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Everything posted by janangachandima

  1. This will prevent fake orders and order cancelations. this is good for both sides
  2. I think this feature deserves all sellers for free. This will prevent fake orders and order cancelations. What do you think? . . .
  3. it depends on your working industry. if you are working with big companies, group chat will be very helpful. for example, if you are designing an electronic device there have lots of people involved to make it. (mechanical designer, PCB designer, Customer, manufacturers.) so we have discussed with all members to take some decision. So that's it is very important. We can't use outside tools for team chat. it is against Fiverr's Terms of Conditions.
  4. I think Fiverr messenger has to be improve. Like group chat, reply feature (like WhatsApp), Video call conference, Photo editing (pen Tool) etc. I think these features are very helpful Buyers and sellers both of us. What you think?
  5. I think fiverr messenger needs group chat feature because this feature is very helpful for the team work projects.
  6. I think fiverr messenger needs group chat feature because this feature is very helpful for the team work projects.
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