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Posts posted by webpie

  1. Hello Everyone!

    Fiverr should add a feature for partial refund. In current scenario, if you need to refund partially to any client, you don’t have any option to do that except to cancel the order and order again.

    In such type of refund you will get a cancelled order label, decrease in completion order ratio and decrease in listing/position in your niche too.

    There should be a feature in each order (Resolution center) where we can add the amount, which need to be refund and can keep the rest of amount.

    In this way you can mark yourself safe from the cancellation 🙂

    The most important thing 🙂 The review option should be disable in such cases because they clients are already like angry birds.

    What are your thoughts? Should we give the fiverr a suggestion? Please leave your comments!
    Thank you!

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