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Posts posted by dutchbydesign

  1. 3 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

    Unfortunately there will always be such clients, and you'll find those in real life as well, not just online. Maintain a high level of professionalism, assist them the best way they can, but you also want to be clear from the start about what you provide in your offer. That way, if there are issues, Fiverr sees that you delivered what was promised. 

    Thank you. Makes me feel so much better, really lol. I think I am bit of a perfectionist and yes you are right! 

    • Like 8
  2. 1 minute ago, donnovan86 said:


    I would recommend a few things:

    • Increase your prices, so people will think twice before actually placing the order. It will also make your service feel more valuable as well. And yes, it also encourages people to talk with you first. I know this from personal experience.
    • You can subscribe to Seller Plus Premium, that service has Request to Order, where your gigs appear in search, however people are forced to talk with you first. They can't order unless they talk with you first, and that's a huge advantage to be honest.
    • Try to redo the gig package description and be very clear about what you offer and what's not included. You can also add what's in the service and what's not on your gig page. 

    Hopefully this helps you. Good luck!

    I have the Sellers Plus now for several years. And tweak my gigs always to be clear. short and precise. I also have an Info Pack that I send them before ordering (yes I make my own brochures to make it even more easy) and recently put up the price.  These are not cheap plans and they take many days/weeks to make, like one order I have now that is 1300 usd and I have even told him what I do and don't do yet they push for extras and custom furniture builds that I don't do.  And so much more...  BUT I will try again what you mentioned (I go over my gigs all the time to make improvements).  Thank you. 

    • Like 6
  3. 7 minutes ago, kitd56 said:

    I have had this happen many times, even though I have "Please contact me before placing an order" splashed all over my profile and gig descriptions.  They order services that I am not able to fulfill or that impossible to meet (for example, ordering an edit but not providing a document).  It is ludicrous to be held accountable for things we cannot control.

    I feel you!  I sometimes wake up at 'stupid o'clock'  with anxiety from clients asking things from me that I don't do or asking for more than what I can provide (like constant changes that take up so much time and takes away from my other work that I allocate time for.  I end up working from very early to very late and my family is suffering from it because they don't read or change their mind and it's not my fault at all. 

    Also if I refuse they can just give me a low rating.. and they do anyway I see because I remind them what I can and cant do but try and do it anyway. 

    • Like 6
  4. I've been selling on Fiverr for many years, and I've noticed a concerning trend: people are increasingly neglecting to read the details of what they're purchasing. As an interior designer, the scope of my services is broad, but there are certain things I don't offer. I make this explicitly clear in the information I provide when clients contact me and in the FAQs, yet many still overlook it. I've tried to keep the wording brief and straightforward to avoid confusion.

    Has anyone else encountered this issue? 

    • Like 13
  5. 10 hours ago, kingpirux said:

    fiverr is sinking guys, dont be here dreaming that they will change anything, they are moving to other platform and Fiverr became a zombie managed by AI, i have no idea how souch a big company fall in the bulsht of leaving the entire management and user qualification to AI, is incredible because OpenAi and all the real AI companies don't recommend to use it as Fiverr is doing because of the huge failures, analyzing long stories term users will return random errors and wrong results (like happened, is happening and will keep happening).

    Why the front and clicks are over the AI related subjects ? or why there are so many fake agencies and fake accounts that only return automatic AI generated content? (there is an other post showing an account fullfilling more than 9 clients per minute) sorry for all the designers but fiverr is making their own AI generated fake accounts for that... at the end is a thing of money and fiverr management choose to go the easiest worst moral way.


    hopefully someone from here will have the knowledge to do their own fiverr (upwork is already implementing the same old system and other platforms as well) so i feel next months we will have tons of fiverr inspired platforms to work with. Is hilarious how wrong and bad this went, is going to be for the books of history on how AI manipulative methods is just inspiring people to get away from places and make their own version, because at the end, anyone here with chatgpt can create something like fiverr actually xD have fun, dont try to fix the system, fight the system.

    YOU: AI generated content? (there is an other post showing an account fullfilling more than 9 clients per minute) sorry for all the designers but fiverr is making their own AI generated fake accounts for that... 

    What is this? I don't get this. 🧐

    • Like 4
  6. Something has to change. The current rating system is flawed and disproportionately favours buyers over sellers. One glaring example is when working with clients who make you work for peanuts (unrealistic expectations with and demands) leaving sellers with virtually no room to provide our honest review reflecting this reality as you risk facing backlash in the form of their  'What do you really think?' sneaky Fiverr review..  It's an unfair situation where sellers are set up to lose. 

    • Like 10
  7. On 2/27/2024 at 6:35 AM, smartdezigns said:

    Yeah right.. but if buyer is not leaving any review then it should not be considered in calculating success scores. Totally unfair it is.

    100% agree on this. Example my husband will NEVER leave a review for anything positive. Never!  If he is not satisfied then he will complain. 

    • Like 14
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  8. 7 minutes ago, celestialsteps said:

    My proof that this new rating system is a total mess: 

    I have been on the top of or at least on first page of results for 3 years now. Numerous 5* ratings & tips and more than 4500 orders complete. 

    Now, I do not appear at all on the search results. I also see some new sellers appearing on the first pages that have copied my gig description word by word. They think that my wording was my reason for success, but this is far from the truth. 

    I reported the first one of these to Fiverr, the most obvious one, to see the result, and then I will go on doing this...  Some others have slightly changed the wording, but still, I identify my descriptions. 

    I had seen this happening before but didn't bother. 

    I'm sure that the quality of their work is not even close to mine if they can't even make up their own descriptions. They don't know what they are talking about. But they don't have any ratings, so probably are still waiting for their first order. But, the advanced AI system that rates us doesn't take these new sellers into account. 

    I'm just imagining my account being compared to the account of the person who has copied my description. I have a 4 score and nowhere to be seen, while this person is in the first results!


    This is real and also I relate fully. I see a lot that copy me and I find I can't even block them. I been offering my services since 2017 on Fiverr and going over and over word by word using every scrap of character space and taking hours to define my wording - updating it every few months so to be different to others who have actually copied me.  It's so unfair that all our hard work is going to poop in so many ways. To add, I can't even work out where I am going wrong in the Customer Satisfaction ratings fall. 


    • Like 9
  9. I had a look at your gig and I like that you have visuals and sample, however I would do more in the: About This Gig.  

    • Have your intro
    • What your experience is and any schooling
    • What you offer (in bullet-point) 
    • Finish it off with an ending

    You can take a look at my gigs - search my name and then click search usernames and check out how i have done mine. I have used this formatting for for a long time (2017).  Also make sure it is all 'Grammatically Correct.'


    Hopefully that will help you more 🙂



    • Like 7
  10. I completely understand your frustration. The situation you've described is not only inconvenient but also impacts your business efficiency and planning. I know it well. I also offer the zoom meeting and sometimes they are a no show and it really can take a lot of time out of your day.  I have had some other.. difficult issues with clients not signing off their work or amongst other things and overall I feel we have no control, when we should and this can cause a lot of stress and resentment.  

    • Like 7
  11. If your gig is losing rank there could be some factors to this but it's hard to know exactly. Fiverr is highly competitive and you need to keep evolving. 

    Here are some tips that help me: 

    • Check your best competition that sells the same with a similar price. What are they offering?  
    • Are you doing your best and are clients feeling they are getting good value for money? 
    • It is possible that they are giving you good ratings but giving you private negative feedback (this sux). Make sure you get back to your clients, touching base, asking if there is anything else you can do for them. Be connected to them. Also give updates every few days on where you are at. 
    • Always update your gigs. Never let your gigs go stagnant. Always think on improvements, can you offer something extra? Can you improve on your communication skills? How about the gig visually? Is there any room for improvement? 

    Best of luck.

    • Like 11
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  12. 2 hours ago, dutchbydesign said:

    And absolutely be original. Don't copy others. This is very noticeable and you open yourself to being banned from Fiverr. 

    Not understanding you why you think my comment is funny? I have found a lot of people copy my gig word for word: adding to your list that being original is important.. 

    • Like 5
  13. 18 minutes ago, xavierrebeiro said:

    When creating a gig description on Fiverr, it's important to make it clear, informative, and persuasive to attract potential buyers. Here's some key elements to include in your gig description:

    1. Title
    2. Introduction
    3. Description of Service
    4. Packages and Pricing
    5. Keywords and Tags
    6. Revisions
    7. FAQs
    8. Requirements

    And absolutely be original. Don't copy others. This is very noticeable and you open yourself to being banned from Fiverr. 

    • Like 7
  14. I 'try' and switch off all communications while working with an allocated work time slot.  Two hours is a good time to stop, have a break and stretch the legs and back. While having a coffee break, I catch up with messages on Fiverr.  Also, remember priority are the new possible clients.  While as older clients following up on work, is not. I am also fortunate to have a husband, who is my part-time admin for my our studio (but not always is he available, as he has a full-time job outside our studio.) Hope this helps you 🙂

    • Like 7
  15. I have not yet given any clients a 1 star (as yet.) I have come close. Especially to a lady who recently said a full two days work (done over a week) was only worth half of what was charged. I did the refund through Fiverr as it was milestones and she did not complain till the last delivery. Mind you, she loved the work.!! But expected unrealistic work to be done on the final delivery. Flabbergasted. So I was very close, to giving this client 1 star… but something held me back.

    How about you? What are your stories and why the 1 star to a client?

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