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Posts posted by francescaabb

  1. On 2/29/2024 at 5:24 AM, radennorfiqri said:

    I've gotten a straight 4.7 ratings for the past 8-10 orders. It's hard for buyer to put 5 stars for value of delivery as the service fees will add up to the order cost, which was outside the seller's control. I even got positive comments (exceptional work etc.) and tips, but getting a full 5 stars rating now is not easy as before. This change is ridiculous and totally unfair to the seller.


    Same. I saw this happening with 2 orders, understood how the month was going to be, and become unavailable for A MONTH to avoid bad reviews. I'm lucky because I have private clients that pay me enough, and many sellers can't afford to close like I did. But sooner or later I will have to reopen again. 

    If every seller does the same, Fiverr will lose A LOT of money (I'm not asking anyone to do it as we're all working to pay our bills ofc). 

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  2. 1 minute ago, virgoca said:

    I got my FIRST review below 5 stars in over a year this week.

    Exactly the same! I almost never had a review under 5 stars. I have been unavailable for like 2 months for personal issues. I open for this 5$, client probably wanted the work for free (what about I make them dinner too while I am at it? Or clean their house and put their kids to bed? all for free ofc🤩 🤩) and I get 4.7 lol. 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, virgoca said:

    love it, you charged the absolute minimum fiverr will allow, and STILL got a 4/5. because BUYERS DO NOT VALUE THAT BASED ON YOUR QUALITY, THEY BASED IT ON HOW BIG OF A STEAL THEY GOT ON A DEAL. And for a paying client, it can always be cheaper (even if it's free). This is one of the most absurd questions I've seen for a survey in my life! 

    Yes, exactly. I gave the buyer a small price because 1. the text was super short 2. they're a returning customer and I value them and their feedback. Now, from these 5$, I got 3€ (before taxes!). This apparently is not a good "value for money" lmao. 

    Next update will be just free work - let's remove the payments on the platform!  

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  4. 3 minutes ago, visualstudios said:

    Buyer ratings are meaningless.

    1 - Buyers have nothing to lose. Get a low rated buyer account? Close it, open a new one.

    2 - Buyers are never under pressure by sellers. They aren't on display. They don't lose their living over bad reviews.

    It doesn't matter how sellers rate buyers, whatsoever. Just get rid of reviews on buyers altogether. 

    You are unfortunately right. I am just angry at the direction this site is taking, I feel they are not valuing hard work because of some "corporate productivity" ethic BS or whatever that is. Another thing that absolutely enrages me is that on Fiverr there's no right to adversarial procedure, or fair hearing, whatever you call it.

    I had a buyer complaining about me not doing my job just because he wanted to rip me off (told me I didn't correct the book enough, I found out that he already PUBLISHED the book, my version with all the corrections). CS granted him a full reimburse and cancelled the order without asking my side of the story, without reviewing our chats where he was literally threathening me (I had to call my lawyer and take legal action privately), and of course they took the money from my account. 

    Now, this happened in May and CS has since reimbursed me too once I gave them all the proof that he was scamming me (but he hasn't been banned from the platform and he still got his money back, so, he stole!).

    This is just a dumb and generic example of how CS and Fiverr in general takes the buyer part, even on very cheap projects. I really don't understand this treatment disparity. I am angry at this more than everything. 

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  5. Really nice system! I got a customer stating in her review that my 5$ and 2 hours urgent turnaround, perfectly corrected text was 4/5 stars for "value for money". 

    I have nothing more to say than what other sellers pointed out. The platform will loose sellers before they can stop it. 

    Also, when are we implementing an improved buyers rating? I am not sure why a platform would side with a person that only placed 1 order for 50$ (or 5$) over any seller who has given $$$$ in Fiverr Tax to the platform. Let us rate the buyers for their communication, their price drops requests, the unpaid revisions they are asking for, and give them a nice badge as the one we all have. If we want to be equal

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  6. 6 hours ago, mabelma said:

    Oh yeah, that's messed up. That's your work and you were not paid for it if they demanded a refund. I'm not sure if CS will do anything but there is a chance you may have a legal matter in your hands and will have to tallk to a lawyer directly instead.

    Update: they compensated me! So they both refunded the buyer and compensate me, apparently.

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  7. On 7/15/2021 at 3:02 PM, corsogr said:

    Could you tell me exactly how do you know and you are so sure that my personal social media members aren't potential customers or that are not interested in my services or that they will not share/refer my services to someone from their social circles that is looking services I offer?

    I don't think anyone shared this opinion as a Sacred Truth. They're probably referring to their social medias, whose followers are not interested in buying services here (ie, if my followers are just family and friends, they're probably not interested in my services - and even if they were, it would be free for them). Of course this applies differently if you have many followers or various types of platforms (I believe LinkedIn or Twitter would be the ones with more "strangers" following you). 

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  8. On 6/27/2021 at 3:16 PM, genuineguidance said:

    Why the heck are you even entertaining this idea or what I feel is some are even encouraging it and giving the fee they think is "fair"! WTH?

    Exactly what I was thinking. Why would someone need to pay to work? As someone who has 3 jobs to survive this makes me unbelievably mad. Asking for an entrance fee (especially that high)  means ignoring either reality or free market. 

    250$ is a monthly mortgage in my country. 


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