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Posts posted by anihime

  1. I have updated my gig information! I will be offering multiple chapters instead of one now. Hopefully it'll help, but I know there's room for improvement. Is there more I can do or any information that could be added to improve the gig?

    On 8/21/2023 at 3:22 AM, katakatica said:

    Could you maybe offer more with one chapter? (say, detailed outline, etc., if needed?) and do custom offers if they only want the writing? I think that could be a way to make it a bit more flexible. 

    I've included the outline for two packages at the moment. As for the custom offers, I'm not sure what custom offers are included with ghostwriting jobs.

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  2. 6 hours ago, vickieito said:

    HI @anihime, if you really want to stick with the prices you have, increase your word count. I typed in "ghostwrite my book" and the first gig that popped up said 30,000 words for $40 (so this seller is offering much lower rates per word than you are). You could just list 14,000 words for $40 and that would be close to the same rate as what you currently have. You can instruct the buyers to reach out to you for quotes on projects with fewer word counts.

    What I'm ghostwriting is not for an entire book, but for a chapter of a book. That's why I want lower prices. $40 for one chapter is too much.

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  3. I recently logged in to my account to see that one of my gigs needs to be updated. However, it won't accept any price lower than $40 for any of my packaging. I'm not sure why my account is being pushed to such high prices. I want my gigs to be affordable and the gig in question is not worth $40, I don't believe it is at least.

    Has this happened to anyone else? Do I lose the gig if I don't update the prices within a certain time period? What can I do if I have to update the prices to $40 or higher?

    Please let me know, I'm a bit confused.

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