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Posts posted by haseebinventor

  1. Some of us know that A new gig ranks in low competition categories. I’ve researched about gig ranking and I got the result of creating gigs in low competition category is wrong!

    Why it’s wrong? and Why some categories are in low competition?

    Categories are in low competition because buyer doesn’t seek much for those services. that’s why gigs are in low competition and you can not get so much orders.

    On the other hand, if you create gigs in high competition category, It’s kind of hard to rank a gig. but if you create a perfect gig your gig will rank for sure. fiverr also gives chance to rank a new gig. (please search with the high competition keywords you will see there are some unrated gigs in first 10-15 pages)

    Challenge in high competition. Be a Challenger!

    Well, I respect your opinion but it’s not the case if you are a new seller. You are really new to fiverr and searching for orders.

    Your strategies is applicable when you are level 1 or level 2 seller, or atleast have some reviews.

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  2. hey I’m trying to add some tags but I can only add those which are suggested is it normal or not ?

    Add suggested tags as well as the keyword you target in title wheather it appears or not in tags. If your main keyword is creative logo design, but it’s not apparing in tag suggestions. You use it by your own.

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  3. Gig impressions is based on your seo.

    1- Use keyword with low competition <1000 results
    2- use it in title, search tags, 3-4 times in description and faqs

    It will increass impressions.

    To increass clicks, work on porfolio image. Make yourself STAND OUT from competitors. If possible provide an intro video.

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