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Posts posted by kalyar79

  1. Hello Dear Fiverr Sellers,

    I have been learning SEO nowadays and I learned that while ranking a website on Google If a person continuously searches a keyword on his/her own google search, it will result in disappearing the webpage from his search. This happens because Google AI considers that the person is not interested in the content but rather causally searching it. Can we apply to this Fiverr as well?

    • Like 4
  2. Hi fiverr sellers,

    I am so disappointed with the Fiverr system of reviewing and ranking gigs. I edited and updated my gigs 3 weeks ago, as soon as I edited and updated all of my gigs were ranked and now they're not appearing in search. The keywords on which my gigs used to appear on the first page now cannot be seen even at the end. Fiverr cannot be relied upon and I am highly disappointed with such a system. At least there should be a reason to derank an account, deranking gigs for nothing is not a good thing. 

    If you have a solution to waiting and they will appear on their own, 25 days have passed.

    If you say promote on social media, I have done that.

    If you know something else, share me with me, please.

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  3. On 10/4/2022 at 7:39 AM, vickiespencer said:

    All you can do besides checking to see if your gigs are active as @mariashtelle1 suggested is wait to start getting orders again.
    When I want to make changes to my gigs, I never do all of them at once.
    Also, as @donnovan86 said, buyers can leave private feedback that may cause Fiverr to not give your gigs the placement they once had.

    I agree with you, but it is not an apparent reason

    23 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:

    Well, I sent you the link and asked you a question. If you are going to ignore it then no one can help you. 

    Hi Maria, All gigs are active and appearing in seach acc to the fiverr, here is the ss


    • Like 3
  4. Have you edited your gigs?

    Here is what happend with me!

    2  weeks ago, I completed a copywriting course and I thought I should make my gigs' descriptions more compelling, so I edited and overhauled all of my gis. As soon I did that, all of my gigs disappeared right after that. I asked people here as well as contacted with fiver team to know the reason. Everybody said, including the fivers team, they would appear in the search soon now that 15 days had passed, and nothing changed. My gigs are nowhere. Previously no matter whether I promote them or not, some impressions and clicks appear on the gigs each day, now there are 0 clicks and impressions. I have searched my gigs with all the relevant keywords on all the pages, but they seem to be frozen. 

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  5. Many people would say you have to wait and your gigs will get ranked on their own. I don't agree with them. I was getting orders and 2 of my gigs were on the 2nd and 3rd page. What happened next,  here it:

    2  weeks ago, I completed a copywriting course and I thought I should make my gigs' descriptions more compelling, so I edited and overhauled all of my gis. As soon I did that, all of my gigs disappeared right after that. I asked people here as well as contacted with fiver team to know the reason. Everybody said, including the fivers team, they would appear in the search soon now that 15 days had passed, and nothing changed. My gigs are nowhere. Previously no matter whether I promote them or not, some impressions and clicks appear on the gigs each day, now there are 0 clicks and impressions. I have searched my gigs with all the relevant keywords on all the pages, but they seem to be frozen.

    I am very exhausted by the way we are treated here. Fiverr should take into account some of these factors or at least should inform us of the reason for doing so. So I have not made any violation, and I was getting orders as well but after editing, everything changed. 

    I have attached this week as well as the stats prior to editing1139480321_7days.thumb.png.7f0243f1086b327c33088f5acac619e0.png177439348_30days.thumb.png.aee544dcc2b332eaabf7d6372928e31d.png1139480321_7days.thumb.png.7f0243f1086b327c33088f5acac619e0.png stats as well.

    Is editing gigs a violation?

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  6. Alright, Let me wait for the next two weeks. However, I am a bit confused, when I used to edit gigs before the problem I was facing now, the gigs appear instantly in search after editing. But now they are not appearing. BTW, I have attached the gigs stats for the last 7 days as well as 30 days, take a look please

    7 days.png


    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  7. 11 hours ago, joyh97 said:

    Sorry, I think you misunderstood. It can take UP TO 2 weeks to get back to your normal rank or better. It can be as short as 3-4 days though.

    Why? Because it is removed for a couple of days to make sure you haven't edited your gig to include offensive or illegal content, or content that breaches terms and conditions.

    And yes, of course it is risky to edit your gig, You cannot know for sure whether it will be a positive or negative impact from the changes you made. This means you should always plan and consider your edits carefully. It prevents sellers from just spam changing their gigs every day, and makes sure changes are higher quality. 

    The idea is you should do your research, and only make good, necessary changes that you are sure will be better for your gig, and these should only be every once in a while. I only make edits to my gigs maybe once every 6 months or less.

    Amazing,  thank you very much for sharing your experience and important tips regarding gigs seo. Now the problem, my gigs are invisible and not appearing in the search, sould I hold on or reedit them? As you said gigs editing might have positive and negative impacts. It seems my editing has a later impact so what's your opinin? Looking orward to hearing form you!

    • Like 3
  8. My gigs are being displayed as active as per the Fiverr active gig feature. However, I have searched all the Fiverr pages to see my gigs with all the relevant keywords, and none of my gigs is appearing in search on any page

    I have not made any violations yet; my gigs are under review. I just edited and updated the title and description. Previously, 5 days ago, my gigs were ranking on the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th pages. They are nowhere now. 

    I have contacted the Fiverr team, They are saying my gigs are active, but I am unable to see them.

    What's the solution, please? 

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  9. Fiverr is a great place to sell your skills and services, yet it can also be a tough market. If you're looking to win more gigs and make more money, here are three tips that can help:

    1. Be Clear About What You're Offering

    If you don't know what your gig is, how can anyone else? Make sure to clearly state the services you offer, and how long each will take.

    2. Add relevant keywords in your title and description

    This will help your gig show up in search results when potential buyers are looking for someone with the same skill set as you have!

    3. Offer a Referral Program

    You can offer a discount for referring someone who buys your gig. This will help you get more orders and make it easier for your clients to spread the word about your services.

    • Like 6
  10. I and my brother ofen use a single PC to work on Fiverr to complete projects. He works as a social media marketing manager, and I am a professional animator. We have separate payment methods and different skills to sell. Moreover, he created his account on a laptop while I used my PC. Later on, his laptop malfunctioned, and then we started working on the PC. However, one thing needs to be remembered, 2 accounts can not be created from a single PC, one payment method cannot be used for two accounts and above all, services need to be discrete. 

    I contacted the Fiverr team and they let me know all this. 

    I am sharing this information because many rumors are being floated that two accounts by two different freelancers cannot be opended at the time of need, they can be opened as I explained above.

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  11. I am a level-2 animator on Fiverr, and I create 2D and whiteboard animation videos. Overall, I have created more than 800 explainer videos, however, on Fiverr, I have gotten over 160 projects so far. 

    Coming to the main concern, I edited my gigs to add some new information 4 days ago. As soon as I edited and saved them, all gigs were deranked - previously, 3 of them were on the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th pages - and even could not be searched. Even though I have been working on Fiverr for the last 4 years, I am unable to understand why this happened to my gigs.

    If anyone of you understands this and can help me get my gigs back in the search, I would appreciate your efforts. Thank you

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