again and here I am today (3500+ completed orders) with the same id.



    It’s a very common question amongst the new sellers, can we cancel our first order? Or any order from the initial orders we receive on fiverr?


    Another question arises why this situation occurs, and following are the 4 most common reasons:

    1.      You are new and you did not do your homework before joining the platform: -

    a.      There are some sellers who join fiverr without properly reading its TOS and policies.

    b.      First time dealing with a client/buyer. So they were not expecting the buyer to act in that manner (false imaginations). Lack of knowledge and experience in handling clients.

    c.      Some even lack basic business ethics.


    2.      Lack of Business Ethics and Professionalism: - In my experience I have noticed many under developed/developing countries do not teach business ethics at college level or in some cases not even at Graduation Level. So here comes a clash, buyer expects some good business ethics and the seller do not know much about it.


    3.      Presentation: - If you are new in this field (online freelancing) and did not prepare well to meet your first client and his/her expectations, then yes you will be facing difficulty in presenting your work and effort the way it is supposed to be on an online platform. Your client may feel that you are not suitable for this job (your badge, reviews and joining time also shows that you are new).


    4.      Trying to do everything or anything to get your first order: - Another very common issue which I have seen in buyer requests that seller try to get the projects which are not even related to their gigs, for example a logo designer taking a project of an illustrator to illustrate a short story.  This leads to frustration of the buyer as well as seller, because both are not on the same page, even the requirement form is not related to the order (seller gets a first and a bad impression).




    Yes, it’s very important to maintain your initial record good and up to the mark but if it’s not going well, yes you should cancel your order in a very professional way. Nothing will happen, the process of your growth will may get a speed breaker, nothing else but yes try to learn from your mistake and learn how to bear the loss as its your first time and there will be many more in future. Profit and Loss is part of every business, work, job etc.  Put-up your best and leave the rest , do not get depressed its just a cancellation which I believe you tried your best to avoid.

    If you keep working hard then even after any cancellation everything will be back to normal.

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  9. you can delete your gig without any problem , i hope the one you want to delete is not at a good place , as if its doing some business then all your effort to bring it at that level will be wasted , A deleted gig can not be restored 

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