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Posts posted by skylantern_kol

  1. Why do some buyers have 17 orders in their queues while others have to deliver what they got before they get new ones? Must be a bias from the algorithm.

    There is a “bias”, yes, but it is based upon seller levels. The higher your seller level, the less restrictions there are on orders in queue that are gained from the search results. If a Level 1 seller has, say 17 orders, this would likely be due to them bringing in their own customers from outside Fiverr – because, I know for a fact that if a Level 1 seller has 17 orders, their gig is likely to have been temporarily removed from the search results. Seventeen orders in queue is well above the Level 1 search system order queue restriction.

    Thank you for the insights 😃

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  2. I don’t know whether this is true or not, I have to experience on my own.

    As soon as I get 7 orders in queue , gig stops displaying. otherwise it is always on first page of my category.

    Perhaps this is intended by Fiverr, so that new sellers, or sellers at lower seller levels, learn to better manage the orders they do have. Do you really need more than seven orders in your queue? Complete and deliver the orders you do have, and you’ll have the ability to gain more from the search system.

    Yes, I can totally handle more than 7 orders, but it’s okay if Fiverr takes more time to put their faith on me.

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  3. Are you sure you don’t have 7 orders as your max setting? There is a setting on every gig for your gig to leave results once the set number of orders is reached. You can change this setting.

    This setting is on the gig page, accessible only in the desktop site. You can see the setting by clicking open your gig on the Gigs page.

    Yes, I am sure about that. I have only 1 gig at the moment, and the “limit queue” option is off. I am at 0 level so this is happening to me according to Fiverr CS. I will not face this option after I reach Level 2. I don’t know whether this is true or not, I have to experience on my own.

    As soon as I get 7 orders in queue , gig stops displaying. otherwise it is always on first page of my category.

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  4. I noticed that my gig is disappearing and re-appearing from search randomly. I asked support about it, and they confirmed that it’s the amount of orders in queue being too high. It’s only about 11, which has never before been too high, so it’s very weird. I have been on Fiverr since 2012 and have never noticed it before, so it must be a new feature.

    Actually, this is not new. I asked CS about this roughly 12 months ago when the new levels system went into effect. I was asked not to discuss the specifics that I was told, but yes, gigs do disappear from search results at certain “orders in queue” amounts, depending upon your seller level. I have seen and confirmed this personally as I have worked at various seller levels. “New Seller” and “Level One” have these queue restrictions in place. “Level Two” sellers appear to have no such queue restrictions.

    Please keep in mind, though, no matter what seller level you have, you should not be putting all your sales hopes on gig search results. Fiverr CS has stated this many times (to many people who have asked): You should be marketing and promoting your gigs on your own to bring in more customers. There are no sales or traffic guarantees here on Fiverr, but you can control traffic and sales by working hard to market and promote your services.

    There however is a setting under a gig to limit the amount of orders in queue

    This is a separate user-initiated feature, and is not related to the above queue restrictions.

    I suspect that I have been giving false information, as there’s gigs with 500 orders showing in search.

    Are these examples from “Level Two” or “TRS” sellers? 😉

    So, this thing happening to me right now.

    I am a new seller, spent 60 days, met all the requirements to become level 1, and waiting for my promotion which will come around 15th May 2019.

    Currently, I have 7 orders in que. and suddenly my gig disappeared from search results, contacted CS, the CS person was nice and answer exactly what you said here. But as I see so many bad reviews about Fiverr CS, I didn’t believe them,and desperately frustrating myself over this.But now,I see they are true.

    Thank you. I hope after I finish all my orders, my gig will be back on fiverr’s search results.

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