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Posts posted by vibronx

  1. Hi, fellow Dane.

    I can see that you've gotten most of your sales from your translation gig. I read your gig description, and to be honest, I think most buyers would be put off by your English level. Based on the description, you don't seem totally fluent. Also, you keep mentioning that you got a 12 in English. Where did you get that grade? High school? You never mention it. So I suggest improving your English and your gig description. 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, emmaki said:

    I think Fiverr should let.. er... them?... do a webinar. I would watch.

    It would bring a lot of new users too! It's a no-brainer, Fiber!

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  3. image.png.8784136849e5d10eae06093c14c5e999.png


    Just kidding... 😅

    Well, Dragon Ball had a huge impact on my life, so I'll attach some art from that. (Funny how AI bros thought it was appropriate to "honor" Akira Toriyama's passing by posting tons of AI art all across social media.)


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  4. 1 minute ago, joakimpe said:

    and the top people on the platform does this

    Not all of them. I have never asked for a review or even mentioned a review in my time on Fiverr. Yet, without guiding my buyers, I have only received a single 4.7-star review in the last two years.

    I think it comes down to being able to spot red flags in buyers. We're competitors, OP, and I can see that one of your recent 4.3-star reviews came from a buyer that I turned down because he seemed like he would be too demanding. It's about learning what signs to look for.

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  5. 10 minutes ago, dereck_s said:

    I thought they had mentioned that older accounts or accounts with a lot of orders would have negative marks judged more harshly than normal?

    I haven't read all the threads, so I don't know. Maybe they'll end up changing what I saw. It was two whole days ago after all.

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  6. The new rating breakdown/system is unfair to lower-volume (or newer sellers) as those who have gotten thousands of reviews prior to private feedback being a thing won't be as affected.

    This is supported by the fact that I saw a seller with thousands of reviews maintain their 4.9 rating in the new rating breakdown, even though if you calculated a simple average of the five review metrics, they should have ended up with a 4.7 rating.

    Another example is a seller who has a 4.7 rating but should have ended up with a 4.5 rating.

    (Not referring to anybody in this thread, btw. I got sent a few other ratings privately.)

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  7. 9 minutes ago, saneah said:

    Like what type of mad FORMULA is being used there which is just calculating last 4-5 reviews for Quality of Delivery Score,

    Buyers are able to leave private feedback after an order, so the two new rating metrics are basically based on that feedback.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, ssj1236 said:

    That is just mean. Straight up malicious even. 

    It really is. I have heard from reliable sources that some of my competitors, who I know are straight-up Google Translating everything, have gotten higher ratings than me... One even got a 5 in Quality of delivery.

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  9. They added two new rating metrics "Quality of delivery" and "Value of delivery" which will ensure that every seller now will have a 4.9 in their overall rating instead of a 5... which will end up changing nothing.

    Some people are already seeing these added ratings on their profiles. I can't see them on mine yet, but like you, my dashboard also shows a 4.9 rating.



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  10. 12 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

    What kind of game are you making? 

    Text Me Back, a narrative-driven small-town mystery game with choices (and a couple of twists). It basically plays like Life is Strange if you know that. 

    • Like 21
  11. The best sellers are passionate about what they do. You can simply feel it in the way they interact with you and what they deliver. There's nothing better than a seller who truly cares.

    Another important thing is that they're honest and communicate clearly if there's something they don't understand or if they need more time to finish the job. 


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  12. 11 minutes ago, marinanp86 said:

    The customer is not afraid to lie or give his honest opinion in a public rating.

    Well, I can tell you that I'm afraid to give my honest opinion in a public review if it's negative because of the way some sellers react.

    And I like the new "value of delivery" more than "value for money."

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  13. 3 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    I am really honest with sellers when they deliver. If I don't like the delivery, I let them know why and what I'd like to see in the revision. The weird thing is, the first instinct that most sellers have if I'm not happy with a delivery is to cancel the order (which really should be the last resort if revisions don't work, not the first solution).

    I have been lucky enough to work with only great sellers for the past year, so I've only needed very few revisions (and I'd never say anything in a review I don't truly mean). Usually, I also leave very extensive notes if it's the first time I work with them, and then I adjust as I learn whether they need a lot of instructions or if it's better to give them more freedom.

    I worked with a bad seller in 2022, though. He was a graphic designer within a niche without many sellers and seemed to be the best choice. And the most expensive, too. However, the end result looked very, very cheap. I requested a revision, but I could see that there was no way to salvage it. I let the order automatically close. I should have left a bad review, but with my previous negative experiences doing that, I just let him have it in the private feedback instead.

    So, I have a hard time being honest if I'm truly dissatisfied and the situation is unsalvageable because I don't want people to threaten to harass me on social media again.

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  14. 32 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    Well, I was stupid. I probably shouldn't have bought from so many newbie sellers when I was first starting out.

    Same here. I was so, so stupid. I got partial deliveries and didn't question it until it was clear the person was trying to scam me. I just thought it was how it worked. Luckily, CS saved me.

    And I worked with so many people who couldn't follow basic instructions or who didn't know how to do a job but agreed to do it, anyway. They would just string me along for weeks. What they were hoping to get out of it, I don't know. Without delivering, they'd get nothing.

    13 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    Think of how many buyers who would just get hooked on getting badges because they left "superstar" reviews:

    I already got hooked just by them calling me a superstar. I crave praise, okay? So, yeah, I always leave long reviews now, but I have a seller who I've bought from 20 times, and she's amazing, but it's gotten difficult to come up with new things to say.

    But with the new system in place, I try to be as positive as I can—both in the review and in the inbox afterward, so I help my sellers progress because I appreciate them.

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