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About maherbaloch

  • Birthday September 15

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  1. Hi, 

    Is the new fiverr level system replacing the current fiverr levels?

  2. Thank you very much. I think your response in this regard solved my confusion. Really appriciate you.
  3. Hi, Thank you very much for your sharing the link. Yes, i know that there are a list of slected skill. But see the picture above that i attached in my first post, where a seller is shwoing the marked as skill test passed for those skills which are not in the list of slected skills on fiverr.
  4. Hi, I am writing again. As we know fiverr alows for selected skill tests, But i have seen one of seller has passed the skills tests which are not shown in the fiverr skill tests such as Bookkeeping, Financial reporting, Financial forecasting & Modeling. Is there anyone who can guide me how to find these skill tests on fiverr?
  5. Hi, I am writing again. As we know fiverr alows for selected skill tests, But i have seen one of seller has passed the skills tests which are not shown in the fiverr skill tests such as Bookkeeping, Financial reporting, Financial forecasting & Modeling. Is there anyone who can guide me how to find these skill tests on fiverr?
  6. Greetings! As we know that fiverr alows skill tests for a slected skills. But i have noted that one of seller has passed accounting skill test on fiverr. However, it is not showing in the suggested skill test. Could anyone guide me how to find this accounting skill test on fiverr?
  7. Hi Fiverr Community, 

    I would like to share that, i am level 2 seller, and deliver projects regulaty to my retained clients. But unfortunatelly do not receive fiverr brief notification. Is there any recommendation?

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