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Posts posted by nikitakakade24

  1. Hello, 

    Initially I was working with one of the buyers. He placed order for one screen and he was satisfied with it. He continued to place the order for rest of the screens. I did the second order and submitted. (It was step 1. I was waiting for him to give me approval for Step 1 so that I can get started with Step 2) He was not there for 15days, the deadline was approaching. So I submitted the order as he was not responding to extend the delivery date and order got marked as completed. He asked me to work on the next step which I did. He asked for changes the. He could have stated these changes in Step 1. i did made the changes. He even said that he will do the rest of the things himself.  Now after many days I had withdrawn the money already and he is asking for refund. I had put efforts here. Yet he is asking for refund that too after withdrawing. And I am not ready to give him refund because I had worked for it. Can he still get refund from the future orders I do?? 

    Please let me know your opinion. 
    Thank you 

    • Like 4
  2. On 4/23/2023 at 8:11 PM, nainaratnani said:


    I am level 2 seller & my whole account as all gigs (7 gigs) are not in search results since 3 months. I have contacted support many times & they say there is nothing that can be done currently.

    Has this happened with anyone else & gigs have come back in search after two or three months?

    Any suggestions?

    You can share your gig on social media platforms. You can even turn on “promoted gig” option if your gigs are eligible. 

    • Like 15
  3. 33 minutes ago, data_deliver said:

    Hi there, I am a new seller now I want to increase the rank of my gig if my friend is a seller if he gives love react to my gig will there be any problem?

    Yes. You can. But it’s not “reacting” as you see on social media latforms. It simply means you are saving that gigs under “gigs I love” category. It has nothing to do with impression. 

    • Like 7
  4. 20 minutes ago, alaminkhan786 said:

    Hello Everyone,

    I created my Fiverr account last January. Stay active for 24 hours. I have been sharing my gigs on various social media. But, I am not getting any results as expected. I received my first order 8 days ago, after that, there are no further orders. My gig's impressions are coming, but the clicks are not. Maybe a problem with the thumbnails. I am also afraid to edit the gig. What reached has, if that too is gone.
    I'm seeking experts advice. What can be done to solve this problem? I have given the link to one of my gigs below. If anyone has the will or time, please check out the gig and if you have any advice for me or my gigs, please do.

    My gig:- https://www.fiverr.com/s/7daw3W

    Note:- Do not give any advice which does not apply to this gig.


    You can share your gig on social media. 

    • Like 13
    • Confused 2
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  5. On 4/28/2023 at 11:52 PM, ghallabahmed said:

    Hello siblings ,

    It was a year waiting for my first order. Alhmdullah I completed my first order with a good quality. I wish you all the best and I hope I can learn from you. 


    Congratulations 🥳 

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  6. On 9/1/2021 at 7:28 PM, izah_moh said:

    So I've been getting a lot of tips on Fiverr from a lot of my recent orders (not that I'm complaining in any way, thank you universe for blessing me with this positive karma), and ever since the first tip I got I was confused (well, I'm not anymore, but I was then). It reflects on you earnings page as a regular order so the first time I didn't pay proper attention and thought they were just regular orders. Till it was time for payout and I saw my earnings wasn't complete and went back to check and realized the tip had a 20% cut taken from it.

    Now this isn't me raising a torch flag at Fiverr, but back when I went to look for resources that explained whether they take cuts on tips or not, I found nothing. Not even posts on it on the forum. (Which, p.s, niiiiice forum update! I haven't been here in a while and was surprise by the new upgrade. I like it very much! 💕)

    After I got more tips from more orders I realized that this was just how things were and didn't think to question it. After all, anytime you even breath about Fiverr's commission fees, there's someone ready to rip you limb from limb and scream that "If you don't like it then leave!!!". Which isn't what I'm here to do. I just wanted to see what other sellers think about this.

    Do you feel it's perfectly all right to charge 20% for your tips since they provided the platform that facilitated the exchange of your services? Or do you feel no, it's kinda wrong, it's like a restaurant taking a percentage of the tips waiters earned while working there.

    I'm going Philly D with this and asking you what you're thoughts on the topic are and where you land on the spectrum? I'd love to hear from you!

    (If it turns out that they DID mention this "20% from tips" thing somewhere in the terms of service, and my monkey brain just didn't find it, then kindly just ignore this entire post.)

    Many sellers can trick the entire platform by selling their product at a low price and then ask for the tip for the rest of the amount. That’s why fiverr has this rules. I don’t think it’s wrong. 

    • Like 9
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  7. On 10/10/2022 at 3:33 PM, foriduzzaman673 said:

    I could not come because of my health.

    In this time a American buyer massage in my inbox.And I was late for 111 hours. Now I am not getting any message due to response rate 50%. Any one help me how to increase my response rate


    If you were unavailable you could have turned on the “out of office mode”. 

    • Like 6
  8. 13 hours ago, mdwasimarfanapu said:

    how to rank first page of my gig


    13 hours ago, mdwasimarfanapu said:

    how to rank first page of my gig

    Share your gig on social media

    Try sending offers to buyers request 

    Complete the work in time

    Respond to the messages you receive as early as you can 

    • Like 4
  9. On 4/5/2022 at 8:22 PM, khasanfahad said:

    Hello Dear Mates I am a new seller. Today i deleted one of my gig because i think there are some problems with the keyword. Will it affect my fiverr profile? 

    Was that gig got you good earnings? If no, it shouldn’t affect your profile. But if you had problem woth keyword, you could have changed/edited that instead of deleting the gig itself! 

    • Like 42
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  10. On 8/18/2021 at 6:42 PM, itsabduldev said:

    Hello all members. I am new seller on fiverr but eligible for level 1 now, just waiting for next evaluation. 

    I am performing well, I am delivering my every order on time and all my clients are happy with my work. I am getting orders from my previous clients but yet my gig is deranked. it was on the first page now it moved to 2nd page and still losing it's position day by day. impressions and clicks are decreasing since one week. I also stay online most of the time. My niche is wordpress.  may I know suggestions from experts that what should I do.

    First of all congratulations for achieving all the criteria to become level 1 seller. 
    Don’t worry about gig position on the page. It happens due to gig rotations. 

    • Like 4
  11. 7 hours ago, filipdevaere said:


    I made my account in September 2020. Then I started to study Fiverr and other Freelancer platforms. I searched and learned first how to be successful. When I was ready with my study, I created my first GIG (at the end of November). 2 weeks later I received my first order, and the orders kept on coming (300+ completed orders in 15 months).

    Making an account and creating some GIGs is just not enough to be successful on Fiverr. There is too much competition. You need to offer something special and/or be very good at what you do.


    September 2020: Fiverr account created

    End November 2020: First GIG placed on Fiverr

    December 9, 2020: First order on Fiverr

    February 17, 2021: Fiverr Seller Level 1 reached
    April 22, 2021: 70 orders completed.

    May 7, 2021: 80 orders completed.

    May 15, 2021: Fiverr Seller Level 2 reached

    June 19, 2021: 100 orders completed.

    July 12, 2021: 110 orders completed.

    July 24, 2021: 120 orders completed.

    August 06, 2021: 130 orders completed.

    August 16, 2021: 140 orders completed.

    August 23, 2021: 150 orders completed.

    August 28, 2021: 100 reviews

    September 05, 2021: 160 orders completed.

    October 04, 2021: 180 orders completed.

    October 07, 2021: 120 reviews

    October 23, 2021: 130 reviews

    October 24, 2021: 200 orders completed.

    November 01, 2021: 140 reviews

    November 01, 2021: 210 orders completed.

    November 08, 2021: 220 orders completed.

    November 12, 2021: 150 reviews

    November 21, 2021: 230 orders completed.

    November 28, 2021: 160 reviews

    December 1, 2021: 240 orders completed.

    December 09, 2021: 247 orders completed (1 year since the first received order).

    December 13, 2021: 170 reviews

    December 13, 2021: 250 orders completed.

    December 26, 2021: 180 reviews

    December 26, 2021: 260 orders completed.

    January 08, 2022: 190 reviews

    January 08, 2022: 270 orders completed.

    January 26, 2022: 280 orders completed.

    January 28, 2022: 200 reviews

    February 10, 2022: 290 orders completed.

    February 18, 2022: 210 reviews

    February 24, 2022: Email from Fiverr with their request to apply for Fiverr Pro

    February 25, 2022: 300 orders completed.

    Congratulations 🥳 👏 🎉 

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