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Posts posted by a_aladin

  1. Hey I've had this issue a few times and it's always been due to a special character in the file name that Fiverr can't deal with for some reason. Try removing any punctuation or anything that's not a letter or a number and it should work fine. 

    I know you've dealt with this issue but I'll keep this answer here in case it helps you or anyone else in the future.

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  2. Africa is a big place and the music is definitely not uniform. 

    I'm from Egypt and listen to some Egyptian music which could count as African. It's probably not what you're referring to though.

    It would be more respectful to give a bit more credit to the hundreds of unique cultures within Africa and specify which area / genre you mean.

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  3. I'm too invested in Ableton Live now to change my ways - but if I had to start over I think I would choose Reaper!

    Or at least keep Ableton for creating but Reaper for mixing. 

    I get everything I need done in Ableton but I do see features in other DAWs for mixing that look very useful and time saving and I really like the look of Reaper custom scripts.

    Perhaps one day I'll get it set up in a way I like ...

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  4. I'm still a bit confused by the new rating system, what information out of these metrics will the clients be able to see when the update goes live next month? 

    Will they able to see the overall score? Will they be able to see these individual metrics (Client satisfaction, Delivery time, Value for money, etc?)

    I feel like I'm going to have to be extremely selective as to who I choose to work with, even more than I already am. I have always lived in perpetual fear over my rating but this has just added so many extra dimensions to it.


    Screenshot 2024-02-15 072103.jpg

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